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The Trial Of Guiteau

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Witnesses were examtbed In the Gulteau case yesterday who testifled to an intitnate ¦cquaiotanceahlp with Mrs. Maynard, sister of llic asaasgin's father, whowsanity had cen more than questioned by the deïence The witnesses were positive that no trace of insanity had ever been discovered in Mrs. Maynard. Testimony was also given to the effect that the jfirl Abby Maynard, if ufflioted at all hy liereditary taint of insanity. did not inherit it fiom lier mother President ArthuPs replies to Mr. Scoville's written interrogatories were read in court. I Thesubstanceof his replies was that he liad only oasually spoken with the assassin, that Guitcau liad nut rcndereil the Republican party any service in the Presidential campaign, and that he had never given Guiteau any reason to suppose that he liad personal or poütical influence with the writer. The Kef. Ir. MacArthur, of New York, test i ried to Guiteau's depraved conduct while a nieinbcr of his cougregation. THE ASSABSIN'S DEPENCK 8TILL CUUMBL1N0. Washington, Dec. Sth. The prosecution in the Guiteau trial concluded to-day their rebutting testiuiony as to the alleged liereditary insanity in the Guiteau Family, and beun testimony to show that the assassin is not insane, but that he is stmply depraved. The case proceeded undermuch the same circumstances as usual. The offleers admitted too many persons to the room, which was packed to tbfl very doors, the doorways tlieniMlTesbelng ptotoíd. Thiawu te usual, and, as usual, there was too nitich levity ia the crowd and too little sternness on the bench. uuueau carne in escorted in the now familiar fashiou - an uflicer walking In front, ;i second one behind him, holding hini bj li is lef't arm, under whioh tliere is always a bfandle of ñe wspapere, and behlnd still anotlier offioer. This day was more excitlmr taan any recent day of the trial, and the inivs of evidence taken was exeeedingly ilamaging to the defence. The tirst trltnesa called was a cousin of the assassin, a daughter of Mrs. Julia Maynard, whoni the defence had sought to makeout insane. Mrs Maynard nasa sister of LutherW. Guiteau, the assassin's father, and the purpose of the defence was, of course, to show parallel cases of insanity in that geiuration of the Ouiteaus. The evidence given yeslerday utterly disproyed the claim that Luther W. Guiteau was insane, that given to-day must be regarded as disproving quite as iully the claim that his sister was insane. It also raised a presumption that the imbecility of Abby Maynard, her daughter, one of the two members of the Guiteau family who have been iniuatea of lnnatic asvluuis, could be traced to her father, who was Dot a Qoiteau, and to the enervating effect of certain experiences for which he was responsible. It nced not be suggested that thi.s point has an important eftect in weakening still further the theory of hereditary insanity. Tlie witness mentioned, Mrs. Julia M. Wilson, of Leadville, Col., is a lady of peciliar refinementof manner and utterance. She gpdke with rare distinctness and in a straiijtely sympathttic voice. lier diction was elegant, without the least - affectation Mrs. Wilson evidently feit keenly the tact that she was appearing as a witness against In-r own kin and was barely able to represa her tears when she first appeared upon the stand. When she spoke of her mother, as she did in terms of devoted affection, her voice vibrated with such feeliug Ümi the eya ai many tilled with tears. The testimony of this daughter to the Christian character and mental health of one who, as she Btidj lmd beeumore like her sister than her mother, was heard in reveient silence. The eni-otlii v:m nu lf1nAtrattn n& iw i,„n,. a single personality rnay have upon a crowd. The quiet tliat prevailed during lier testimony was such as should have characterized the whole course of this trial. It was a little drama trom real life to see the soul rise within tl - ¦¦¦ " .piic ui uer w. ...nene otdemeanor, torepel the charge that her motherhad been of unsouiulmiiul. Her testimony on this point wasas positive ue words could make it. She was her mother's coinpaniou and nurse for