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"make A Vacancy Or I Will."

"make A Vacancy Or I Will." image
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Dnring the lat ailmiiiist ralioii of (lant. tlit re chanccd (O be a young MUI neof the deputmenu, wbo, like -o roany othen Uien mul now.had enteredon thal horrible decllrlty whicli begint with the glided Hpplniir laloou, uikI end - wh Khall .a wherel lic a c.ipahlr cleik, and bh -¦ir. - and thortcomlnifi were coudoned for ike of niciiioiy of ln houoi Uier. Senator . Hut the rWKl sim-, and in time, with a discharge in bil pocket, aud a rceoid brbind liiui, tep p passet! the down grade of dtalpatlon, umil uit'e, clilldren mul friend cul and the qnonJun gentleman lepl hi tbeparkl and lived MI charity. lie w; s abandoned bj all-all save Um Mgti M mere; hoverlng Bear, tlunigh unsecii. A i anee retorm movenient ciaimed him as ;i trophy, iind he began the Bpward itruggle. Wifeml chiltlren cuuie back, bui wiio bclieyea u a "reioruied drunkard. Ita.-;t Btrugjf Ie Jfor yean to Ond bread rortbe linie one, but be fought bravely, and digappointinjs tb ¦¦se who looked for Lig taihiie, he luid im, and eyen sayed uibers froui goSng over precljrfee. ,, wbo bad knowii lus lather beard t bil struggle, and sent lor him. Congratulatlughimou btoreWrm, m "i want (0 help virti: wlmtcaii I dof "1 waut fik. ' was tbe ieply. "YOM -liall il, Wbeio WOUld JOU pret er to go- In new toeuea oroklr Tbc yoiuifi man ;)uid : '.end mo, sir, where 1 leü u. bhukciaU record, li niay eiiCDUrafe Mlieri il 1 regain a good name, and 1 would be niara meful in niy tuinier poatliuu." The Prewdcfll rote a note tu tl' Becrctttrj '1 Lllal delMUlnielil. alld billidt'd it lo Ilieyuuug man, v lm lefi, bul "cie lon reluin'eil Ub all HIJtioUM laie. ¦l'iie Sec Tdaiy m nl tml word tliat niy tippliuUluu wuuid i un ule!" i be l'n-.sidcnl. "lUia.i iioil-elad cxplelive, aiil :" ¦ 1 on caii'l put yonrwite and childïcn on Bi ran you :-" Wlililig anotber UOte, and baudiliX il U) bini. be saul : "(jlvc tliio in pcraun, and bring me an aiii-wer. ' Ainied willi tbw inisMve, be coufronted tbe awuil prentnee bevond Ule baize door, aud met all impatienl ielti il. 'Wbat bball i teil tbc l'rcsidi-nt V he calnilv iuquiretl, "Tlial Hiere are no vaeaneie-." ben this wiis delivered at the Inte House, tbe imperturbable Grao, biling the end of :i Clgar, elzed a red-ink pen. and wrote HKM the lace of hia toruier note : "MaKe a v.icancy, or I will '. ' "Take tlns. aud brinjj his auswer." Vet a;aiu ilid the young man return unMirre.-suii. TbeteikleiitobtehwdteBipi-aiy einpliiynienl tor bis lriend, taking biui in peron toanotber del)ailni(.i1t,an'l awaited the c'abmet meeting the tollowiuK day. Hncthe Pretident ieemedafqulet)yllnPer' turbaliie a a .-.pli.vnx. As ,„. mamUn lelt the room, the l'residellt (ollowed Set-retary to the door, and Sll,i : By the war, Mr. , , , i;uVi who wouij y00 recomraend tor yoiir -iMxèi,1"1" '¦' The' atonislied gentleman replied, anil, pasíinjr to anotlier departmeui, wrote h baaty rwWfnatltfn and sent it in. lle was relieved ot hls portfolio the followiag day. The roung man made excellent nieoi the folth hown iu bini by this wondertul judire of charaoUr, aml roae t" b poeitlon ol enihieiit u.-elulne.-s aml rWpOtbUity which he oceiipies to-day in one of thelariret citie in our land. Bo did the rriendranger win hia place and the honorable Secretury loae bil place, becanse the uainor eliiet ha.ltraced biscourse m lund characten, not with sword tip, but with pen. "rankt! I Viicauey. M 1 will ;" and nowai Of vore, to say was to do, and tbe man lm "wnuld liL'h't it out on WA line," etc,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News