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Tbe New York Mie. "The JLeading Amerlcau Newspaper," Dunne the yrar i4&j Th Tribune hopes to employ witTi increasing succes the work and the method' which have won for it M large a measure of popular approval. It has atuined, and meana ncvcr to lose, the hijfh standard of success which was aimed at by its founder, the largest circulation among the best people. So larye a circulation and one so widcly distnbuted over the entire territory of the Natíon has never been attained by any othcr newspaper in the United States. We accept this fact as the verdict of The American people upon the conduct and character oÍThiTribum. The position it occupies coutd never been gained nor retained but by pre eminent merits as a newspaper, as an organ of sound opinión, and an advocate of just public measures. In short, The 'Iribtm will, as heretofore, continue to bc the medium of the best thoujjht and the voice of the best consctencc of the time ; will kerp abreast of the hit nest proress, favor the freest dis cussion, hear all sidcs, appcal always to Üie most enliMcned intelligence and the purest morality, and refuse peremptorily to cater to the tastcs of the vilc or the prejudices ot the ignorant. , The weil-known special features of The Tribune will be carefully maiitained. lts Agricultural Department will remain as it is, the fullest and best The Household and Yonngf Kolks' DepaitmenU, the literary, seïentifie, and rehgious features, the standard raarket reports, will all bc kept up and extended as opportunity may serve. Valoable The Tribune hs never been equaled by any othcr paper in the permanent and substantial valué of its premiums, and the extraordinary liberalitv of the terms upon which it has oflered thein to the public. We take pieasure in caliing attention of all intelligent readers to the following offers : The LIbrary of l nm-rsa. Kntmletfjre, embracing Chambers'Enclopdia complete, omitting only sotne of the cuts, with extensive additions by an able corps of American editors, treating about 15,OOO additional topics, thoroughly Amencanizing the entire work. adding to it over L5 per reut. of the latcht, freshest, and most valuable matter, the whole making 15 HauUMOinr Octavo Voluuich of II by 91-2 inches in si ze, averaging nearly 1MM imLM to the volume prlnted in large type on jjood strnng calendered paper, and neatly and sub ktantially bound in clotli. Charles Dïekens's Complete Works. An entirely new edition of the complete works of Charles Dickens, prinicd irum new electrotype plates large, clear type, on fine calendered paper, 111 15 v "111111. -. "¦._. l) 1 . Ini'heM fn alze contain ing over Sou pages each, beautifully bound In cloth, gilt. This is one of the handsomest editions of Dickens's works ever issueil. The price of the set of 15 volumes Ís $22. 5O. We can send either Dickens's works or the Library of Universal Knowledge, as above described. on the following terms : {The Library of Universal Knowledife, or Dickens's Complete works, as above described, and The Weekly Tribune 5 years to one subscriber. { The Library of Universal Knowlw_ aan J dije, or Dickeus's Complete works, as For V4V. -Í above described, and The Weekly [Tribune 5 years to one subscriber. f The Library of Universal Knowl„ fl1ü edge or Dickens's Complete Works, as Kor l. aDove described, and ten copies of The [ W eekly Tribune one year. f The Library of Universal Knowl„ aa } e(fe. or Dickens's Complete Works, aror s Hbove described, and twenty copies of { The Weekly Tribune one year. The postage on the Library of Universal Knowledge, it sent by mail, will be 21 cents per volume; on Dickens's Works 15 cents per volume, which the subscriber will remit if wisning them thus sent In packages, by express, they can be had much cheaper. The Great Bible Concórdame. Analytical Concordance to the Bible. on an entirety new plan, contalning every word in alphabctical order, arangrd under its Hebrew or Greek orininal, with the literal meaning of each and lts pronuciation ; exhibiting 311,000 references, beyond Cruden ; marking 30.000 various readings iit the New Testa inent; with the latest information on Biblical Geography and Antiquities, etc , etc. By Robert Younj?, LL. I., author of a new Uteral Transición of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures; ('oncise Critical Comments on the saine a ( irainmatical Analvsis of the Minor prophets in Hebrew; Biblical Notes and Querles; Hebrew Gram mar, etc. This gr at work is comprised in one handsome quarto volume, containing 1,100 Ihree-column pages, neatly and substantially bound in cloth. It ís at once a Concordance, a Greek, Hebrew. and English Iexicon of Bible words, and a Scriptural Gazet leer, and will be as valuable to studeuts of the Holy Word as an Unabridged Dictonary is to the general reader. In