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1SS2 1QS2 THE DETROIT POST Al TRIBUNE Tli.e ITe-wspapei of Xvilclxigratn- RADICALLY AND CONSISTKNTLY REPUBLICAN. Thi Dïtboit Poiit and Tuibuk has n Mttbllshed repuUilon as oae of lrading newspaper In the great North-west, nd in the f.reraot eiponent of Republican principies íd Michigan. During the coming jer do vffort will be opared 10 msnluii lts prooi pre-eminence. The jear wlll b oue of great commercial and politica! actlritj, and the paper ibnuld be read in ívctj family in the state. The newa department of Thi Pot ahd Pbibcne will he espectally lull and complete. Ite large torce of state correspondente, IU special representatives in New York, Washington, Chicago and other newa centrea of the county, and It large and weli-organl.ed forcc in the home olflce, leave it without a rival In Michigan In lts fatllltie for gathering and presenting the news of Ihe day, whether local, state or natlonal. By the railrtMil constructlon of the present yoar the dlnVrent seetlona of Michigan art' mor clonely linked than ever before. It wlll be tbe alm of The I'ostahd Tkiüuni to furnish fulland tlmcly Information of all industrial moveroent, and of all material progresa made in cvary portion of the state. The editorial page oí the paper wlll keep ab'east of Ihe cventsof the day, and wlll dlscuss w i th candor and wiih tbc best Information that can be obtalned (rum cvery avallable source, all issues suggested by current event. It will support zealousiy me principie of the Repnbllcan party, and will ald to the utmost of iu abilky In securing a pure, honest and i'conomlcal admlnlïtration of public HflairK. lts commercial rciorts have been receiiUj extended and will h.' kept ful) and accurate. In lts mtscellanoous department It will furnixh the choiceBt of readlng matter, Ixith in prose and Terse, original and elected. It will bc kept pure in character, clevated in tone and In sympathy with the best moral semiment in the communlty. For the rural and village communüy Tb Wiski.t Post and Ttibuk Is especlally valuable. 'Ihe LiTTiu Boi lurnlshcs in the couire of ajear a vaot anionnt of valuable luformation on varlcty of topic. The IIeabth and tlAU, furnluhesan admirable medium lor exchanging views npon home subject". The Abricultural Uepahtmknt and Kakrs Letter B"i, which have rocently been enlarged in thelr scope, are invaluable to all llllers of the (il. effort or expense wlll be sparcd In making The Post and Tribukb the most attractive, best arranged and most complete F A M I L NKWSI'APBKever publlxhed In Michigan, a late, the sterling worth of whoee people H admiren and in rbOM pnnmi anl prosperitT It hs ehared. TKRMS: ivr su Thrae annnm. nintt's. moiith. f),HT n 01 ÍS 1 t M Trl-Wwklj 5 00 1 I ¦ Weeklt 1 M ¦"' " Weekly, In clubs of 10 I lr annum. For M 75 wlll . nd THK WEKKLÏ POST AMtTIIIRI M) lor onr }pr nd MM ( Blurall) ol lin'ndlrr wltli llUrodiullon b) Hou. Jhmi.- i. Blaiil. The blorali la al S nart volume of 4 Ui pacf. ïirlnled on eavv tlnted ht, prol u'l Illimtratcd, mid boiind In cloih, gold and black enaiiK I. No liner pcrliiien ol tlie prlnier' and hlail r' art a ever Uu. I In ¦ .(.uiiirj. Thf book ha liever bren old lor I. ¦ tlian fi AO, and man thou¦and -'I' " have been dlxpooed ol In the northern State al that prlce. TRIAL 8UBSCRIPTION8, TUREE MÜNTHS Thü Weiklt Post ami Tribine wíl! bc sent on trial to ncw subscriben three monihs for iö cents. Thls offer is Intended to introduce the piper to redr unacquainted with its merita, and no one now taking the paper can take advantage of tnl offer whlch appües only to neu) tubtcribert. All postage prepaid. Specimen coplea free. Remitunce my oe ent at onr risk by drafis on Detroit bank, money orders or in registered letters. Kltfht Hundred Dollar in Premiuini to ageuts, In addltion to liberal terms for canvasser. Send íor agente' circulare, specimen copies, etc. AddreMTHE POST AND TKIBINK, UKTRUtT. EVERYTHING NEW CLEAN AND NKAT AT J. J. GOODYEAirS DU STORE NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STREET, (The old Orenvllle drug tore stand.) One of the Ireshest. (Inent, largest and bet stock of JJ)rugs and Medicines. "Wines and Liquors, And all other goode kept In a flret-clasa drug store, to be found In the city of Ann Arbor. PRESCRIPTIONS. Accurately and carefully prepared at all hours of the day or night. We elve thls our especial attention. CALL AND 8EE US. J". J. GOODYEAR, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STRBKT. Estáte of Sarah A. Ken wiek. QtTATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahteuaw. Bil At a seseton of the Probate Court for the County o! Washtenaw, holden ut the Probate üfllce, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the 25th day of Novembcr in tbc year one ttaousand elght hundred and elghtyone. Present, Wllllam D. Harriman, J adge ol Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Sarah A . Kenwick. deeeased. Tcmperance Kenwick, theadmlnlsiratrlx of t-did estáte, comes lnto conrt and represente that ebe Is now preparea u reuuc i.