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SURE REWARD! CHEAP HOMES U IIirilK.AV. HALF MILLION ACRES FARMING üiS FOK sai.i; BV Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad Company. Railroad Completed Throuh Center of Lands. Do not );( AVesl (ir Soulli untll jod lean wliat Kteklfu ofivrs intelligent fknwrt, Yon eau do better ïvlth less moiirr nearer home. Latida rich, dry, and gontly rolling. lïmbered malnly wilh Silbar Maple, RiM'k Kim. BaHWM4i Ash, Iteicli, IIiiiilocK, etc, and are well watered by Iakes, rlren and nriag iroik. Stnmg tíoils, tf no crops, lioalthy elf. inatr. (eköoll ainl (Imrclies, intelligent ixipnlatiiin, inainly froin Btlttri Mutis and Canada. Ftr nhl. Mhj'n, .i,-.. :i(lilres8 W. 0. HUGHART. tl M ('OMM1SMIONER, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. i i 1 II. PKB1 1O51-1O7U Tlic Leading TöjiFaatyGooiska of Micir. Wlicn isilin the City of Detroit do not f.úl to HEYN'S BAZAAR, P'onnerly Russcll Hoom Bascar, which is now lrcatel j't ga W'oodwurd avenue, formcr stand of the old ALHAMBEA DOLLAR STOHE. t two well-known places of public patrnnhiive rvcenü uistcd nnoOT one aement, and wc dMlfW to -.ill kpwU attentioo to our htiyc wint wcll selectcd line oí Tojz, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Whitney Children's Carriages, Velocipedes, Espress Wagons, cc, 4c. Wliieh we will continue t sell at popular priCes. An carly cali is respfclfullv soliciled. H. HEYN & BRO„ HEYN'S BAZAAR, 92 WOODWARO AVE., HKTHO1T. IKE MM41 ¦K. . ' n'' 1'r ttt r' I B teil l'r'n i'-i.Ut Ê yÊ Ko. 30, for trofl881. Ftaa to ay rito 'ntains full descriptioa of O kMtofgpodt t'..r personal aml family uso. Wc Ii'sl lirwtly with the coniumer, and sell all fOodl in anv qiikntitj at vholetnU priecs. Yon can buy bHM aml ehcapei 'l:'" at Jionic. MONTGOHEUY WARD & CO. 27 nul 220 Wabash Avenue.Chicago.IlL 1I)V)-T7 RAILROAOS. jyflOHIGANCKNTHALRAILROAD Time Tablr. Xov. LS, IHI. ¦ III1NI1 WIST. í Sí í ÍÍ ai 5 A. M..A. M. '. M. '. M. 1'. M.,r. M A. ¦. Detrüll Lv. . 7 (Hl .8fl 5.f5 4.0&I 8.001 .5l 5.30 9. T. June 7.15' iMlO.U 6.43 fTtijHi'-intir... T.yi- - 'J i m w film n i'uillauti B.S0I10.4B 7.U.5 ö.USl Uh ll.U".' 6.41 Anu Arbor 8 4UOO 7.S4 5.21 S.25ll.l7 I.M Dexter ÍJ04I . U4 7.2U lhelca .-- 8.06 5.61 10.00 7.S5 Clme Lake. ... .5U 8.32 8.14 0.30 7.MI P.M. 1 Jackíon June. 10.10 S.M 8.25 Jacksoi. 10 114.15 - 6.55 11.05 .. UI Albton 11. w 12.50 e ' -v '" ¦ Marrall 11.50 1.30 _¦ o 8.08 12.20 1.S7 10.MS p.M. 2 L BatlleCreek.... 12.19 1.55 f 8.41 12.47 4.02 10.3K A. K. Saltaban ISJ8 a. m 9.15 1.11 11.11 Kalamazo LU I.S8 4.50 9.35 IM 2.46 11 M Lawton 1.52 5.25 2.1:i Ï-'.IO Decatur 2.07 5.42 2.32 r. u. Duwavlac 4. .W 3.W 106 Ml,.,. 2.65 4.01 6.60 tJB 4.15 IJI Buchanan 8.08 T.M 8.42 1U ThreeOaki-.. M 7.LT 4.1 lg NewBnffalo.... 3.58 4.52 7.40 4.SS t Mtch.Uily 4.M 5.1S 8.08 ti.oa 5. Lake . ft.ll 6.02 8 54 5.51 t.l KenalnetoD.... 8.00 8J0 9.45 ü.v 7.1 Chicago. Ar. 7.-K li'.:i.-. 