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ARE TOO READY To purchase your Holiday Coods, If so we can show you the largest stock of Ladies and Gents WATCHES JEWELRY, Silyer Ware, Opera Glasses, docks and Fancy Goods, We have ever carried, bought expressly for the Holidays. We deem it a pleasure to show goods whether you purchase or not. C.BLISS & SOXT, NO. U SOUTH MAIN STREET, ANN ASEOS. 1067-70 ËYËRYTHÏNG NEW CLKAN AND NKAT AT J. J. GOODYEAK'S DRUG STORE NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STREET, (The oíd Grenvllle drug store stand.) One of the freshest, llnest, largcet and beet stocks of Drugs and Medicines, "Wines and Liquois, And all otber goods kept in a Urst-class drnt; More, to be found In the city of Ann Arhor. PRESCRIPTIONS. Accnrately and carcfully prepared at all honra of the day or nlght. We glve thls onr especial attentmn. CALL AND SEE US. CT. CT. GOODYEAR, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STREET. SEALKD PHOPOSALS FOK COUNTY PHY8Ician. TheundiTif ned wlll receive scalci! proposal u; to and lndiidlnK Monrtay Jany. M. lSHi, for onr years f ervices aa County Physlciau, conimencinK Ft-ltruury Ut. UB3. The phyalclan 1 to vislt the Peor House ntflilnrlv once a wivk, and whenever tent Tor, and axree to render all and every kind of profegaionul nrvtcM reqnlred at the oouhp, txcept truatment of small-pox. BidH must state. First, thu amount proponed fr services only, Secoiul, the araonnt proveed tor htytces Inclndlng ttie supply of all neded ïm'dicinrH. Each bidder shonld name two reriuable rererencc 1 he Ruperintendcntd reserve ttie rlght to rejeel any or all bid-. Propináis may be handcd, or sent seasenably by mail to either of the undersigncd Superintendent. D. B. UttEKNE, Ypellantt. L. DAV1S, Ann Arbor. ALBEKT CASE, Mancti' County House, Dec. 6tU, UU, ÏOWJ 09 IMütc of Jacob Ynndawarker. QTATK OF MICHI0AN, County oí Wahtenaw,ss At a session of the Probate Coort for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offtce. in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tueeday, the sixth day of December, in the ycar one thuusand e1i?ht hundred and elirhty one. 1'reseDt, Wllliam D. Ilarrim-.n, Judge ot Probate. In the matter of tbe estáte of Jacob Vandawarker deceased. On readlni: and flltng the petltton, doly verlfied, of Frank Vandawarker, praylng that the residne of sald eptate may be asnlirnud to the widow and heirs at law of said deceased as requlred by law. Thi'reupon It Is ordered, that Wednesday, the lourth day of January next, at ten o'clock in the torenoon, be asigced for the hearing of sald petition. and that the devlsees, lcgatee and heirs at law of eaid deceased, and all otber persons interested In sald estáte, are reqnlred to appoar at a íeasion of sald cunrt, then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, and f-how cause, lt any Ibera te, why the prayer of the petliloLer shoald not be granted. And lt Ib tnrthi-r ordered, that sald petitloner aïe notice to the persons interested in sald estáte, of the pendency oí sald prtiilon, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publlshed In the Ann Arbor Courtrr, a newspaper prlnted andcirculating In said county, three succensive weeks previooa to said day of hearing. (A truc copy.) W1LLIAM D. HARHIMAN, Judge of Probate. WM.O. DOTT, Probate Résister. 1068 1071 Estáte of Sanih A. Renwick. QTATEOK MICHIGAN, County of Washteuaw. BS At a seetton of the Probate Conrt for the County ol Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city berin theVear one'-t(;;H',1.Hn-A'eVn?V,,aL.IÍ!).vL51i etghty oue. Present, Wllliam D. Harriniau, J udge ol Pro ha t e. in the matter of the estáte of Sarah A. Renwick, decenned. Temporalice Kenwick, ihcadmJnltXratrlx of gald estáte, comes hilo conrt aod repregente that 9he dow prepured to rtsuder her flnal account aa Huch adn]iniftratrix. Thcreupon lt 1b ordered, that Satarday, tho 17th day of December nexi. at ten o'clock In the lorenoon, be assíened for examlninp and allowins: euch account, and that the heirg at low of said de o and all uther persone intereeted in Raid estáte, -iré requlred to appear at ftBesvioB of fald court,then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, In naid county, and show cause, if un y there be, why tbe aid account nhould not be allowea. And lt 1b further ordered, that pald admintetrati lx i vr uotice to the perdona Intereeted to said MtAfct. of the pendency of ald account, and the hearing thureol, by causin a copy of th.B order to be pnbtTfhed in the Ann Arbor Courier ¦, a newppaperprinted and circulatlntr intaid county, two lUOCMflre week- pruvious t O said day of hearine. (A true copy) WÏL.UAM D. HAKKIMAN. Jude of Probate. WM. O. DOTY, Probate Regleter. 