many years, and testitictl that she had never seen the slightest ilightiness on her part, even in fever. When she described the death-bed of her mother, and proniises that they should all meet in heaven, many amoug the spechttors were not able to restrain their tears. Slie showed no desire to damage the defence and addressed Mr. Scoville in an afl'ectionate toneas"Cousin Qeorge.'' lier testimony wilh regard to Abby Maynard was important. It was shown tliat slie was found ut an early age to be susceptible peculiarly to the so-cal)ed mesmerie influenoes, and was made the subject of constant experimentó bv her fatlier and a clairvoyant ; tliat this aííected her mind to a certain degree, linally bringingou mild imbecility; that she was a lew years tgo only placed n an asylum, not because it had ever been found necessary to restrain or watch her, but because satisfactory arrangeincnts could not be made to care for her in an old lady's home, or some institution of that kind; lastly, that her father died nsane uid with sol'teniiif; of the bruin. Tliis left the possibility, at least, clearly in view of the jury, that whatever there may liave been of liereditary taint in Abby Maynard came from her father and not trom her mother. Much of this testimony seemed peculiarly afl'ectinff to the members of ihe family who were present. Once Slrs. 8ooville, who seldom allows her emotions to conquer her, wept convulsively behlnd her fan, and John W. Guiteau also showed uiuch feellng, while the assassin most of the time leaned his head on his hand In a listless way. Jira. Wilson also spoke ot Luther V. Uuiteau as having appeared to her daring a visit only :i few years ago to be"oneof the lovellest of Christian gentlemen " slie ever met. She stuted t ín none of her úneles and aunta, thebrothers and sisters of Luther W. Guiteau, had she ever seen any siga of mental unsoundness. When Mrs. Wilson made the statement that hi-r íatber was insane beforc dled, Jolm V. Guiteiiu roaa and addrawlng the Gonrt askcd that the questiou and answer be stricken out as irrelevant. He protested against having tilinga of tbis kind nat afffcting any blood relation of tlie prtooner ÏO nut tO the world. The distrii-t attorney iuliiuated that the testimony VM valuable as showing that if Abby Maynard wik ins:mr, she probubly Inherited insunity from hei fatUer. Mr. Scoville was now on bil foei angrlly objeoüng to uny laterferance by John VV. Guiteau. 'l'his liied the assassin at once. "I think he's a perfect nuisdiicf," he shoiiti'il, baniug his üst on the table in front of liim, while his eyes gloamad hatefiilly. "lle'd better jro back to üosUm, I haven't known anythiug about liim for year. He just crawled into this case, and he's trying to get a littlc notoriety out of me. I never recognijqd liim as a brothcr. He's i.ot of counsel in this case and don't know anything." And so he went on shouting and poundinff, while his brother, wlio oHngt faithfully to him in splte of' his heartless ingratitude, sat by his llde, .--ik'iit and sad. Qtorge '. Mnynard, of Wasliington, a consin of Mrs. Wilson, gave testhnony exactly conrtiniini; hers regarding her inother's entire sanity. As the court was about (afclng its ncx)n reeess. John W. Guiteau rose, saying: "I want to make a personal explanaUoii." #uige Cox iuggested tbat it was hardly necessary, bnt Mr. Guiteau was too mach moved to be restrained. "My father is dead," he began in a voice clioked with feelinfi. "O, there's no use whining abont this thhig." said tlic as-assin, turning to lm and sli.iuiiiir ii s tcctli, with tomethlng between a whine and a marl. Mr. Davidge, of tlie Governnirnt counsel, protested ag;iinst allowing the interruptions of the prisoner to be supplementcd by explanations from liis klndrvd, unItWIt is nti-nilcil that the trial should degenerate into a farce, and Mr. Guiteau sat down. When asked afterward what t was that he wantod in gay, lic replied in substance ; "I don't want to be put in the position of doing,anythlng wliich seems to be against my brother's interest in this case, I btliivc that he is insane, but my tal lier was not insaiic. My Aunt Julia was never iusane. 