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This is the 350th day of this year. Tlie store windows are fllled with Holiday goods. One week from day after to-morrow will be Cbristmas. Hl The cows have struck and milk is worth seven cents a qnart. Mileh cows can have a vacation, the stuents are bezinning tr go home. The High School Holiday vacution beKin8 Friday, the 23rd and doses Monday, Jan. 9th. Professor Olney spoke in the opera house last Sunday afternoon In the place of Col. Copeland. Adam Dieterle of West Liberty Street hart hisclothes line robbed again on Tuesd:iy night. We hear that one of the cornet players in the Ann Arbor City Band is going camping during the HoMdayx. The nxt meeting of the Pioneer Association of Washtenaw county will be held in Saline on the first Wednesday in March. Hon. R. E. Frazer, of Cheboygan, spoke on temperance in Flint last Sunday. He will devote his time to this cause until February. Dewit C. Holt, of the 6th ward, died Dec. 9th, of disease of the brain, aged 12 years. His body was taken to East Saglnaw for burial. Rubbers and mud scowsare in order now instend of skates and coasting sleds, the usual acoutrements of pleasure parties at this time of the year. Hon. R. E. Frazw will conduct daily temperance meetings in Ypsilanti during the coming week. He will be assisted by Capt. E. P. Allen and others. A discourse will be "d'elivered in University Hall, Sunday afternoon, December I8th, by the Rev. Dr. Cocker. The exerci8es will begin punctually at three o'clock. The Microscopical Soiree in Room A. University hall to-niglit will be a grand u flair. No one can surpass Dr. Stowell in tnaking such an entertainment exceedingly intcresting. Sophie Lyons waved further examination before Justlce Frueauff last Wednesday, and she was bound over to appear at the circuit court, bail to the amount of $1,000. being secured. The two new brldges across the Huron river have been accepted by the city council, and the amount ($7,149.90) due the Smith Bridge Company, of Toledo, was ordered to be paid. The temperance people took in in the ten cent adraission feeg, last Sunday, $24 in the afternoon and $80 in the even ing. notwithstanding their disappointment in not haviog Copeland. ïfrs. Caroline Spaulding, mother of Alderman C. A. Spaulding, of Coldwater, died in that city early Monday niorning. Her remains were brought liere for interment on Tuesday last. ? Wilfred M., son of Hamilton and Eliza B. Rogers, died last Sunday, the 4th inst., at the Jefferson City, Mo , high school, of typho-malarial fever. HU remains reached her last week Ttiursday. On Tuesday evening, December 20th, Prof. Demmon will give a lecture for the benefit of the Ladies' Library, at the residence of Judge Cooley. Subject, " Walks in England.11 Admission fif teen cents. All are cordially invited. The several temperance organizations of the city have agreed to pay $25 per quarter for the basement of the Unitarian church iiii a place in which to hold their meetings, and $3 perJSunday for the use of the audlence room. Next Tuesday, December 20, Is the day appointed for the annual election of offlcera of the Washtenaw Agricultural Association. The election will be held at the usual place. Directora and all members are reqoested to be present. Yesterdny Judge Harriman ordered Harrison Bostwick to be taken to the Pontiac insane asylura and to be there maintained at the expense of Kent county, as the eviJence taken in the examination proved that he was a legal charge of that county. The Juvenile Temperance Union will gïve a social Friday evening in the Unitarian church, under the direction of the W. C. T. U. The object is to raise funds for furnishing a Christmas tree on Saturday algtat. An admission fee of five cents will be charged. Last Sunday evening the temperance addresses in Uiiiversity hall were given by Dr. Alabaster and Judge Cooley. Many went up there expectlng to hear Col. Copeland, but feit well plea8ed with the change. The Stewart Concert Company furnished xcellent music. Asa E. Lynn, a bo'y' eight years of age, who hag been lvng for me Ume at the county house, has been sent to the State public school for dependent children, at Coldwater, by order of Judge Harriman. He hus traveled about the country for the past three years. All of our readers will take great interest in the testimony of Mrs. Wilson, or Juha Maynard, as she was