1067 69 Estáte of John Henley. QTATK ÜF MICHlUAN.C'ouniyof Washten;iw, ss At a neceion of the Probate Court for the County of Waihtenaw holden at the Proba t Office, ie the city of Aun Arbor, on Thur.-day, the flit day of Decem ber, iti the year one thou&tnd elht hundml nm iiiih[y-one. Preeent, Wllliam D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In ihe matter of the ewtate of Jhn IU nlt-y, doceaned. On readim; aiul flliiiK the petition, duly verified,of Jotuuod W, Kalgbt, une tf the Hdmfnittrators oí Aá etti', pmyio? that he and KlWel In, administrators, or either of them, imy be licensed to eell the real state whtgwoA said deceased died seizod. Thereu,on it lsordered.that Thursday, the twentynlnth day of December, next, at ten o'clock In the forenoun, btí assined lor the hearing ot aid petltion, and that tne heirs at law of naid decdwed, and all other pereoi]? fnterested in said e, are re(juired to appear at a sension o! uaid court, then to be holden at the lrobute oitice, in the city oi Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any then be, why the prater ot the petitioner ehould not bv p And W ix further orderud, that tald petitioner cive DOCloa to the persons Intereetud in aid estáte, ofthe pendency oí sald petltion, and the oeariDff uiereof, by ctiuüing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Gouriért& newspaper printed and circulated in sald coonty, three lOOOMSlTfl weekt r-revlous to saiii day of hearine. (A true copy.) W1LUAM D. HAHK1MAN, Jiidtc of Probate. WM. G. DOTY. Probate Register. 1067 -7U Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havlng been cade In the condltions of a certaln indeninre of mortcagc txecuted by Hughey Mclaghlin and Mary Ann McUmvhün, hls wife, of hylvan, Waahtenaw counly Michigan, to Rice A. Beal, beartng date the Tw.uty-'I hird day of May, A. D , 1878, and recorded in the office of i of drrdi 'or tin1 coanty of WHntitenaw, In the Htate of Michigan, on the twenty third day ot May A. D.. 1878, in liber 6ft ot mortgAvfti. on page .'i'24, by which the power of salecoutained therein bas breóme operativa, on which nit)rtaL'e thore n clalined tobe due on the 23d day of Mav, A. I)., 1881, two yearly lnstAllments of interest on aid principal man, belng $414, together with an at'on;eyV lee of 8Ö, provided for In sald mnrtgage, in nll the snm of fonr hundred and forty-foar dollars ($Uít, and no proceedings having been inctltQted to recover .-aid -tim or any part thereof. Notice tliereiore if herrby given, that on Frfday, the 13ih day of January, A. D., IHS2. at 10 o'clock in the lorenoon, at the Mat front door of the court house, In ih city of Ann Arbor, in tt)u said cminty of VVaHhietiaw, aaid nyiTtgAKC will be forecloed by virine of the power of ale therein contained, by a unie at public auctioo, to the highest bidder of the tnortuged premi e describeain said iQortgage, or lü mtich tfiereofas my be suffleieut to istitfy the nmount due on ald mt,rtu'age, viz : The eonth-enst qmirler (') of the sontb-weet quartcr (lí if Mellón ihirty-flve (35) in townshlp one (No. Ijfoutli of rane three C-i) east, In the townhipof Lvndon. Also the north part ot the north-wwat fractlonal qnarter of ct-ction two in townshlp two south of ran'e. three east In the towuBbip of Sylvao, and all that part of MCtlOB three, townithip and rang !att alorettid, known bounded and iii'-cribed as tol low s. to-wlt ; Beginnfng at the north-east corner of said section three, running thencr west on the nortb line pf xaid section about seventy rods. thencc sonth parallel with thu onL line far enough to indude witnin a line drawn east parajlui with the north line of laid section to the vaut Une of said section, thence east to section line, and thance QOrth to the pjac of beginning, being in all one htindrari id sUt-ejght and 28-1U0 acres of land more or lesa. Dated.üctJberaiKt, Jbt. K. A. BEAL. Sawtkr & Kmowltom, .agee. Attornryofor Mortgagee. 1001-73


Ann Arbor Courier
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