1 believe that my brother should have every chance which a man on trial can have. I propose to stand by him with all my power so long as he has any life to defend. But I want the truth- no truniped up case. I don't want to see njustice done to tlie dead and to tlicir liviiifi children. The tact is that Mr. Scoville is entiicly warped in his jiidrment by his persoml cnniity towardl my father. He believes everything that he is tryin: to prove, but he is mistaken as to the facts. He would. not try to put anything into the case that he does not believe." With tiie afternoon testimony for tht prosecution began with reference to Guitcau's own lift-. Mr. Sooville liad tricel te prove among other things, tliat Qulteai Wat afraid to vrnture cmt in a bout on tlie shallowest water, and onone occasion, two or three suminers ago, wliilo visiting Mr. Scoville at Iris home in the country, happèoed to eet out a few bet trom the slioie, and cried Üke a clrilil; also, tliat he was iu a frenzy one day about a üog, wliich he seized and threu down Italn. Mr. and Mrs. F. üartlett, of Chicago, who boardfid with Mr. Scoville at tliat time, testilied tliat Guiteau took part in a tul) race one day, and was ducked like tbe other men,táking the sport pleasantly; tliat he once rowed two lads a inile Kron the lake and muoh of Uit: Way hack. and tliat liis behavior at the time of "the dog business," asGuiteau conteinptuously called it, was not exiruordiiiary. The assassin was in a mood for intenuptions. Tbe moment Mr. Barrett appeared walking towanl the witness stand, Guiteau, whose memory for faces seems remarkable, cried out : "I met that gentleman at Mr. Scoville's suinmer resort one suinmer, and all he knows about me. It cost the Government $200 to bring this man down here. It's a sliame," he said, turning toward the District-Attornej', "for Corkhill to waste the money in that way." There was :i ripple of nicninient through the crowd, and Justice (Jox was seen holding a huge palm-leaf fan over bis face while he shook with laughter, and the jovial crier, leaolsg M usual on the desk with one hand in liis pocket, smilcd a sympathotic smile. Other points were elicitcd trom this lady and gentleman to show tii it Guiteau joined in the amusements of the guests and seemed entirely sane. This was in the sunnner of 1878. Various persons were now put upon the stand whom the assassiu had at one time or another swindled out of money. These included the person from whoin he hired desk-room in Boston, a boarding-house keeper iu Saratoga, from whose house Guite;iu ran iiway at niglit In 1.S80, and the Hev. Dr. H. S. MacArthur, of New York City, ftoin lioso chiirch Uuiteau was expelled, and to whom Guiteau bas been owing $100 six or seven years. Guiteau reeoKDized all these gentlemen nstantly, and, as hehailitl eaeb one, called out theamount owing him. All these persons believed liini -ane. Dr. MacArthur's evideuce was í'eltto be very uamaglng. The most important parts of it relnted to the causes of (Juiteau's, expulsión trom the chureh. The grossness and Indeoency of the assassin's commeuts here caused miiny of the women present to drop their eyes and soine to cover their taces, but a titter ran tliron-li the crowd neverthleess Mr. Scoville objected to the iutroduction of such evidence, when Colonel Corkliill said sternly that the prosecution proposed to show that what the defence called insanity was only -'devlish depravity." This drew out a rumble of applause, which the bailitt's promptly cIhm-UimI. 'l'lif criar rivinw i ¦(! cj-c on one iinfortunate boy who had joined in the api)lause, caused him to be led out in disgrace and blushing a fiery red. Dr. MacAi'thur's,testimony evidently irritated Guiteau greatly, and ti is Interruptiant were incessant, though he was busy makingautographs. The testiniony showed, among other things that Guiteau showed no remorse for lus acts, and pleaded agalaat expulsión only because it would liurt his business. At 8 o'clock Guiteau looked up at tlie clock. "Had enough of this kind of business," he said. "Three o'clock, let's go home. How many more witnesses have you got like this, Corkliill ?" He was on his feet now, and had pulled hi.s bsndeufig out of his drawer, and the court was adjourñed. It will be noticed that the testimony today makes sad work of Mr. Scovill's second hypothesis In the