known when she resided In tliis .city, in the Guiteau case. This testimony, as given in anothr column, is more extended than any other relort we have seen. The Michigan Si ate Board oí Health has issued from Lansing a pamphlet eontainl"g a series of rules for the rest riet ion and prevention of scarlet fever. An odttíon pf 30,000 has been printed, so that no faraily, in a district where thc disease is prevalent,' neeit be without one. There wfll be an adjourned meetiug of Aun Arbor Couneil, R. T. of T., for the purpose of transacting business of importance, at theTr rooms (üdd Fellow's Hall) over Bach & Able's store, Monday evening, December 19, 1881, at 7 :30 sharp. Every member is requested to be present. The Ann Arbor Camp of K. O. T. M. held a meeting last Monday night, at whieh Mr. 8. Boynton, the Great Record Keeper, was present. AH the members in attemlance advanced the required amounts to the Finance Keeper, and adjourned to meet again last evening for the election of office rs. The man whom no one can understand has been sent to Ion ia for four months. Fred Wallace, the turnkey, took him up yesterday, Persons acquainted with seven different lauguages have tried to converse with biin but could uot make themselves understood. He is supposed to be a Finn or a Lapp. The sister-in-law of the bar tender in the saloon owned by the late Mr. Kitson feil down a flight of stairs leading from the second floor of the building to the street last Monday. The force of the fall tore a door at the bottom of the stairs from its hinges, but the lady escaped with a few slight injuries. The first number of the Bee Hive, a' monthly journal devoted to the interests of the K. O. T. M., is a very nicely arrauged and neatly printed sheet. It explains tiie principies and objects of that order, and tills the place for which it is designed in the best possible marnier. It is printed at Port Huron, Mich. 1 lie next regular meeting of the Washtenaw County Medical Society will be held at Council Hall, Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, December 28, at 10 o'clock a. m. Subject for discussion : "Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis." A full attendance is particularly desired, as matters of importante are to eome before the meeting.. The thirty-fifth annual meattng of the Michigan State Teachers' Association will convene in Representative iiall, Lansing, December 27, 28 and 29. Professor Demmon and Miss Chittenden, of this city, are members of the reception committee. Z. Treusdel, Prof. C. K. Adams and Jiulge Cooley will deliver addresses. Christmas eve the Zion Lutheran church will have Christmas exercises, conslstíng of recitation8 and singing by the childrcn and au address by the pastor. After the exercises, gifts from a Christmas tree will be distributed. Over 300 children bclong to this Sunday school and a good time is expected. The exercises will begin at six o'clock. All are invited. 11 St. Mary'8 Lodge, No 9, of Anclent York Masons, (colored) has elected the following officers for the ensuing year : Jerome A. Freeman,V. M. ; Simion Davis, S. W. ; Morris Crawford, J. W.; John A. Preeman, Secretary ; Stephen Adams, Treasurer; John J. West, S. D.; Henry Williams, J. D. ; Harry E. Johnson, Ty Ier ; Rev. Gilmore, Chapluin. Wednesday afternoon two horsesbelonging to Spencer Sweet feil through a culvert on the T., A. A. & G. T. railroad track. The engineer of an approaching train saw them and stopped his train. One of the horses was liberated all right, but after lifting the other out the train himd.s enjoyed themselves by rolling it down the embankment, hieakintr the horse's ueck. The Presbyterian church of Ypsilanti at a fully attended meeting held on Monday evenlng voted a unanimous cali to Rev. Dr. McCorkle, who has been supplying the pulpit since the resignation of Rev. Mr. Richmond. Dr. McCorkle was formerly the a8SÍ8tant pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Detroit, with Rev. Dr. Duffleld. During the past few years he has occupied the pulpit of Presbyterianfchurches at the E ast. The rendering of Haydu's Oratorio of "the Creation" was grand. The soprano, Miss Emma Heckle, of Chieago, surpassed the greatest expectations of her admiren. Mr. Remmertz, of New York, the bass, did not disappoint those who heard him last year, while the tenor, Mr. Tandy, of Buffalo, did exceedingly well. The audience was not as large as such an entertainment ought to cali together, for it has been surpassed by but few of the concerts given in University Hall this year. The St Jolin-i Rfipuhlicau of recent date eontains the following marriage notice. