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for wedding cake received. Annie Louisc C'urv at Universlty Hall toThere was skating on cortain pondl on Thanksgivinjr dajr. Wooil is coming iuto towu Hvely this werk, and there ia a grcat dcinand for it. Tlie first teams crossed tlie new Huron lüver bridge at Swift'l mili on Tuesday lart. ______ Mrs. .1 i'lniMiii. the fortune teller, is making money now, the marriage season is ut hand. Mark Wade, traveling passenger agent for the Grand Trunk railway, was in the city last Tuesday. Wagner and Taylor have procured the agency for the Columbia bicycle. Thoy intend to start a riding school soon. Si viral dollars worth of clothing were stolen from linos between Main street and the Park, on the night of the fire. Tlirough the kind remembrance of Mr. .T. E. Field of Alpena, we have been enjoyIng a treat of very choice venison. The Fenton Independent is respousible for the statement that partios from Ann Arbor atteiu'.ed a hop tbere ThankSKiving eveulnj;. The Knightsof Muccaliees will meet next Monday night In Odd FeUowi hall for the transaction of important business. A full attendance is desired. Indian summer is on the war path, but like the poor Indian himself finds the propensities for foul weatlier too strono; for niaking much of a show. niaking much of a show. J. Hauser now sleeps in the engine house and lias liis teams in readiness to draw the steamer to fires, tlws savingthe boya niany a long and wearisome pull. As an instauce of petty thieving, S. James had stolen froni liiscarriage, during the lirst part of the week, a shawl at one time and a good wliip at another. Cord wood is reported to be selling at $.'i.00 per cord at Chelsea, while t has been almost imposslble to get the same article for $7.00 liere during the past week. A colored man, by the name of John Robinson, was severely injured last Wednesday, from being struck by a plank at Swift's mili, and knocked into the river. The Hou. J. V. Campbell will deliver an address on the life and character of the late Dr. Williams in University Hall, on Sunday next, Dec. 4th, at 3 o'clock p. m. The South Lyon Excelsior has appearcd again, Charles H. Davis of thia city went down to help them out. Three of the tirm are recovering from an attack of typhoid fever. The Lansing Rcpublican says, Geo, W. Knight of Ann Arbor, formerly principal of the high school in this city.ate his Thanksgiviiiir turkey with his Lansing frieuds. Mrs. S. Hinman was taken with a severc attack of erysipelas on Thursday of last week, and lies in a critical condition at present. She is a daughter of Mrs. J. S. McDowell. m The Bankei's Daughter troupe cancelled an engagement at Fenton to give a second entertainment here. The Fentonites don't seem to be very well pleased about the matter either. Kev. Mr. Shank of Dixboro report that there is considerable sickness in that neighborhood, mostly from typhoid fever, There have been five deaths in that vicinity withIn the past two months. We receivcd a copy of the action taken by the University Senate in regard to the death of ex-President Tappan too late for publication this week. Wc will poblilh it In full next week. Two wcather doors lmve been erected in ïrontof the St. James Hotel. This does not add much to the beauty of the street, however much it may add to the comfort of the inmates of the St. James. Judging from the store Windows we are inclined to the opinión that Christmas and New Years will euchre Thanksgiving's lone hand out of all claims to remembrance on the part of the juveniles of Ann Arbor. Last evening Golden Hule Lodge F. and A. IC. clected offlcers as follows: D.C.Fall, W. M.; O. II. Stowell, S. W.; Jas. B. Gott, W.J B. F. Watts, Treas.; N. D. Gates, Sec.; Jno. N. Gates, 8. D. ; G. Monroe, J. !; Jas. Peacock, Tyler. A8 the Holidays approach it should be remembered that the Couhier ofllce is prepared to do anything in the printing or binding line. Music can be preserved only by being bound and we have a special binding for that class of material. The members of the Ann Arbor Musical Society are requested to meet at J. R. Sage's musie store, No. 4 Washington St , next Monday evening at 8 o'clock. This wffl bethe lust meettag this year and the ccretary requests a full attendance. 