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Haatiugs Buumt: TIjc fellow who roada -uch a poor oxliibition OÍ niaiksinaii-hip 11 ïiis simt at QsttaM should lakt ¦ aouM f lesaona undcr Dr. CnTK, and tl"' P rnment ought to paj all the expeme. D SecraUry BlaJae lias any qaalmi .f eonidence in tbc matter we'll bead i wrttaorlpion witli $ö. Tuscola Coiinty Pioneer: tardy umi uncertain meeting oul oí JuaUce in tb nurta, to the depraved aaaassin ol the IIWlHrnt. ilMtltlf lliis pirit of veilde il llie public mimi. It' thcic NU i fecliug of ccrtaiiity thal crime wonM be proniptly aml eertainljr ponlabéd as t dcterrea at the banda of oar ooiuta ol juatke, thcre would be DO motive lor private perloei taking tlic wolk in hand. Lynch law ¦ lo lic depiecated; mit it usually row - ml of a lad f conlidcnce in the prompt ind eertaln dlapenaation of justicie In the Dowagiac Tinics: Guileau wants it di?tinctiy ondenttad thmt waataaaaewben he shot Garfield, licucc should not be pénïshed; but that the man who shot liim tinither day is sane be does not doubt, and ie thinks thr villian sbould puniïhcd, summarily. Brighton Citieii : Scoville, in hisdefensc of Giiiteau, says that the piisoner la not crazy.but lacks reasoniug powers- a polite way af calling hlm a fooi. lJerricn BprlDgl Kra: The amazing vanity, self-will, and egotism of Guiteau :ias been shown bv bk n-uuirkable perfoi mancc iu court. The posíibility that the poor fooi is not responsiblc lor hi (xluvor keeps one fiom Unpatteoce over the 'act that the officers treated him decently, and did not welt him over the head with a ctaih until lie lcarncd tf keep niouth closed. Deaf-Mutc Uliror. As Gulteau was beiiiL ihovihI iroiu the oourt iiouac to the prison lat Saturday, a man rode up to the van on horse-back and tired a revolver at liini. lie was not hint much, inerely receiving a scrutch on the wrist, but he was as badly icarad a tliouh lie liad been shot through the heart. Perhaps if the thing is kopt up soine onc may be able to scare him to death after a hile. He ougbt to be got rid of In soine way. (.rand Haven Herald : I'robably the A inerican press never fotind itself so unanimons as in its proiiotincenient upon tbc jiuilt ol' this tiiawin Occupying such various polnts of obseivation it would not be strange if diversities of opinión should appear. But such inditVerences do not appear. The eonviction seems universal that howtvei' badly iVlHIIJwl lic may be, he is not so deraned as u sliield him from responsibility. IyCelanau Enterprise: Tliis, totheuninitiutuU, l'tL 1'iU.o u tu. Ioik t'fee, and onc cutuiot fail to detect an inherent weakness IK our constitutional laws, when the head and representativo of a fice government can bc cut down witliout a monienfs notice by a dirty clown who is not worth the powder It would take to blow him into eternity, the government, during the interim of angulah preoeedlag the death of of the victhn, furulshing iinmuuity and the best of board to the dirty dog and furnisliinp him with moncy for his defeiise. 'J"he plea of insanity is thethinnest dodge that was ever.iuteiposcd between a miirderer and even liauded justice, und we sincerely ho]e, for the honor of our country and our laws, it may not prevalí. Adrián Times: The üuiteau trial U sorcly tryinj: the patience of the country. The eonviction Is gaining riound tliat the rcsult will be an assertion of insanity, and then some man ill put an end to the egotistic fooi by shooting him. Penton Independent : The trial of the assassiu Guiteau still progresses slowly in Washington. The counsel for the defense bases his case all upon the insanity of the accused, with little chance of his showing that he is anyUiing but mi egotistical scoundrel. The re are too many cranks running around loose and it is time some of tliein were sent home. North Kranch Oazette ! The biggest htimbug of the day, and the one that gets the most free advertbing, is Guiteau. Ctratiot Journal : The insanity dodge in Guiteau's case is being played exceedlngly flne. If, as his friends allegc, they considered him insane for years, why iu the name of God did thcy not have him shut up in an insanc asyliim long ago, and not allow such a dangerous maduiaii to tlms roani at large? Three Rivers Tribune: The country will not be Eatlafled with the plea of insanity as a reaaoa for not hanging Guiteau. Sane or insane, hang him, is the sentiment that flnds almost universal expression. He has sense cnough to know what it all means, as bas many another worthless crank that is watching his trial with interest. LitchHeld Gazette: Guiteau sayg he will leturc after his trial. Presume that the (U'vil will not charge him any hall rent. Cassopolts Vigilant: Sergeant Ifaaaa was blamcd by the popular voicc for poor marksmanship rather thau for unsoldierlikc conduct, and the would-bc assassiu who shot at Guitcau last Saturday, has the best wishes of thousands for his escape. M'iutcalm Herald : Guiteau's counsel pioposts to jirove Guiteau's insanlly liv ihOWiOf that his fathoi1 was not a man of well balanced intellect, that his two uucles were insanc, and that two aunts also died orazr, and bout these aunts had insanc cliiliiren. If they prove all this, the sooner Guiteau is hung the better; it wouldn't be safe to leave hiin alive. That sort of breed oí humanity ought to run out as soon as possible.


Ann Arbor Courier
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