hypothetical question - that Guiteau was a tit subject for the [Mane asylum at thlrty-flve vean of age and thereaíter. All that is leh of the hypothetical question now is the ins])iration and assassination. Dr. Alian McLane Hainilton, of New York, one of the Government experts, has made a cast of Guiteau's head, and will use ton his examination for illustration. Guiteau's tonner uite is expected to go on the stand to 111 rrow, if the assassin carries out liis threató, there will be a stormy scène. THE KULL REPORT OF PUOCEBDINQS. The Court was called to order this mor tl ing :it a Lew uiinutes past 10, and shortly afterward the prisoner nubroQffht in carrylng under liis arm the usual bundle of oewapapen. While the marshal was takiiifi olt' his lianileulls the prisoner made his lirst speech of the day in allusloii to a parBffrapn in this moniing's Washington Post. "I see," he said, "that a crank in Chicago said I talked with him iibout this case. I don't know the man at all. H is false.1' The lirst witness called was Julia M. Wilsou, a niece of L. W. Guiteau and a oousln of the prisoner. She statcd that at present she lived at Leadville, hul in the eaily ytiars ui' hi r lite had lived witli her pareoUat Aun Arbor. Elad a recollection ot lier unele Lnthei and Abiani. Hit mother, Hit, talla Maynaiil. dicd in 1 .". Witness euloglzed with a quavering voice liur niotliur's charaeter. 'l'lif poor of Anu Ailmr still remeffibered her for her good works. Witness had been with her in her last imurs, and liad never uotieed a trace of tlightiness in her conduct. Q. (by the Distriet-Attorney- Mr. Davis, a witness for the defence, bas testified that .M n. Mavnanl was inatiiinal and eomplaiked of poverty. Is there a word of truth in that V Mr. Scoville objected, aud objeetiou sustained. t. - Do you recollect of Mis. Davisand her son being there ? A. - Ido not think it jircibable, because the pliysicians i;ave ordera ttiutshe should not have conipany durhiK the last few days. Q. - Was it true that you mother complained of poverty and talked inational y ])iil you ever hear that? A. - I did not. . -Did you know Abby May nard? A. - Shti wits my youngest sister. (J. - What was her mental condition? A. - She was oontidered the brtgtitest child of the family foraboUt ninc r tcnycais. After that her ondltiOD changed very materially. Q. - What was the occasion of that chungef A. - A Prof. De Honneville, one of the professed teachers of animal magnetisni, clairvoyance, etc., carne to Aun ' bor when she was about ten years okl, ani i formed n class there. They found Abb} very susceptible to liis infliicnce, and atu was made a flne illustration of the powerof that Frendimim. She came so ander hit inrtnence that she woulil follow liiin anvwhere and do wh.itever he waiited. SÍie could be put into a state of oatalepay, Bbe would stay asleep in that position for honra, and when he left she would Ilústrate this work evening after eveiiing. I could stop her half way up the street by pointing my tiuger ut her back. My father could do (he saine thing. After that her mental powers wemed to take a change. She learned oertain things readily, yet she was incapable lor usual work. . - Mr. Davis also says "She wore a very large bonnet." A.- If she did she wal nol rcspousible, as she did not select herowii garments. Q.- Mr. Davis says: "we used to cali her ' foollsh Abby,' " was that truc? A.- It may posstbly have been. I have heard of boyt on the street say htg that. Se may have been one of the Ill-mannenM boys. 1 do not know wlio he is. Q.- Did you ever see any thing irrational in your mother's conduct up to the liourof her death ? A.- I did not. Q.- In the deposition of Mr. Turner, nl' Dakota, hu says that he was infonned by Mr. Maynard that liis wife iiaddied itisane. Didyou ever hear of that? A.