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:0 GROl'ERS, I'AI'KEKS, IIUCKSTEKS, AND THE GENERAL ITKI.IC The King Ataker, New Process for Preserving all Perishable Articlcs, Animal and Vegetable, from Fermentation and Putreiaction, Ketaining their Odor and Flavor. "OZONE- Purified air, active state of oxygen."- Webster. Prcwrviitlre la not a liqald, plckle, or ny of the oW nd exploded iw -, bal i Imply oud iiir.-lv OZOKB, n pnxlueed nd uplled by an eutlrely new procwu. O'.ONK la lk ntleptlc principie 1 every üiibaWDCC, and poueaMt the power to preerve aulmal and vegetable atruciurm iroui ilccay. rhere Im not liinc o th tmre mt the earth Hable to dTy op Hpoil tvbirh ZK. in- l'reHprvative, III not preserve for all time iu a perfVrtly freMh and palatable ronilitlon. Thr mlM of OZONE il a uatural presever hiw been known to our abler tol v ir-, bilt UMil i„w 5o mi-Bil of iroduclnK it In a practical, Ineipennive. and slmplu nmnn.T liavr l,-n llMOTti Mlcroncoptc observtion ihat decay la due to sepile matt.-r, ir mluato IKU tliai deral p Hnrl ¦ ¦uil ano animal and vegetable structurea. OZONE, applied by the Pri'ntl metho il dextroyl hew èerms ai once, and thu preserve. At our office in C'iudnuati cn be men alimwt i-v.-ry amele ihat an be thouifht of ui- OITpd by tbl proces and every vUitor la welconie to onut in, tuate, miell, taki,way wtth hfni, and test In every way the merite of OZOSB a a preservativo. We wlll alao prcMrra, tree if chhrjie, any anlcle that Is brought or pent prepatd to u, and return il to the rndr, for hun to ki-ep K..:M an be treuted at a cot of leea than one dollar a thousand dozen, and be kept in an ordinary oom Hix mooth or more, thoroutily preserved, the yolk held In iis normal condition, aud rhe trtre ac frenh nd perfect as on the day they were treated.and will aell a atrlctly "cholee." The advantage in preserving ufe Is readilr aeen ; there are aeaaona when they cn he honght for or 10 cent a dozen, and by holding hem can be aoM for mi advance of from one humlr 1 to three handred per cent. Om man wit thi nethnd cn krawrva SJDOQ iloz.'n a day. IKI ITH ma) be pi-nnUted lo ripen in thelr native climate. and can he tranaoarM '" ai . he worul Th foioe exprpd tntm fruit can l beid for n ladaflaltt pvrio ' wttlimi' lermesta lor - ienc the jreat value of ibis pruvese or producía a temperante beverage. Miik and eider can lield lerlectty iWMt anv leni:tb of time. UT III,I-',H can be kept for an tndcflriite period in their natura! condilion, rabrialBg lhir dor anü 11 ivur. tremen iu tbelr orltjlnal paikait' , at a small exiKjime. All itruin, flonr. ineal, elc, are lieid D th'Mr norma) conlitlon. Kit F.M H JII'.ATN, nch a bwf, matton, veal. pork. p'iultry, (', fl-b. etc, proerred bj ttii aethod, cad be sblpped to Kurope, Mubjecied to aim.jnplieric chance, and return 10 lh: cuootry in a ttAW BUTTER "m BEINS ISEATED BY TH1S PROCESS WILL NOT BECOKE RANCID, Dead human bodlM, troitrri bt-furc decomposltlun seU Jn, can le held in a natural cnnditlftfl f"r weeks, ritiiotit puncturlnif !he skin or mutllalfn thd body ín any way. Ucirü the tfrvat vu'nt' Of OZOHM t n dertaker. There ín no chance in the vllffbteat iHrtirnlar in the appearanc of any a'tlcl. tlim UilMSlVSd, and no race of any foruiiiii or unnatuntl odor or mm The pfóom M bi simple tliat a chili can opérate It af weli and ax vucceéflTully au a man. Thero N DO ¦ uïve api'firani! or inachltu-ry requin-d. A room tlUiMl wjth dtrtVreiit articli., auch au egji mat. tlht etc., can be tremed at om tirni iritbooi idditlonti) troahlc or nywili Mwln ffcrt there In noililiiic IhHt Z4-; wlll iut prAMfVf.k Thli k rif evfryihinif you c ui that U ltHlle lo smir, dMj or ipot ud Hu;, rem nihcr thit we ?n ir'niee that OZONK wiil prtsserve it In exictly the condiiion you want it lor aii KmilIIi "i iwih-. li fot w I ih -, il wilt khv.' a-kii g ((iu'-tionn au to whvther OZONK will thlt or that artiti-. It h III int'rvf ait) thlnx "1 evcrythlng yon can t hink of. TIn-r ix nul ti t.i.wi-hlp In the United Mktea in rnrh n live mttn can not muke anv amonnt nf moner, rr ¦'m f I 000 to $10,000 n yt-ar, thu he píeme. We dfêlre to qtt a live man intsi 9$tê& In -nch coudt tht 17tiftd States in lehose hands wé rinplice thii yreaervative, and tkrough hïmiecurethf busi ¦ tvery co unty tmgh f to produi e. A FORTUNE AWAITS ANY MAH WHO GETS CONTROL OF OZOHE ut -A.:tT-!r to-titsiiip oie coTrr-r-sr. A. C. Bown, Murioii, Ohlo, cleafed $2,00) in two