„. an.i munt as such administratrix. Thereopon lt Is ordered, that Saturday, the lïtb day of December next, at ten o'clock In the iorennon, be assigned for examlntng and allowing such account, and that the heirs at law of eald deceased, and all other persons lnterested In saíd estáte, are requlred to appear at a sesslon of sald court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, In naid county, and show cause, If any there be, why the sald account should not be allowed. And it Is farther ordered, that satdadmlntetratrix give notice to the perdona interested In said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thls order to be publmhed In tbe Ann Arbor Couriér, a newapaper printed and clrculatlnir in sald connty, two suecessive week previoue losalddayof hearing. (Atruecopy) WILLIAM D. HAKHIMAN. Judge of Probate. Wil. G. DOTY. Probate Register. 1067 69 Estáte of Jobn Henier. QTATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss Ata sesslon of the Probate Conrt for the County of Waehtenaw bolden al the Probate office, ie Ihe city of Ann Arbor, on Thuraday, the firttt day of Deeem ber, In the year one thousand elght hundred and riijhty-oni1. Present, Wllllam D. Harrlman, Judge of Probate. In ihe matter of tbe estáte of Jobn Hrnley, dec-aned. On readint; and filing the petltion, duly verifled.of Johnson W. Knlgbt. one of thesdnilnisIrators of naid estáte, praying that be and Kben .r Wells, adminislratorn, or either of Ibem, may be licensed to sell the real estáte wbereof sald deceased dled seized. Tberenpon lt t ordered, that Thursday, the twentynlnth day of December, next, at ten o'elock In the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said peÜUon, and that the betre at law of iaid dcceaccd, and all other persons Interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sensmn of said coart, ttiu to be holden at the l'robute office. In the city oi Ann Arbor, and show cause, lf any there be, why thf prater ol the petitioner should uot be fraated. And it Is lurtliiT ordered, that sald petitioner givinotice to the persons Interested In said estáte, oí tbe pendency of said petltton, and the hearing theri'of, oy causlng a copy of thls order to be pnolitthed in the Anti Arbor Oourier, a uewspaper prinU'd and circnlaied In said counly, three succeislve weeks prevlous to aid day ol hearln. (A true copy.) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Juilse of Probate. WM. G. DOTY. Probate Heelster. 1007-70 Hortgare Sale. DEFAl'LT havlng been cade In tlie conditlons of a certain indenture of mortat;e executed by Huhey McLauifliliu and Mary Ann McIjiul'IiIIii, hls wlfe, of Sylvan, Washtenaw counly Michigan, to Rice A. Bal, bearin date the Twety-Third day of May, A. D , 1878, and recorded In the office of register of deeds for the counly of Washtenaw, In the iiate of Michigan, od the twenly third day of May A. D.. 1878, In liber 56 ol mortnaue. on pae :i24, by which the power of sale coutalned iherein has become operatlre, on which mortttat'e there is claimed to bo doe on the Zld day of Mav, A. D., 1H81. two yearly installments of interest on said principal euro, belng $414, together with an attorney's fee of (30, provided for in said mortgage, in all the snm of four hundred and forty-lour dollars ((444), and no proceedtugs baving been lnstltated to recover Haid sum or any part thereof. Notice therefore is hereby glven, that on Friday, tbe 13ih day of January, A. D , 1882, at 10 o'clock In the rorenoon, at the east front door of Ihe court house, in Ihe city of Ann Arbor, In the sald counly of Washtenaw, sald mortiraire will beforeclosed by Tinne of the power of salé thereln contained, by a sale at public auction, to the hlghest bidder of the mortïaged uremisei described iu said raortgaKC or o inuch thereof as may be sufflclenl to sallsfy the amonnt due on said mortifagf, vix : The south-eaat qaarter f1) of the soutbwest quarter ('' of bcctiuu thirty-nve (35) In towushlp one (No. Ij noulh of range tbree (3) east, In the township of Lyndon. Also the north part or the nonh-wst fraciloual quarter of sectlon two In townsblp two BOQth of range tbree east in the townshlp of Sylyan, and all that part f sectloo three. townshlp and range last aforesaid, known bounded and describcd as l'ollows. to-wit : Beginning at the north-e&st corner of said section tnree, running thence weat on tbe nortb line of said section about -eventy rtMls. thence south parallel wlth the east Ilue far rm'ingh to Inclnde wllnin a line drawn east parallel with the north line of said section to the east line of said sectiou, thence aast to section line, and tbencc north to the plac of beglnning, belng In all one hundred and sixty-cight and 28-100 acres of line more or leas. Dated. October 21.-1, 1S81. K. A. BEAL, Sawtik Kowi,ton, Murtjfagee. Altorneys for Mortgagee. 1061-78 AU kinds of prlullng and Job work wlll be don at Thi Codeiíb offloe In btUr atyle and at ebeaper ratea than at any otlier bout.


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