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SURE REWARD, CÏTEAP HOMES IN ÜIIIIH.AV HALF MILLION ACRES siPLiEirsriDii} FARMING LA1S l-OK SALE RV Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad Cornpcmy. Railroad Completed Through Center of Lands. I)i iiot M West or SoulJi nutll ,„ lern liat Michigan oir.-r.s Int(.ii' nirm.T,. Yo eu do botter „ith T ¦Me; nearer home. " I,anls rieh, drj, an.l grentljr rolli,. lii.i .crc.l inalnly with S.iKar M.dU Kook Kim, HasMvmxl., Henh HÍ' lock, ote., and are cll waterecl by HU.' rixis aud .sprinif brooks. "' Sironir soils, lint' NTOM, livalthy u mate, schools aml chorehes, intelllr,' populatinn, inaliily Trom Eastern Stiu and Canada. w For Books, Mups, et : . W. 0. HUGHART. I.AM) C'OMMISSIOIIKR, GRAND RAPIDS, M1CH rJITLK 1'EUFECT. S-1W I The Loading Tcy & Faacy Qsods ïSssJ OF M1C11. When lisiting the City of Detroit do nol failto HtYN'S BAZAAR, Formerly Kussd! H„UBe rtazaar, which is now locaUul Hl .,.! Woodward a.enue, furmtr sund of the olu ALHAMBEA D0LLA2 STOBE. Theie Iwo well-known places of public nauon. e have raCCnÜI been omsolidated unier ooe management, and we desire to cali special attenUon 10 our Urge and well belecteiUiue nl' Toys, Fansy (Joods, Jewelry, Platd Ware, Whitney Children's Carriages, Velocipedes, Espress Wagons, 4c, k Whirh wc wil! continue to teil at populr priecs. An early cali is respeclfullv sulicittt H. HEYN & BBO„ HEYN'S BAZAAR, 92 WOODWARD AVE., DKTHU1T, MM II. ; k Newlllmt. H tel Priof-Liit Ê m No. 31), W WBP r KallandWmttroflHSl. Kro tonny address. Contain full deacription of uil kinds of gooit for penonaJ Hiul f:iniil_v us". We deil (iircTtly wilh ÜM I IIWIIII ir aml stil all iioiis in anv quantity at vholtmle price. Vun c;in boy bettier and chekper tlian at liome. MOXTGOMEHY WAKD & CO. ifranil 229 Wabash Avenoejchicagojll lll'-'.-T7 RAILROAOS. AT ICHKÏAN CKNTKA1.KAILK0A1. Time Table. Sov. 1. IHHI. GUIÑO WBBT. - i íilffiíUii i.. i.. r, r. . Dutrull...LT... 7 00 9.35 5.r Q. T. Judc 7.15 96 li.l Wayue Jiidc... 7.BÍ 10.44 6.42 4.46 8.45 H . Ypeilaati S.M 1U.4 7.05 5.05 l HM AtiuArbur 8.4CU 00 T. 5.M .2S[ll.K 1$ Dexur.„ KJM 7.48 6JS 9.441 7 Cheleea... 9.2 8.06 5.5J 1U.U) 7. GraxLake SI.80 8.32 6.1S 10.30 7 P.H. A.H. Jackson June. 10.10 8.M U Jclt.ju 10 ÍU 18.15 6.55 11.06 ll UI Albion ll.M 12.60 7. 11.65 1.16 ia Marshall 11.50 LSD _ 5 8.08 1Í.20 17 r. . S" BattliCrwk.... 12.19 15 T 8.41 lá.47 1O210 Á. M. Oalesburg tJU i. u. 9irs 1.17 11.11 Kalnmaio 1.13 iM 4.50 .S5 1.85 'J.45 lia Lawton.„ 1.52 UB 2.13 lili Decatnr 2.07 5.42 182 M. Dowaslac Í.4B 6.07 8.07 14 Mies 2.55 4.04 6.5() 3.27 4.15 IJH Buchanan 8.08 7.02 8.42 1B Threeüak.... 3JW 7JÍ7 4.U' . NewBnfTalo... 83 4.52 7.40 4.35 ...... IS Mtcb.Clty 4.S3 6.11 8.0H 6.O? 5.M 3J lAtte. 