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Where Is The Abbe?

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Before the Frmch rerolution tbera werf miiny (eclesiástica known aa the abbea, They were without offlce orduty, and pleked up, they were poort i ineal lierc and lliere. axaoajt the charttaWi. At the hornea ui the principal iioblemeo there waa usually ¦ lelt for tome chance ; 1 1 - trho might drop In al clinner time. At ih;it liniir it was no uncommon sijznt to -( -e the hIiIms plckliig ilirir waj trom oue Doblemau'ii hooae i" another. Rapptngat the pite the hDDgry ecclcaiaítlc would hiquire ot the reporter, "la there vacanl placer1 [f theanwer'as"N'o1 monsieur," lie would walk onward. ThUcustom will explaln n story told ly Rogen, the poet, whlch [Hartraten the horronioftta Pieimli RwululAuii. .lusi .ii r it had broken out, party was diniDjr, oae diiy at a iiohlfinaii i bouM, and among tln-m in abbe. And wiiilc at dlnner, the cari oarrylng thoM oondemoed to the guillotine went by. All the company ran to the windows to ¦ettbehorrki -ilitL Theabbe.beingasliort man, tried in vain to peep on tiptoe. De termlned to sec he rao dowd to the front ilimr. HU cuiiosity coat him hls Ufe, for, hi the cart went by, one of tlie victima knowing the ftblic, bowed to him. The able reIlirncd the salutation. ¦re yon his tricnil ?" exclaimed one of the gttarda. "'l'ln-n you, tOO, are au aristocrat." " Away witli liim ! " thouted the rrowd. and tlic boor abbe was leised, tlirust into the cart, and huiriedto the guillotino. The compnny, havmr satistied tbelr curiosity, returued to the table. "Aod when s monsieur, the abbe F" aakad ¦ gaeat, ieeing a vacant place. No one ooukl aniwer.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News