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íiiKiiain uo. JNews: tt e hope tliat in the mltlst of the festivities of the Uay, our citizens will remember the poor in our midst, and f rom theover-flowingsot the well-supplied tables, give them a taste of thanksirivIng cheer. Three Rivers Tribune: Judging from the sie of theaudienceatthethanksgiving services, the ritizens of Three Iiivers are a thankless crowcl, not over oue in 30 of the populiition hearkened to the injunctioa of the speaker. Adiian.Tiraes: On Thanksgiving day a colored woman, a great big one too, sat in the same pew, in a Washington cliurch with President Arthur and Ha sister Now what do the bourbon "nigger haters" propose to do n bout it? Lanaing Kepublican : The inmates of the reform scliool in tuis city, the State public school at Coldwater, and naariy othercharïtable mstittitions on Tlianksgiving day sadly missed the generous contributions and cheeriiijr words of the late ex-Governor John J. Bagley. Eaton Kapids Journal: Thanksgiving turkey and tlie usual accompaniments so demoralized tím oíBce, yesterday, that we are rather late with our paper. The subscriptions to the city poor fund amountcd tof28..4, to which was added $23.85 from the "Lapd of Nod" fund, niaking a total of Marine City Keporter: Then let the charity of the day not stop at home but tet tliose who have no reason for thankfulness gaze upon tlie silver lining of the cloud that surrounds them as the result of your kindness. A kind and sympathising word has cliarms at times unpurchnsable and with a commodity so cheap why dlstribute it sparingly? Grand Haven Herald: The John Bean in trying to make the harbor Sunday night truck the north pier, swungarouud it and dropped her anchor on the lee side. In the inornlng the life saving crew run a line from her around the pier and a tug pulled her out of her dangerous position, all of which is the reason why her captain was so thankfnl v(stprrlAv. Hastiiifis Banner: He who can be tliankful to-morrow for his own and his friends prosperity, may witli great trood graee make Iris needy neighbor rejoice as much thereat as he himself possiblycan. While we dine oa turkey it is not fair to allow some in our mid9t to feast on faith. The latter articlemay be essential in some cases but it is entirely out of place on a Thanksjfiving bill-of-fare. Cassopolis Vigilant: Notwithstanding the assassination of President Garfield, the treason of MacVeagh, the Western lloods and Eastern drouths, the horrible devastations by lire, the present ravages of smallpax and diphtheria and the prospective visitation of Asiatic cholera, we are offlcially notitied by President Arthur and Governor Jerome to gire thanks to-day- that things are 110 worse. Ovid Register: It is fitting then, at the proper seuson, in avo wal of our secret hope, we lift our liearu in uttered gratitude to tüe Ueing th:u lovcs to hear glad tidings frora uiaukiud. And what can be a more graceful si'n of winning courtesy ana cheery good will toward our fellow men than to offer np the fragrant incensé oí heartfelt thanks in fellowship with the coinmon brothcruood of a coniinon land? Lanslng Republican: Of course everybody was thankful, but it will take fully a week for many a poor overloaded stoinach to regaln itB normal condition. Turkey and cranberry snuce, minee pie, potatoes, oysters, ircserves, picklcs, riuh cake, candy, iiutü, tea, coffee, andabout 40 other tbings, too mimerous to mention, which go to in:ikiup a nrst-class Tlianksgiving dinner, are a fe arful array for a poor, weak toiuach to contémplate. Tuscola Co. Pioneer: Be thankful that you are not the young man who to-day for tne first time sits at the head of tbe table and caives. ín a frantic eíTort to find some hidden joint, should a wing, or a limb, or even tlie whole turkey be suddenly landed in the lap of the dear young maiden who ocrupies the next seat, be thankful you are not she- or ratlier, her dress. Will sucli u eVënt happen? We most emphatieully Siiy that what has been done, may bedone. Alas! wt know too well- from bitter, bitter ráperlence.


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