1oor master L. Davis reports 70 inmates W the county house at present, a smaller "umber tluI, Uillal Thc].e ,mve becn mon ueaths thau uSUai this yeari this county fur "'slung the University with quite a number oodies. Tramps when healthy and rong are allowed to pass on, and find free 'rd at some other lodging house. The ¦ and the feeble are oftcn given a ticket o some place toward the end of their desnnation. Kconomy is the watchword at t"e county hotae. Last Friday mornlng, as freiglit engioa No. 127 was pulling out of tlic east switch. two cars in the mlddle of the tnln Jumped the track, ddaying the Jucksun exproa east, and the üay Bim wwt, iLout four hoon, Xogrcat dwufa WMdone, bowcver. Froui the Lansing Uepublican we learn that Mrs. Scoville, sister of Guiteau, was once a pupil of the artist, Mrs. Laura E. Burr of Lansiug. Mrs. Burr at that time was teaching a elass at Aim Arbor, and Guiteau's sister lived with her aunt, Mrs. Maynard. On Monday evening next there will bc :i musical at the resldencc of Dr. Frieze for the benefit of ;the Ladies' library. An essay on Beethoven will be read anti mode from that composer rendered an admission feeoffifteen cents wil! be charged. All are invited. ? The smiling face of the town clock did not beam forth upon the outside world as usual last Sunday and Monday nights. Fond parents should not censure their tardy sous and daughters for not being in earlier on those nights as they could not see what time it was. The class of boys that Mrs. M. L. Clark, nee Miss King, has taught in the M. E. Sunday School called on that lady on Wednesday night leaving a beautiful present :is i token of the respect and kindly feeling with which they regard her and h;ive llstened to her teachings. George Lutz and Miss Mary Clinton were n)irriedThur8dayevenng,Xoveinber24th, by the Rev. Father Fierle. The wedding took place at the residence of the bride's parents on Catherine street. Monday evening the happy_ couple were treated to a grand oíd charivari. ine weemy recital of the A. A. School oi Music will take place In the general lecturc hall next Monday afternoon at the usual hour. The public are cordlally invitnl. Miss Ida Belle Winchelll will repeat u portion of the programme of her late public piano recital in Detroit. C. P. Russell, of Detroit, organizad a lodge of I. O. G. T., Monday evening, with the following offlcers: W. C. T., .1. A. Buss; W. V. T., Miss M. Brown; W. Sec, P. D. Woodruff; W. Treas., C. Boylan; W. T. Sec, A. O.Crozier; W. 1. G.Miss M. Sessions; W. O. G., James G. Prlce. The Toledo, Ann Arbor & Grand Trunk railroad will have a new general superintendent after December lst. II. D. Woodford is the man that has been appointed to that position. He has heretofore held a similar position on the Fort Wayne & Jackson road, which lie also will continue to hold. The flrst of the series of Civil Service lectures will be a lecture by Prof. C. K. Adanis before the Univeralty Civil Service Society iu the law lecture room on Saturday evening next His subject will be the "Civil Service of Englaud, the Oíd and the New." these lectures are free and ever one is lnvited to attend. Walter O'Brien of Ann Arbor town in trying to step aside to allow a train on the M. C. R. R. to pass him near the city milis a few days ago was struck by the step of one of the cars in such a manner as to break one of his arms. He says that the cars carne yery near drawing him beneath thein. Fraternity lodge F. and A. M. elected the following offlcers last Wednesday evening: W. M., Judge W. D. Harriman ; S. W., C. B. Davison; J. W., Sed James; Treas., W. B. Smith, M. D.; Sec, Wm. Stimpson; S. D., C. J. Durheim; J. D., S. McLaren; Tyler, Thos. Taylor. Rev. Mr. Sunderland speaks sext Sunday on the following subjects : Morning, "True Faitli, or the Faith that really Suves Men." Bible class, (12 m.) "Has God made a Revelation of Himself ? and if so. in wliat form?" Evening, "The Genesis Legend of the Flood." The evening dircourse will be prefaced with some remarks upon the recent utterances of Rev. O. B. Frothingham. There was a new Germán society organized last Saturday at the residence of the Rev. II. F. Belser. The purpose of the society is to assist the members in learning to talk and to read Germán. The society starts out with about twenty members, and with the following offlcers : President, E. T. Lohr; vice-president, Victor Peters ; secretary, E. Grieser; treasurer. Miss M. Lohr. It goes by the name