fact, every home that has a Bible in it ought also to have this great help to Bible reading and study. It is as well adapted to the use of the common reader as to that ol the scholarly clergyman. We offer it, in connection with The Tribune, at the following remarkably low rates : For #6 the Concordance and one copy of The Weekly Tribune five years, or five copies one year, to different addresses. Kor $11 the Concordance and one copy of The Weekly Tribune rive years, or five copies one year, or ten copies of the Weekly Tribune one year, to different addresses. For $20 the Concordance and twenty copies of The Weekly Tribune one year, to different addresses. The postage on the Concordance is 40 cents, which the subscriber will remit if wishing it sent by mail. Except for short distances the mail will be cheaper than the express. I nabrldgod Dfc tl o nart e au- We can furnish the new revised and enlarged edition of either Web ster's or Worcester's Quarto Unabridged Dictíonary and The Weekly Tribune ñve years for $12; or The Weekly for 917. Remember that these are the new and enlarged editions of these great works. A BEATJTIFUL GIFT. There ought to be in every home and every office in the land good portraits of james A Garfield and his heroic wife. To enable every one to possess them, every subscriber to The Tribune who with his subscripüon, will send 10 cents additional to pay for packing and postage, will receive as a present froin The 'I nbuue an elegant lifv-tike portrail of the late President Garfield or his wife, whichever may be prelcrred, or for 20 cents addional we will send them both. There portraits The Tribune has had engravcd in the style, and they are perfect facc-similes of the best crayon likenesses ever taken of the martyr President and his noble wife. They are beautifully printed on tine plate paper, %% by H inches in size, and will be ornamentes to any parlor, library, or office. TERMS OF THE TRIBUNE. (Without Premiums.) THE WEKKLV HM Minclc Copy, one jrcar - - IfSÏ.OO '!¦ oplc, 0110 ycar - - - 1.50 eaoh. Tu Coplea, on yeiir l.mimrli. And one extra copy with every ten names; or any person making: UP a club may rctaia per cash, commission. THE SKTll-M llkL) I KIKI NI!. Cup), one year - - $3.00 Flvc Cuplés, onr - 2.50 ca h. Ten Copie, one year - - il.OO each. And one free copy with every tn names; or, the person making up a club may retain ten per cent, cash, conimission. The price of The Daily Tribune, ncluding the Sunday Edition, is $¦ t per year, $j for three months. for one inonth. Without the Sunday Kdition, $io per year, $.;o for tbree months, 9i for one month. The Sunday Edition alone is f2 per year. We cannot affbrd club rates or commissions on Daily subscriptions . SPECIMEN COPIES of either edition of The Tribune sent free and postage paid to any address. We want an agent at every Post-office in the United States where we have not one now. Remittances should be made by rigistered letter, Post-oflice order, ordraft on New York. Address THE IHIIMNK. New York. Estáte oí Daniel Vi. BUss. OTATB OF MICHIGAN, County oi Wushtensw, ¦. At a feseion of the Probate Court for the Connty ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate üfllce. In the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, tbe twellih day ol December, In the year one thoaaaod clglu hnudred and elehty-one. PreseDt.WllliunD. Harriman, Judffe of Probate. In tbe matter of the estáte of Daniel W. Bil, deceased. On reading and flllng the uetltion, duly verifled.of Marcia Kockwall, praying tbat a certain Instrument now on file in thi court pnrportlngto be the laat will and u-ettiment of (ald dt-ceased, may be Htlmitti'il to probate, and tbat sbe may be uppointed ezeculriz tbereof. Thereupon it Is ordered, that Monday, the nlnth drty of Jaiiuary next, at ten o'clock in the (orenoon, btí aaeigncd for the ht-urin of sald petition, and that the devii-ees,lei;ateeind nclrsat lawof aid deceased, and all other persons interested in sald estnte, are requlred to appear at a iesion of eaid court, then to be holden at tbe Probate Office, in tbe city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, If any the re be, why the prayer of tbe pftltioner nbould not be grant ed. And It is fnrther ordered. that eaid petltioner give noticu to tbe persont) iuterested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petltion, and the hearing thereof, by canslng a copy of this order to be publUhed In Tht Ann Arbor Couritr, a newspaper printed and circulaUng in said county, three snecessive weeks prevlou to eaid daï of hearing. (A trut' copy.) Wll.UAM D. HARKIMAN, Judi:e of Probate. WM. G. DOTT. ProhiitA Regieter. 1069-72 OSCAR O. SORG, HOUSE. SIGN AND HO Mi ALSO PAPER HANGINQ. NO. It EAST LIBERTY STREET. All Work Done Promnlly and Neatly. 1U29 1


Ann Arbor Courier
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