5.18 6.02 8 54 5.51 .1S 4t KenslnKton.... B.UU B.50 Ï.45 6.40 7.1U i Chlcaci.Ar... 6.S0 7.40 1O.: 7. S.oU eOIH XA(T. .o. = &l -ál -1& IÍ ?_ ga ? ?a jjg. A.H. i. H. PH f. '¦ Chlcago..Lv. 7.00 S.00 3.40 5. J K335ton. 7.50 8.80 4.SO _. . W Lako.... M6 107 6.1H ¦ g jflcb.rity... 'J.25 11.13 6.00 7.3S 11 Nm Buffnlo D.5U 11.33 6.25 " ThroeOakn10.03 6.40 ...._ Bachanan.... 10 J0 r. u. 7M - ., . IJ Nilef 10.45 12.1K T.S7 9.00 tt Dowagiac... ll.M 8.06 U Decatur 11.88 8S3 ' Lawwu n.&ó 8.53 k. h L 12.38 l„38 8.0 6.50 105 U Ualwburg... 12.53 - ".08 .- Batile Cretk Ï.ÏS 2.15 jS 7.S8 ll.( U Maroball 9.17 3.00 B 8.OB lli U Albiun 2.W S.21 ? 8.S2 11.69 Ü i.H. i.M. Jack!OD,.Lv. S.45 4.05 7.15 9.30 14.45 U Or8 Lake.. 4.10 7.40 8.50 U Cbilee 4.40 8.03 10.07 . - U alter 5.00 8.17 10.19 Ani.Arbot... 5.22 6.07 8.40 104 1.06 U Yusllautl 5.3 5.M SM 10.48 . Ij; WayneJunt 6.(8 5.45 9.17 11.08 2.44 1 U.T.Junc... 6.36 B.15 9.45 11.S6 S. 1 Datrolt...Ar 6.50 6.80 10.00 11.50 .5 SunJay uxceptcd. jatnrday & Sunflaj xcep tDalIy. HlMRT C. WlHTWORTB, H. B. LlDIA, G. I'. Je T. .1.. Chicago. Gtn'l Svp't., ftW' ry OLKD( ), AN N AHBOR & G. T.Ü Tlm' ar.1 of Of-t. f. Hfe- OINB HORTH. onlW J_x tè.10 Lv Tulcdu Af.' Tolsdo ?¦ ] ij S Uetmit .Juuciiun 'fl' ii. llalhorn Samarla ... (t 17 '7 "i i.niu MoiirueJnnctkra... !' „ i 17 Duudre ¦¦ Milán 10.04 7 .48 Nura 10 11 : .u, urania. 10 Ü s M Witífleld. ., AnuArt.or '¦! jí Wordena 1ÏÏ tu ..South Lyon-.IrJ H.g tDally, except Sunday. 'ñau eulion. The Local Frelht, goliiK norlh, leave ToleO' 6.0Oa. m.. urrivlnií ut aiid Arbur at 'J.40 t.m.,"' boalta Lyon t 10.55 a. m. ,m The Local Fn-ight, Rolnsr fonlh, leaTefoolBi- at 2.40 p. io., aud Aun Arbor at :.0 p. o.""" at Toledo ai 7.45 p. in. u Tralrnwillbt ruu by Colnmbat time, a rto" the dock in Ihe Kuieriiitiidviit olllcc at TolJH. V. ASHI.BY, Snuertateno plNCl.NNATI, 11AM1LTON ] DAVTON K. K. Traliií leave Toledo : 7;15 a. m.. 10:55 a. m., 10 PJ ArrlTe at Clncinnatl: 3:& p. m.,7:10p. m.,6.11-1 D. B. TitACY, Pa Agettt. K pORT W A Y NK & JACKSONR f netrolt A Indlanapoll UI)T Michigan Central Kailrood from A"? to Jackson. Tralne leave Aan Arbor as followi IndtaDapoli BzpreM síi Pt. Wayne Accoruodailon i ? '. tí ñl i ClDcluuati Expreaí "" r All train Ierre by Chicago time. l'rocure ticket at Aun Arbor or Jackson. 8500 REWAED 1 Llvr Coraplaiui, Dyapewla, Slck He,,, i ith Wt' Vegeubl.; Liver Wlta, when tt llou are suictly complied wltli. . J, -TnV 8 Veeotable, and nev.r fail to glve.a !¦" OT 2 Cotd. Large hoxe, contaminK A) p11'"; „lfrf. Fur -ale ly all drnirgUU. Beware ot coMJ 0 aud tml'atlone. The nuine "ÍSPmÜ." ' by JOH C. WEST Jt -'O-."Th ""ifSrtiM 4 183 W. Madlon SL, Chicago. r"!lmt¦oi.l by mail prepald on reteipt of a S cent -


Ann Arbor Courier
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