- I never heard of it. Mr. Scoville objected to the answer, and after a rather (acrimonious discus-ion between the counsel, the court ordered the answer to be stricken from the reeord. While Jadge Potter was earnetly ar'tiing the point of law, now and then managIng lo get in au appeal to the jury, the prisoner broke in with, "Ilold your thunder, Judge, until you get to the jury. You are doing lliis business too much." Ágata when JudgejPorter referred to him as i criminal the prisoner angiily iuterrupteil, "I un not i criminal, aud I object to the word unlil I am e.onvieled. Justhold your thunder on that point." Q. - Did you ever hear in your father's f annly, during your mother's life or alter lier death, that she was insane? A. - No. Witness then gave adesciiptiou of her sister Abby's diameter, aftowuig her to l.e imbecde ratherthan insane, or as witness Btated it, "a childish muid man old body." In none of the faniily liail she ever mtii any indications of insanity. On cross-examination Mr. Scoville inquired whether witness liad :iny prejudlce ugainst insaiiity beiugshown in familv. The witness - I may have, in view of the inlluenee 011 children and others, not on myself. If I thought I had nervous children, I should dislike to have thera constantly feeling that they were subject to iusanity. Witness stated that her sister Abby was now in the Siate Asylura for the Insane. In answer to a question by Mr. Scoville, witness stated that her father had died iusane. As witness was about to leave the stand, J. Wilson Guiteau rose and said : "It may not be quite relevant, but I would like to cali the attention of the Court to the qiiesUon and answer in regard to William E. Maynard, and have it called out as irrelevant. It has nothing to do wlth this case, whether he had softening of the brain or anything else, that I know. This record goes before the world, and whilel have do sentiment on the question of insanity, so far as the truth goes, I object to ligging in things about persons that have 110 blood relationship to the prisoner." The District-Attorney - The only person about wliom the defense could prove any iusanity is Abby Maynard. The prisoner- How about Mis. Parker? The District-Attorney - I was about to say that, Mr. Quitt-au, it is quite important that the jury should know, and that these gentlemen should know, that, if there was any hereditary weakness pi mind in Ahhv Maynard it was more likely to come trom fat her than front the mother. The prisoner - That is not truc in fact. Mr. Scoville (leaning across the table and angrily aiklrt'ssing J. V. Guiteau - ) You have got to keep quiet, and that's all about it. The District-Attorney- This is a delicate siluation, and a situation that has bien torced upon us. The prisoner - Very delicate for your case. It will be still more delicate before uil nvl UlIUIUll. probable that the existence of an unsound mimi came from the father Instead of the mother, luit we do not propose to preai that inquiry one step forther. The priaoner - Mrs. Wilson seeras to bc abright lady but, of course, she is prejudlced against givini; an idea of unsound inind in the fainily. Mr. Scoville (angrily) - I have no inelination to suppressa single fuct that is material. lam willing that the record hould retain that evidence. But I do object, il I am to trv the case for the detense, to Air. J. Wilaoa Guiteaii manifestinjr his desire to object to the proving insanity in this case. The prisoner (violently) - So do I. lic ought to go back to Boston. "I Uo not propose to be," continued Mr. Scoville, "and I will not be bampered by his objections. " THE ASSASSIN RKPuniATES IUS IlUOTHKR. "I never knew anything aböut the 111:111 for years," cried the prisoner. "I never reeognizcd liiin befo re for ycurs. He has onwfrad in to this case tryiiifi tO got some notoriety out of me. lie liad do business lo open his bead cm this case. That is il 1 I have to say to him. The mere tact that he hlMBM to bear the saine nnine th;it I do, is all there is of brother between us. lic is 110 hrother in auy possible sense of the word. lie seems to be a very elever fellow for the last three or four weeks, and 1 am glad 1 gat acquaiiitcd witli him." The Court directed J. VV. Guiteau that he must not luterrupt the proceedingg. The ncxt witness was Georgo C. Alavnard, of Washington (the person lioni Vhom the prisoner borrowed the money, with which he bought the pittol, and who hasalready tcstiücd intlic case). He isa coiisin eo the last witneM and knew her möther, 51rs. Maynard, very intiinately for years. She was his aunt. Slic was a woiihin of intellience and ciiltivation, decidcdly strong in charaeter, clcar headed, linl i'Vcii tcinpercd