of Eintrachts Verein, and will meet every Saturday. The University,Musical Society will render in University Hall on Friday evening, December 9th, the "Oratorio of Creation," by a grand chorus of about ninety voices. The soloist will be Miss Emma Hekle, of Chicago, soprano; Rechob Tandy, of Buffalo, tenor ; Franz Remraertz.of New York, basso, The people of Ann Arbor ought not to let the fact that this is given by the University Musical Society prejudice them against the entertainment, but their shouid be a large atidience to listen to this concert. Wednesday morning at a quarter before three o'clock, fire was discovered In the direction of Relief Park. An alarm was sounded but owing to the scarcity of water in that place, the fire company did not go over. The flro proved to be in the beer hall, and it was entirely consumed in a short time. This structure was built one year ago last spring at a cost of $700, and was insured for f300. At the time of the fire there were stored in the building a number of lamps used for illuminating the grove, also a large can of kerosene oil was in the house. This aided in niaking a very bright light. Company A intends to fit up her new hall so that it will be the finest annory in the State. There will be at the east end three rooms; a ladies' waiting room, a gentlemen's dressing room and a store room. Both rooms will be supplied wtih warm cold water. The musical instruments when not in use will be kept in the store room. There will be thlrtynine closets on the north side, each large enough to nccomniodate two men. The guns will be kept in racks made for that purpose and placed in the south part of the]hall arranged in a circle. It will be heated by steam and will make a number one ball room as wcll as armory. A young lady residing on Liberty street visited Detroit recently to make some purfhllM While roaming about the streets "seeing the sights,'1 her attention was attracted by a fine display of candies and nuts in a window. Desirlng to purchase some of the sweetmeats she entered and found herself in the midstof a lotof topers and in a saloon. She turned and bolted into the street leaving the door open and not waiting to say good bye. We have known young men to teil such stories when they come home from Detroit, but thêir associates wink at each other and nod knowingly,;as much as to say "we understand." Wc do not, however, remember of ever having heard such a story from a young lady of strong temperance proclivities before. The animal meeting of the South Eastern Michigan Bce Keeper's Association will meet at the court house in Ann Arbor, Thursday, Dec. 15th, 1881, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the election of offlcers for the ensuing year and snch other business as may come beforo tho meeting. All Intcrcstec BK invited to attend. The following sub Jecö will lie dtocuawd: The Coming Bee- lr. Ashley. Vpsilanti; New Kacesof Uee - l'rol'. Bteere, I nivri'Mty of Michigan Bee Killers- J. Collins, I,yiidon ; Queet lfeaiïng- C. K. Bennett, Whitmore Lake Blacksn. Italiana- O. Douglass,; Living stone county; ünitinpr Bees- N. Á. Prud den, Ana Arbor; Voeding Boes- I.. W Bodwell, Ann Arbor; Cypron Bees- Chas. Davis, IhImti, and Wintering Bees- ,T. n Muiduck, Dexter. The ncxt enteitainmt.'nt in Unlversity Hall vill be giren by Annie Louise Can urilted by the Boston Temple Quartet Mlat C'ury's powers as a vocalist are too wtll known to need nientioning here. She is drawing large houses everywhere this season. An exchange says: "The popularity of Annie Louise Cary is quite phe nomenal. She gave a concert In Washington on the 13th uit., and even the window sills were engaged at big prices." Whoever fails to hear her will miss the best entertainment of the season. Oarlyle Petersilea is the pianist. The following from the Lowell Mail is one out of the many recommendations that he calis from the pn-s. "Few artists possess the power to interest an audlence as he does. In the Uubinstein etude, op. 23, he made a crecendo that for intensity of power we have never hcard eqaalled but by the composer hlmself." The Temple Quartet consisting ol Messrs. fleo. J. l'arker and Geo. W. Want, tenor, and H. A. Cook and A. C. Ryclei-, basses, will assure the citizens and studeiits that theycauuot affordto miss the entertainment.


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