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TO GRWERS, PACKERS, HUCKSTERS, AND THE GENERAL '. The ICinss Jttakcr, O35O3SF3S A New Proccss ibr Preserving all Perishable Articles, Animal and Vegetable, from Fermentation and Putrefaction, Retaining their Odor and Flavor. "OZONE- Purified air, active state of oxygen."- Weiwtbk. Thl" Preservativo I not a liquid, plckle, or sny of tbc old and exploded processe, bot I slmply and purely OZOHB. produced and applled ly au eutlrely new proceaa. OZOSB la the aotlwptlc principie oi every mibalauci", ud poeeae the power to pracwra animal and vegetable trucitire irom decay. TIktc Ih uothlngoB the fare of the -nrth lialilc to ileruy or ioil lilch OZOVK. ii- l'ri'airviitlvc'. III not iichci' ¦ for all time in a inriVctl lrrh and palatahle i liimn. The valne of OZONE a a natural presever heen known tn our abler chemi-t for faun, but niilil now do mean ofproduoinK il tu a practica!, laexpeaRivc, aod almpl maant aaw been diKonroa. MlcroHCoplc observationa prove tlmt deca is due to aeptic maiti :- -rriH tliat dt-vlp Hiid feed upon animal and vegetable atrnctnra. OZONE, appltod by the Preatlaa motkod, ielaea nnd drstroy ttiese Kerm t once and thus preaerves. At uur offices In ciuctnuati can bc ee.u ulmosi cvery amele ilinl can be thonetat of prenerved by thle proces and every vlsltor I welcome to come In, . wke war witb him, aod tent in urery way the meriu of UZONB a t preeervaiive. We wfll also prctwrve, tr. e of coarte, any iirlicle that I brought or sent prepald to ue, and return it to the pender, for lilui to keep "'" KUOH can be treated at a cont of less than one dollar a thoosund dozen, and be kept in an ordinary room lx month or more, thoroughly preservo, the yolk held in ite normal condiuun, and ihe kk ae freh and perfect aa on the day tbey were treated, and wil] mII as -trictly ¦ cholee." The arivantage in preserving exit i readily eeen; there are eeasons hen tliey can be boufct for 8 or iu ¦-Hr a dozeB. and by holdlnu them can be old for an advaoce of from one. nundrtd to threo .r Ml, Om man with tui method i-hii praerv ELOQO domo ¦ day. V IU" ITM niiiT be permllted to rlpen in their nat tve enmate, uinl can be titin-[nirted to any part of the workl Thjtilce eawwl Imin ïmlf cao he heul for un Indellnlte uerlo' wltni henee the great valuc of thlx procwa lor prududiiK a MpiiMM bevaraf Milk and eider can be beid ntfrfectly fweet anv Irnir'h of time. VFIaFTIkHliKM oan be kept for an indefiuite period in their natural condiilou. retaininü iheir odor and flavor. trtated m their orllnal packages, at a small aspWM. All ifrain, fiour. meal, etc., are Md in their normal emwlítion. KKF.MII JIKATN, nch a !¦(, rnntton. veil. pork. poultry, snm-. fl-h, etc., preerved by tilla incthod, can Ik uhipped to Europe. (bJOCtui to inrit' chaue, and retiini u roiimry iu n itate BUTTERAFTEa 8EING TREAIED BY IHI5 PROCESS WILL NOT BECOME RANC1D, Dead human bodie, Mri before decompositlon asti in, can be held in a na'unl condlttpD for ert-, without punctuilne tbe skin or tan bodjr In any w.,y. Hoob the great valne Of OZON to There to no chans;" in tbe ulifrhtest particular in the anpearancc ol ny aitlcle pMMrvsd, and no I trace of any breien or uuna'ural odo 01 The pnue-tu is o tht a chll I can operata it a well mul a- mcceMifnUy n niaif. Tt, eipi-ntvr apparatn or mai-hiiM-r) reqol A room tl'led wlth dllleretlt art, den, ntlch ax '¦:'¦ liUMt, A-h, etc., can he ti e red at one without .'.lltlonal '-"„'rf". U..r.. .......imc UMI OM UI n„t „re.erv.-. Thii.k uviT) ihlott yott Cdu thii U I;uIji áj ür potL ainl tl isriMtee (hut uoNK wlll prAmirVQ it in eïtCtl) the coodttiuti you wnl [I time. li yoi r"ii!'inhcr lire, it will ¦ i Id ¦-: ion-' m wh-t' ¦¦ D-ONK wil! pr.-tT bl or ïhttl articir. It wlll irMerv anylhlnic anil v vt ry (hint: 1 ou CU Ihlnk of. Tbf U nut ii town-hlp In ih'1 Uoiled latei in iiffh n l!ve iïihd can not mnk nv stnount of mtmcV, (V'-ni $ mtti to ílO,t" n yr, thiti plmn, HV déríré fo gel a live mntt t ¦ wijf tn ÜU Ifftttd 8UUEi ui whott hond " tnd through Kitn tecurt tht nsinesx wtich -ui' O''ftf f ttO'J't r. A FORTUNE AWAITS ANÏ MAN WHO GETS CONTROL OF OZONE I2T TO-WT1TSIIIP Oïê COTTITTTT. A C Bown, Mariou, Dhio, clean-d 1300 Mn Iwo naoBÜM. $2 for a tct pickai;4' wa lii- flret Invartin Teod Btirs, I.ehanon, Warren ConntT, Oblo. ma. le fA,UOO on agid purdlaaed in .Inly and ioM ."o. - 'J for n tent parltage wat ihelr flr-t Idti fim nt T. X. ïaymosi, Morrisiown, Helmnnl i'onnty, Uhlo. la clearing f2,000 a month In haudlini; and atdUng Ozone. f.' lor a tet package raj hi tir-t Inveitm ni C. T. Wtbr, rhnrlotte. Kiton i.'