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Mu. Editor,- As the columns of your paper are ever open to the cause of lijrht and reform, perhnpg you will perniit the vontilution of a matter liitherto little noticed, and yet of no little importance. In the New York Tribune eyery week or two, we rcad of the unfortunate milk man haviiig hla fluid taken from him to dilute tlie Iludson or the Ilarlem or the Atlantic, and himself flned till he has hanlly cnough left to take him hack to his faetory. It is possüile that the people of New York and Brooklyn are a Hule fastidious, or tliey ¦may be a little better than we are here, but it is more probable that they are acting on the defenaive and taking the "ounceofpreventative." There is uo doubt inuch poor milk is sold in New York and yet I ani informed that a lady from the latter city, visiting here, said a few days ago that if some of the milk sold here were being sold there, the vender would have his turn-out taken from him and lumself lined. And yet such milk s bought and consumed here, and has been for years, by some of our citizens, and that too with the knowledge that it is swill milk, and all this by some of our leaders in the Ttmi.erance Reform. Wliat a flnely disciiminating sense o taste, andwhat consistcncy! But of course they will picad ignorance of the danger, ot the incomparable filthiness of using brewers grains or slops. Great shades of the night mare! where are you, in comparison with the facts in the case? After being put lato the dairyinaii's tub i" cold weather, tlie slops cool off and at once begin to sour, and such a sincll ! If not soon used, they begin to mold, and it becoraes one solid mass of living f ungus. . Rut wait untll warm weather if you wish to reach the acme of sight and smell. Instead of cooling, they ferment and teat and soon becomc the nuisery for turning out tnilllons of embryo blue bellies or com monly called maggots.1 Of course the slops being well s;ilted and mixed with bran the innocent cow is deceived, and down goes fungus, maggots and all. AH this is preparatory to turning out a lirst-class article of milk with whieh to rcar the unsuspecting infant. liut it must be allowed that it lias one desirable feature aside from the milkman's profit, t is likely to furnish business for the doctors. Well, if we are not sublimely, aueerly constituted beton any way ! We have hired men to go to Lansing to imposc heavy lines upon the vendersof swill milk, and tlien pay the vender all the way from five to twenty cents a day to break the law. Consistency again. It must be a jewel. Bat it the consumer of the stuff is not outragcd by its sale, there is another class of beings that certainly is. The honest milkman. He can not so well afford to sell a quart of milk for six cents from honest feeding, as the slop feedcr can for four cents. If there w;is nothing unjust or injurious in the use of brewer's refuse, of course the one that could makc use of the greatest quantity would be the best fcllow, but as the case now stands it will bear the inspection of our prosecuting attorney. As there is, I am told, only one milkman engaged in this crooked way of growing milk, it will Jiot be a difflcult matter to investígate


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News