montht. $2 for a tet pickaee mi hi tirt ïnrtt Woell Bruthorf, Lebanon, Warren (Niuuty, Ohio. made }li,0X) on efjjj purchattcd in Ju y and nold Nqt. ltt. i l'T n leêt pif kHi.'c wan Ibetr flrst inv etnu-nt. T. Z. Eajaoai, Morri-iown, Belrnont County, hlo, ie clearing 12,000 a month Iti han Uiiiif and - Oboub. fr a ie#t p.iekafie wae lirt iiivf("tmni D, T. Wötbar, Charlotte, Btton Couuty, Mich., hm c!eared $Í,(XX) a month s:nce Autfiwt $-' - pwLkt(T hl fir-t inveetment. . B. Qiylord, ¦S( l,iS ilic s ., ÜUcécol in prwtTfan eu'tft. fruir, ttr., for the cmu minimi mv at ( b charlng i1 ¦ i"'''"ii for eif_;n, mn oirwr artteïa ft pmportlo'i, He W prc-ervin .",() d ,-ri eflff ¦ flay, and on hu bumr-i 1 tniaktpc $'i íxk1 i moith $2 for a Ui i rkitffn a h :in.'ut. Tho Ciacinnati Food Compwy, Iíw vv'et sventh 8i ¦ ¦¦¦. nuktnf #5w000 ini h .o hand Int; b'.-w.-r'mal , fli ' nd rhi.nri_' it ;t i-.-d i uil i t il Im cm uurj. M.ilt unpior-t-rv-d ioq r in iw-uryfomhottr. Pr irvod bjr OZOXMlt kc püperfecl) ¦ ei nr iiHHilfcp. h(Q are ibHitUx wliich hv ;i-k.-d ih--p-l a puhli-hiiu Tiu-re are ore of otlu-r. Write 10 any of tlio ftbeve pm liM d(i-t i:iee i:.-n ¦ du et. Nnw, t ¦ POT" ih. abfoluie tniTh 'f rvry Th'n w p iWl n i h 1 pi'i.-r w#fl propONt' to plarr In )our liaiidM th. in. ut ju o lor uuntll llinl n e luve nul IhIiiu-J IihII 4' i'o uuy iiii pon wbu anv ui t,e $ ueui ui-, a .il who l intenntcd ulUciwiiïv to m.ikiti.-- tnp, we will piy II travt-linj; nnd hotel ttpwm lor a vUit tu i ci'y, ii wc fail to pnTU a: k atemoni HOW TO SECURE A FORTUNE WITH OZONE. A twM ptfkm ol' OZONK, ct)ntaininií a sufllcient qiantity to preserva ouc thim.-and dosen other nrticiea in proportfon, will be sent to any appllcaot on receipt ol $2, packa'e Wlll appltcaul to pursue any of ieeta and t-xpenmenia he denire, aud attefv hiinm'lf M to the extraordinary merttD of O2ONK an a pr-ervnnvf. A'ter liavln tbuM natir-flt'1 lf hh.I Iim lunc u U. k tin: d over to determine what kw wishes to do la the fm ure- wh"ther to -¦ i Uie arttcle t c.rh-in ur to oonflue il to bU owq ase, or any other line of policy which is bent Milu-d o hira and to hu ionthip or Oouni] - we will enter into an arrangement with him that wiil inske a fortuno for bfm and yhe u'-'oii proflt. We wlll give exclusive townchtp or county privilfgee to ib fl rtt reepontlble apphc int who nrdern a iet packairo and destre to control iba bu-ine- in lile locnlity. man who Mfciiri' conirol ot Oom luraiiy peclal trri(or wlll cnjoy a monopoly wlilclk wtll nnl nriih liim. Üon't let a day pass untll you have ordered a Test Pack-ipe, and if yon deaire to tecarfl ;in rxcioalve privilege, we asure you that deluy muy doprive you of ft, for the applications come iu to uh by M every mail - many by telegraph. " Kirt come firet eerved " ie our rule. If you do not care to end raoney Ín advance for the test package, we will !end it C. O. D.; bat wlll put you lo the exp-Mine of charleé for re uru of money. Our correpondence # v.ry lare; we have alí we can do to attend to tho hhlppin; of orden and kívuik attennon to our workln urota. Tkerefofe we CM not jflve att'mtioB to letters which do not order Oz)ne. ïf you think of any artlcle thüt voa :ue doiibHul about OaotM uieMUlllI. reaember we guarantee that ii will preerv i, no matter wtiat it is. BEFEBENCES : We deaire to cal! your attention to a claaa of referencee which no enterprme or firm bascd on any tfatng but the soundeM boslneet ucced and highest commercial merit coold secure. We refer, by perraiseion, as to our integrity and to the value of the rreut1s# Prettrv;itive, to the following gentlemen: Edward C. Boyce, Membcr Board of Public Work; E. O. Bbelby, í'itv Ooraptroller: Amor Smith, Jr., Collector Internat Revenae; Walsin A Worthiiurton, Attornev?; Martin 11. Ilarrell aud tí. K. Uopkins, County CommUs toner; W. 8. Cappeller. County Auditor; all of ('incinnati. ll.imiiton County, Ohlo. These gentlemen are each familiar wlth the meriiu of our Preservative, and know from actual observallon that we have without queetion THE MOST VALUABLE ARTICLE in the WORLD. The $i yon lnviwt in twt packwr ill Burely lRd you to secure a tmvu.-liip or couuly, and theii your .iy la abaolately clear to m ikc irom f'2 000 to $10,000 b year. tiive your futí aíldrenn in every letter, and eend your li-tter to PRENTISS PRESERVINC CO., Limited, S. K. OOKNKR KA F AND TfIMTH STS., l IWAT1, O.


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