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i ner ate (íi aiiuiumeiiHiuui: aowijuivuo Qreat Halt Lake. By Mrs. A. G.,Paddook, Ifiiao, cloth. (Uniform willi "A Fool's Errand.") Prlce $1.00. For sale by John Moore. The casual lounser In tne bookstore who plcks up tlilH book wlll be curtously lmpressed by the design on the cover, repreoenllng an open volume, 'The Hook of Mormon," reposlng ({enlly and securely on the folils of the ünltcd HU los (lag. When Mrs. l'addook'g vivid and deeply luterestlng story ha boen read, the curlositv wlll have become ghame and iudlgnation, thitt n free government can tolérate such a system of mural, mental, and physlcal servltude wllhln lts bordera, Thls "Htory of great Salt Lake," is ofrourse nelther more nor les tlian a tale of Ufe aniong the Mormons; bal lts picture are so clear and and graphlc, IU characterg so dlsllm-tly ludivtduallzed, lts plot soabsorbing In lts developrnent from polnt to polnt, and Ita Incident! so powerlul and movlng, that Bot even llione least Incllned to consldrr stibJecU ol iilitical or national Interest can reslst tlie sturing of a new and profouud interest. The MoriuouM are nol llkely tobeapleasantsnl'ji t lo remi ; btit iielt lier were I lie themes of " Uncle Toni's Cabln," or "A Fool's Errand," yet the inlllions who read these books fouud no hu-kof sLinuilalluK faod fcw Imafl nailon and thoiight. Mrs. Paddook'l book Is a valuuble contrlbutloD to the spirit of our modern AiuerIcan history, aiul Hl ronchisions aud suggesllons (sustuliu'd as ili m' are by an array of ¦Olld fací in the Adeudix) are- as the Boston l.iliniry Workl puts it- 'nol only literature, luit staW-Kiiiaiiühip of a high order." The December number of Llppincott's Magazine, whlch completes thegccond volume of the new series, is an excellent specimen of thls hright and entertalnlng perlodlcal. The opening artlcle, "Klshlng In Virginia Walerg," by John C. Carpen ter, lg a fresh and llvely pleceof wrltiug and beautlfully Hlustrated. 'Through the Ardenues" Is by Dr. Fellx L. Oswald, whose descriptive powers are here dlsplayed to the best advantage. The lllustratlons are excellent and copióos. "Borne Impresslons of an Open-Air People,'' by Anna Bowman Blake, deals with the out-door spects of Paris In winter and giveg gllmpses of lts domestlc llfe at that seuson. Dr. Wllliam Hunt wrltes on "Popular Fallacies about Surgery andDoclors," Chauucey ilickox advanees soine uoble views on the subject of the "Presldency," and Alfred Torry ltacon glvesa graphlc deacrlptlon of a Colorada "Round-up." Une of the most lnterestlng contributlons Is a translation of one of the monologues now so fashlonable In Paris: lt Is a pi win In rbyme entitled "The Sergeant," admlrably rendered by Mrs. G. W. Latlmer, and destained. if well recited, to be striklngly effectlve. Appletons' Journal for December Is fllled wlth lts usual amount of excellent readlng matter. It contains a very Interesting story from the Germán entitled "Rlches." "My Trouble In Kussia" ig contlnued and lacreases In Interest. "Schools In Florence" and "Cl viUzation and Equallty" are Instructivo as well as lnteresllnig. A well wrltten artlcle on 'The üeysers of the Yellowstone" follows, and fglves a grand degcrlptlon of these ventg for nature's lrrltlblllty. Tho haptci "On the Uitging r Books" Is full of valuable Information for stu' dentgand all that are fond of readlng. As thls number contains the Index to Vol. XI., just completed, lt Is sllll more valuable thau the precedlng numbers, and should be purchased by every one. The Boyg Mablnogion, belng the earllest Welsh tales ofKlng Arthur In the famous Red Book of Hergest. Edlted by Sidney Lanler. Illustrated by Alfred Frederlckg. Charles Scrlbner'g Son's, New York. For sale by Sheeban & Co. The tales of King Arlhur are read wlth interest by every person young and old. They are nexU to the Arablan Knlght's tales. Thls is the source from whlch the poet lauréate of England, Alfred Teunyson, has drawn those beautiful poems] known as the "Idyls of the King." Many another poet and many a story wrlter has looked to the same legends for thelr lnsplratlon. In the volume before us we have a ricli collectlon of these old stories- a collectlon that would make an excellent hollday present for any boy that love to read. This Is a collectlon of tales that used to be told to thelr chlldren by the old Welsh peasants. Many of them were laken lnto Europe by the ''¦- M-h,.ri. thev were fliaugod and embellighed in belng told at one place and another. The dayg of story telling are past. To thlnkof Halmost mak es one wlsh that he had lived In those good old times wben bard and pllgrlm roamed from house to house and cliarmed the llslenlng hoiisehokl wlth the creatlons of llielr Imaglnatlons. A good way to make up for thls seemlng losa Is to buy and read thls book, Mablnogion. The Journal óf the American Agrlcnltural Assoclatlon for July and October has reahed us. It Is a large and compact volume In itself, and contains a very great amount of readlng matter. It Is besldes exceedlngly well Illustrated, the plates all belng very fine. All Interested in agrlcultural matters and farmers In particular wlll flnd In thls Journal an amount of valuable Information not to be found elsewhere. It Is publlshed in New York by the American Agrieultural Association. The Popular Science Monthly for December opens wlth a flne full page portralt of Paul Broca, the great anatomist and surgeon. A long and lmerestlug sketch of hls llfe Is glven fartlieron. Thls number U fllled with Interesting sclentltlc matter by the ablest sclentists In the world. Some of the many subjects treated are Deterioratlon of American Oyster-Beds, part II., by Lleutenant Francis Wlnslow; Physlcal Educatlon, by Fellx Oswold, M. D. ; The Rlse and Progress of Paleontology, by Prof. T H Huxley ; A Half-Century of Science, by 81r John Lubrock; North America In the Ice Perlod, by C. H. Illtchcock. The above artlcles and authors are enoogh to recommed thls perlodlcal to all sclentltic readers. Whlle the readlng Is purely sclentlflc lt Is at the game time modifled tosult the popular taste. Itthus furnighesagreat amount of valuable;and lntereating readlng to both theskllled and thenovltlate In sc-lentlflc lnvestlgatlon. Publlshed by D, Appelton & Co., New York.


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