.Miuty. Mieli., i ¦'. ared 1,IHW a inoiith - nee Aui[iin $_' lor h f-t parkaüe wa hl flr-t iiiteslmenl. 7 B. Qirlofd, s" I. iS Alle Sr., ('üicau'o, lp ptucerving cl;, frut1, etr., f. ir commifiiitn rn-n of i'hlcajfo, charilnL' IV41' I"1 dason tor ejtii-, mn oinir arffela In pronorttou. Ue I preserving 5,001) doaen egga a day "and on h'i hiitiuer.f lp makiuie $" .i kk i , nunnh clisar, f _' for a te-t i Tkaire "'- ir trtt inf-im,tit. Ti CmciiMtl feel Compn7, N) lrVel hnyntt Wi , i niukinx $.".00U i moittli in naodlUw brewer' mal (ireei vlny OjU Hlill'Plli H i I ft! ,, .n pi .: , l ¦- r ! - i, - in lu.nly Iihii itoura. I're erved hj O.ONK II k' p fee vi . ,i ui iilhi-, ' hese are iüntance? whicli we h tv jtfia-d timp 1 i:-1 "i [nihli-hiuj. Tliere are ocoreB of others. Write to an y of the abovc partieH and gv ih eviilui Nnw, t ntnfll lbo abunlulc Iruth "t ,'Vtv thlli M In p ipr w ¦ propoac to lu' Iu our liHiid inciiii ol proTlBg lor (Oartwll tlinl tre liinr Bot i IhIiikiI IihII clioimll. lo any persou wh ilou'n any ol fhe hI ,tcin dim a .ü wtio li,t rvsted euüiclenllv to in ike the tnp, we will pa; all travellng and hotel aspeoaat for a vialt to tbla dij. Il ¦ lail to provo anj etatemeni thai aars made. HOff Tö SECURE Á FORTUNE WH OZONE. A baat package of OZONE, contalnini; a uflicient q'iantlty to preaarm one tliuuiand dozen ana or other articlea in proportion, will be sent to any appheant on re ei ol %2. 'l'hls packue wlll enaliie the apnlleant to puriue any line of tet aud experimente he denire, and patixfv hiniself rt to the utiordiuary menta of OZONE au a prwervalWe. Alter navin;; thns - 'II and hao 10 the fle.d ovor to deiermine what he wishes to do iu llie future- h':luer to rel n, n anielu to oIIi,b or io cutiöne II lo hi uwn use, or any othrr line of nollcjf whlcb Is best culted io him and to his lownahlp or county we wilï enter into au arrangement wltb bira Ihal will m iku a fortmi; lor Uha and L'lve ut bucmI profiis. We III give excluive to nxhip or couniy pnvll' k'1 ¦ lo ili" ni n pos il ble appllcaot wlio order a tet package and deslre to control the hnJi"e-a in hiü tocalltr. man lio ccurc ontrol ol Ozonr luraii) .!¦( lul lerritor %%' i 1 1 elijo) a iuoiiox,l) liili nr I) t-nrlili Ui lll. Don't let a day paas nntll yon ortwd ¦ Tflal PackaM) and if vou dealre to aecnrfl an exc prlvilege, we avture you that delay m ly deprive you ol it, for the applicaiioua cumc iu to u? by scores eyery mail- many by teleraph. " First come flnI nerved " is our mie. If you do not care to nend money in advanc for the test paekafSi we will rend it C. O. D.; but thi will put jon to tb expense of charlea íor re:uru of money. Our corroépondance is verv Imt." : we have all we eau do to atteod to the shlpplni; of orders and fflving attentlon to our worldog 1 heretore we can not glve atteotion tu letters whlch ilo not order (). ine. If you tbink of any aitkie Ihai you are doubtiul atout Ozone iireaervlng. remeniiier we guaraiitre that U will presen i it. nn matter what REFERE1TCE3 : We deeire to cali your attention to a class of references whlch no enterprise or flrm baged on any thlns but the ioundost baines succeaü and hifhett commercial merit coald secure. We refer, by permliwlon, as to our inteurity and to the valne of Ihe Prent) Preaenratire, to the lollowtnu gentlemen: Kdward Ö. Boyce, Member Board of I'nbllc Works; K. O. Eshelhy, City Comptrollir: Amor Smith, Jr., Collector Interna! Hcvenne; Wulsln -t VVorthinïton, Attorneyf; Martiu H. Horre; 1 aud il. t' llopkius, County Commiaaionere; W. S. Cappelier. County Auditor; all of rincinnati. Htimilton County. Ohlo. Theae gentlemen are each familiar wllh the merllB of our Pnsetvative, aud kuo from aetualobservation that we bave ithout iiueution THE MOST VALUABLE ARTICLE in the WORLD. The t? you lnet in a test package will surelv lead you to Mcor h ia nshin or eoniity, nd Uien your way ii abeolutely clear to make from f'J.OUO to tlO.Omj a year. Give your fnll addree In every letter, and send your letter to PRENTISS PRESERVINC CO., Limited, S. K. ORNKH KK Ml MM'H HTS,, IMINMTI.O.


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