and of vcry laprlor ability. lic had never seen in her any indieatioasof mental dtoturbaaoe. lic aUn knew Aliliy Maynard as a bright, intelligent, good tempered, atuiable jiprt. She as tlmld and dilliilclit and aearcd like a woinaii of thiity, wilh the a gtri Ol eighteen. Aside Imin thal thwWM -111 ui as any of thein. He also knew her lather, who was a man of graat promlnenoe In Anu Arhor. He never knew any indieation of wcakness il inim in him. At the close ut tliis eainu:Uon, John W. Guiteau, the prisonur's brother rose to a personal explanatlon. The Court intimated that there was 110 iicci'Hsity for it. The prisoner (to his brollier)- You have in -i-n 1 Indioaled, and that is all rlgbt oa are a firstrate fellow. John VV. Guiteau- My lather is dead, and - Mr. Davidge - We have had enough ot this. The prisoner - There is no use in whiniug. Mr. Davidge - Here is the prisoner iuterruptiDg the trial fpOffl time to time, and ifthatisto be lupplimenteu by personal explanations 011 behalf af the kiudred or ot anybKiy who may teel agrieyed, I fcar that this trial will degenerate into a (arce, The prisoner - I have jnst as intich right to talk as you have. I am here as my owu counsel. The Court, at noon, took a recess for an hour, one of the jurors Ucing IndlspOMd. After tlie reeess, Kranklin liartlett, it Chicago, wascalled to Ihe ütand. lic 9ftid ! he knew Mr. and Mrs. Scovllle, and had a slisrlit aoqualntance with tlie prisoner. J he prisoner- You met me at Mr. Scoville's gummer mort in 1876. That's all you khow of me. Itcosttlie JKSUO I" get tliis man down to testii'y to tbat 1 bat is the WJ you are wasting the Governmenl monej, Corkhill. The witness stated tliat lic knew the priftoner in 1878. Tlic piisoner- It was In 187S, you're Q.- Dld you gee tóytblng in hls eonduct i!i:ii woold Indícate thathe was of nnsound nundf A. - Nothinjr rhatever. Tliu prisonor- Wfcat has tliat todo with the condltion of my miad Wtxtm the middleof M.iy till the Ut of July, I had ¦ chance to go orazy a hundred times. [Laughter.J 'l'hat siiou t the very stupid work on tne part of tin prosecotlon. ir you bad to pay so mach money, Corkhll], yon wonldnt do this, butthe taxjptym liavo got to pay lt. The cross-examinatkm elicited nothin new except tliat the witaess had never held extended conversation.s witli the prisoner. Florence L. Bartlett, the wifV of the last witne, then took tlie stand and wasquestioned as to the incident of Guiteau's tarowlog a dog: down stairs. The testiinony was uuimportant and the spectators ieemed to agree wlth tlic witness when she said her opinión was tliat "it was a gtod deal of talk about a very small matter." Wltneaa nerer saw any conduct on the part of the prisoner whicli led her to believe that he was in the remotest degree insane. The eioss-examinatiou failed to shake her te stiinony. and the prisoner interjected the remark that "we've had enough of this dog business." Howard ('. Dunham, teeüng secretary of thu American Peace Society, of Boston, then took the stand. ( The prisoner- I talked with this man In Boston, two or three years ago about my book. That's all he knowsaiiont me. Q-- What were your opportiinities for knowing the priaonerf Tlie prisoner- He thought I was badly cranked about my book. 'l'hat is what he thought about me. He thought that it was a literary curiosity at that time. The witness- In November 1870. the prhoner Mcnred desk room in our office. Alter i lew weeks lie said tli;it theology di'l imt pay, and that lie was after money. Witin-s (lid iiot see the prisoner after April, 1880. Ou !)th Juno, lssl, he received a letter trom Cuiteau, The District-Attorney asketl witness to re:ul that letter, luit it was first handed to Mr. Scoville He objected to its boing iiow offered by the prosecution as to thu sanitj or insanity ot the prisoner. Thisobjection is based, he said, on the elaim 1 íiKike that they Bhoald have introduced all their evidence in chief, that the burden of proof rests with tbem. The objectiou was overruled and exception taken. The letter was then read. It is dated Rlfrgs House, Washington, D. C, June 8, 18S1," and asks morely thut Mr. Dunham forward to the priaoner a copy of liis book "Tiuth," and states that he bas been in politics since June, 1880.