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A Boy's Yankee Trick

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wiicii i na a unie reiiow m &uutirari, with yellow hair and wonden shoes, there carne eme day to the school wliicü Iattended an American boy, nanied Jim Saunders, whose father wns a New York broker. He was a qniet, simple lookinff child, with great soulful hrown oyes, and an innocent look in bis face that made us all thiiik he coitldirt know mach, We used to ntake f uu of his peaked face [and Üiin legs, because, in Genmuiy, you know, tlieclílldreñ are all rouud-t'iecd and fat. Little Jitniny never seemed to notiee that we were enjoying ourselves at his expense, and this made us think lie must be too simple tor any use. But after he had been in the school abont six months, he could gpeak Germán pretty well, a circus eunie to town, and, of course, was the sole topic of conversation ainong the boys. One day we were dlscussin# the matter, whev Saunders who had been sittinjr quietly In B corner of the room, said he should think a little boy might croud in tinder tlie circus teutandsee the show that way. We all lauhed hcartily ut tMi exliibition ftf inoraiirr, bctte we knt-w hiw cIom'Iv the tent was watched, and more than oue of us had been made tempevafly delirious hy having the boss oanva-in:in's bOOl lean suddenly against the seat of our pants. So, when little Jimmy said this. we laughed heartily, and Jacob Laudeniieinier, who was the biftgest boy in tlic school, said tbal nobody bilt a Yankee would talk so Baol.-.lily. Uut Jimmy si'cnicd to think he was rijtlit and finally Jacob offered to bet hini two marks he cöuldu't jrct into the circus underthe tent. Jiininy :il:iys had plenty of money, and he at once toi k the bet. Thcn several more of the boys bégañ betting thé litle fellow untjl I lelt sorry tor htm, and ünallv cohcluded to givë him six groseben myself. so that 1 could pive tlic money back tohim, when all the otherahad won theirs, and do a noble act. Little Jamea took my bet, and atter all the money had been put up with Mr. Nicrstciucr, one I the teachers, the whole crowd went over to the circus g round to see Jamea lose, lic went rlght up to the ticket wagOD and bought a ticket. Then lic said to the min: 'I reckon there ia no Objeetion to niy ftolng in under the canvass, as ion;; as 1 have paid my way? The man said eerliiinly not; if anybody wanted to takc that mucli troublebehad no object ion. Bo Jtmmy crawled under the tent, and carne nul l the inain entrance in a minute, lookinjr Juíi U BÓlemn and innocent as ever. f cfturse M r. Nicrsteiner had to jrive Mm the nionev, because he had won it tairly, and after he had put it In his pocket he winked at us and said : "If you little tow-hoaded Dutchinen think I knoiked around New York tor eisbt years for nothing you will get 1 ft." Thissad incident carne near blightillg my otherwise happy lioyliood.- "l'itfalis of Touüi," by Cari .Schurz. Sir, it isa very foolish resolution to resol ve not to marry a pretty wonian. Ueauty is of itself very estimable. No, sir. I would prefer a pretty woman anlau there are objeetions to her. A pretty woman may be foolish a pretty woman may be wieked ; a pretty woman may not like me. But there is no such daoger in marrying a pretty woman as is appreheuded. öhe will not be peneonted t he does not invite persecution. A pretty woman, if she has a mind to be wieked, can liud a readier way than wiother, and that is all.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News