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Senator Ferry's Resolution

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U the Sonate of tlie United States, Dec. 5tli, 1881, Mr. Ferry, of Michigan, oftered the following rcsolution that if carried into effect will bring about such legislation as will materially liiuder such mea ai Green, the patent drive well agitator, from forcing innocent uscrs of a patented inveution to pny a royalty to the inventor. The resolution reads as follows: liesolved, Tliat the Conamlttee on Patents hereby Is instriicted to eonitidor anrt report by hlll or otherwlse, such proposed leglslutlon as sliall effoctnally Virotect uil Innocent puicliasm and users of any devlce, Inventlon. or artlcle, patented under the laws of the Uulted Mate, from payment ot, or oblliyilkm to pay any royalty for such purchase, or use, of any pntciited artlcle abandoned to public or general use by tho Inventor or patentee thercoi o from the payment orany royalty for sucli p'ur li:is(. or use of any patented artlcle whatever uuless claim therefor shall formally be made or prcsented by the Inventor or patentee tothe pnrobaaer ot ns.r of the same wlthln twoyears alter such purchase or Ilrst use of the devlce or urllcle so clainied to liave been duly patented


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News