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Markin, of Lodi. " Julius tí. Wise, a well known blacksmith of this village, was joined in the holy bonds of wedlock to Mrs. Elizabeth Sutfin, at the residence of J. V. Fulkerson, in Ovid, Monday evening, Nov. 28, Hev. A. M. Waxman offleiating. The lady is weJl known and hus many friend in this village, wlio wish the happy pair a pleasaut journey down the streaiu of life." Next Wednesday evening the twentyfourth annual meeting of the New England Society of this city will be held at the Cook house. The following is the progTamme for the occasion : 1. Tbe day we celébrate. 2. Our four mothers. 3. Wltctjcrait In New England and elsewhere. 4. The early New Englander in politics. 6. New Kngland thriltand benevolence. .The Yankee lu Irelaud and thelrtshman lu New England. 1. Kellgioua lntolerance In New England'and elsewhere. 8. Blue Laws In New England and elsewhere. 9. The lea ven of New Eugland In the west. 10. The New England of the future. Another attempt to break jail was frustritted on Wednesday night. For some time past Sheriff Wallace has suspected that soiuething of the kind was being planned by soine of the prisoners. On the afternoon of that day, Fred Wallace, the turnkey discovered that a portion of the floor was capable of being removed, and that a passage as large as a barrel had beeen dug to the outer wall. Tools for carryingon the work were concealed somewhere in the building. The plot was discovered just in time to prevent the escape of several prisoners. The following offle'ers of the Knighta of Maccabees, TentNo. 296, of this city, were elected Ia9t erening for the following six months : C. B. Davison, 8. K. C; E. E.Beal, 8. K. L. C; E. N. Gilbert, 8. K. li. K. ; Dr. Breakey, 8. K. P. ; E. W. Snell, 8. K. F. K. ; Robert Shannon, 8. K. P.; James Carr, 8. K. S. at A. ; H. W. Dodsley, 8. K. M. of G.; Paul Shaul, 8. K. lst M. G.; Sid. W. Millard, S. K. 2d M. G.; Lewia Roland, S. K. 8.; Martin Keek, S. K. P. Hereafter the meetings will be the firet Thursday evening of each month, at Odd Fellows hall. _____ Harkins and Granger will give a social in Costello's hall, Dexter, this evening. The Ann Arbor City Band will be on hand to furnish an unusually excellent program of inusic. A dance will be given after the entertainment, and the floor will be under the management of gentlemen residing in Dexter, to which the admisslou will be 50 cents. Arrangements have been made so that all Ann Arborites desiring toattend, (¦nu purchase railroad tickets at two-thirds the regular f are. Quite a number of ]arties have expressed their determination to ' go aloog with the boys. Tliey are assured of a good tiow.) : Fout citizens of Ann Arbor. Dr. Wells, Loren Mills, Mrs. S. A. Barry and Caroline Kverest, were subpcenaed as witnesses to testify in behalf of the government in the Guiteau case. The testimony af Mrs. Julia Wilson, however, proveri the saine facts, to the truth of whlch they would have been cal led upon to testify, so none of them have gone. Mr. Mills says that he and the BMMin'i father werc deacons at the sanie time in the okl Presbyterian church. He Raya further that he can keutttv endorse the testimony of Mrs. Wilson, and that he will fladly do anything in hls power to bring the sacriligious wretch to the fallows. He does not believe at all in the insanity dodge. The Presbyterian fair was a grand success, and it should have been, for everything desirable for a Christmas present could be purchased there. It was one of the few church fairs where things really desirable could be purchased. The household department was full of such articles as all ladies go into ecstacies over, while the book stand contained every desirable article in that line. The China ware department was supplied by a Detroit firni, and the articles were sold on a coinmission. Thcy were many, beautiful and costly. Of fancy articles and children's toys there was a fine display. The efforts of the ladies of this society to contrlbute their mite toward paying off the church debt have been crowned with success.


Ann Arbor Courier
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