7 iiliINI) SAMT. „„.oB. d 4 .iflili H S_ rL_ _ fa _Li. -!. AM 1 M. P.M ' ¦ P"' Ckfcgp.LT. 7.00 Í.O0 3.40 6.15 .JO KeiiBiuitton. 7.50 9.50 4JI0 b.05 M Lke H.: 1OJT 5.1.'! 8. 10.JO Mi,l,.CItv... 9.25 11.13 B.00 7.S8 11. New liurtulo .5. 11.33 H.65 ¦ .k . 10.08 (i.4ü A. . Bachanan.... 10.: r, m. 7."6 12. NtlM 10.45 12.1S 7.IÍ7 9.U0 12.48 l),,auittc... 11 13 SM U Uwatiir 11. 8.88 1.S! Lawton 11. .'5 8JI a. l. Kalamazoo.. 12.SÍ 1.38 9.30 60 10.45 i UalCT!)ur?-... . 7.W BattteCraek 1.48 2.15 jL T.S8 H.C8 3.20 Marahílí 1.17 3 OU f 2 S.Oti 11.3:1 HM Alblon 2.JB 3.21 Í2 H.JÖ 11.5 4JJ A.M. A.M. ,Jek-on,.Lv. 3.45 4.05 7)5 M 14.45 6. Oniu ljke.. 4.10 7.40 9.50 &.2Í Chelnea. ..... 4.40 8.(3 10.07 5.M Dexter 5.00 8.17 10.1 6.05 AmiArlior... 6.22 5.1)7 8.40 10AI 4.05 8JÍ Vpi.lKIiti 5.38 &M 8..W 10.48 4.10 .41 WayneJunt .02 5.45 9.17 11.08 2.44 7. (i. f. Jane... .: 6.15 9.45 11. ?5 8.20 7.46 Detruit ..Ar LS0 .:#) 10.00 11.50 8.85 8.M Sana; exceptad. {Saiurday 4 Suuciay excepte tDally. llENIIT I . WlNTWORTH, U. B. I.EBTABD, G. r. .v T. X., Chicago. Gm'l Sttp't,, DttroU. rp OLEDO, ANN AHI5OH I ft ï'. K. R. Timp rl otOot. I ft. 1881. eOING MOKTH. BOIB iOBTM. = 'S. STATIONS. ft ï 5 ' a Ijl A. H r. M A. M. jf.B. Mi Ui l.v Toledo. Ar. + S5 8 12 North Toledo .S 8.96 Junction 9.2: ?8.52 '6.35 llawtliom "' ' 9.02 6 45 Samarla ¦ fl.17 7.01 Lulu 7 iKi Monroe Junction.... ¦¦' ' 7 17 Dinid, f B.8B 4. I il 7.28 Azall . 7.42 Mllan 10 ¦ 10.04 7 is Nor 10 11 7 .Vi Urania '7 , l'iltfeld_ 7.45 J. . AnnArhor 7. .10 s.w II OS 8 50 V..i.l,„s 7-2S til -1 tB.UB Ar South Lyon....LT.I H.4H 1- tDallT, exceptSund:.y8. 'Time ütatiou. Tho Local Pralgfat {olDg norih, leaven Tol"1 fUX ii. m.. arrlTtng at Ann Arbor at 'J.40 a.t..c1" South Lyooal lii.Vi a. m. - ¦- Th Lícal Frt-iitht, ifolnij sonlh, leavciSotHiW0' at 3M i'. m., anrt Ann Arbor at 3.50 p. ta. atrln! at Toledo ¦ 7.48 p. m. k Train will he run trr Colombo time, a no ' the doek m the sU.-ni:t. i.d,-i. .trlcc at ïoled"II. W. AS1II.EY, Siipeiintendeot. pINCINNATI, IIAMILTON AM DAïTON K. It. Train leavc Toloilo : 7: 15 a. m., 10:55 a. m., 10.23 pArrivr at (.incinnati : kW 1. m.,7;10p. m.,6.00- D. B. VB40T, Vs Al- t pORT WA Y NE &"JACKSON R. Í- l-trolt A liuliamipoliM l.inr. I!y Micliigan Central Hailroad from Ann Ar to Í ¦¦!¦ Taina lcive Ann Arbor a folloWIndiaimpol'.s Bxnwn ."S' rt Wayn Arcc.iii.idaiiou a -; ' Cinclnnati Expr.ís 11:U li All traína lorve by Chlcimii time. Procure ttskati at Aun Arlor ir Jackíon. M. 1). WOODVOBDj üen'lSnP1' 8500 REWARD ! , od, Cooatlpation or CortlTeoM "c"iSc. tlou. are trirtly complled with. ' ihey are pur J " Veetable, „1 wn .r la.l togj tlaftcUM ?V ,1. Urge lK)xe, coutaiiiniK ¦ n,erf"n For .aio by all drnUti.. lware "' """''i, and ImiUdoM. The LlI ulne manuf-cturt o o c by JOHN i'. WEST & CO.. "The Plll ""r"',,;, S ltVi W. M,li.n 8L. Chicago. Fret 1 1 rW P(tut by uull prepaid on recent of a 3 cení wF


Ann Arbor Courier
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