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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Kuptist Cliurcli. Kev. S. Haskell, Pastor. Sabbath services, o'i a. m. and ' i p, m. Sunday Schoot aft:t morning service. Pr.yer meeting '1 'hursd;iy evening at 7V$ o'clock. ('athiilic Churcli. Rev. Fathüh I'tKKLK, Pastor. Low Mass, S a m. High Hut, io' a. m. Vespers, 4 p. m. Sunday Sohool, i'i p. m. Coagragaütmal ('hiireli. Kkv. NV. II. Ryder, Pastor. Sabbath services, ïo1 a. m. and 74 p. M. Suitday School jlter moriiinkf services. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 71 ' o'flock. Episcopal Ckurch. Rev. VVyllys Hall, Rector. Sabbath services, 10VÍ M. and 7' r. m. Sunday School. aVÍ r m. Ileligious services Thursday evening at 7% o'clock. Barman Methodist ('lmrch. Rkv. C. Tkanker, Pastor. Sabbath services, ioV$ a. m. and 7 r. M. Sunday School, at nine o'clock a. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesduy. Lutheran Chnreh. RïV. Johh Xiimann, Pastor. Sabbath si íbices, 10H M. nd 7'Jp.m. Sunday School alter morning service. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. MHlwliot Episcopal Churcli. Rev. John Alahaster, Pastor. Sabbath services. io!-4 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School after morning service. Praver meetinff, Thursday evening at 7VL o'clock Younjff Peoples Meeting, Sunday evening 6. Presbjterian Cliurcli. Rev. Richard H. Steele, D. D , Pastor. Sabbath services, 104 a. m. and TA M Sunday School and Bible class alter morning serice. Praver meetinfif. Thursday evening at S o'ctock. Voung People's Met-ting. Sunday evening 6. Cnltarlan Clntrcli. Rir. J. T. Sunderland, Pastor. Sabbath services at io A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School at 12 K. Students' Bible Class at 9: is p. m. Zlons Lnthfran Church. Rt.v. II. !¦'. llaMK, Pastor. Sabbath services at io a. m. and 7 r. m. Sunday School immediately after mnrning service. ilellgibus services Wodncsday evening at 7 o'clock. BUSINESS RDS. wiiJ.itn imm; BUILDER SHOP : CORNER CUUIICH AXD OKLKANS ST. Ann Arbor. 1021-73 W. 11. JACKSO, IDeittisT OFI'ICK : OVER BACH & ABEL'S. Entrence by First National Bank. 7-Htl wiikui iieiu, House, Si;;n, ('niamenial and Fresco Painter. 0 l'HpermK, Glazing, Gilding, iin.l (Viciminine and work of &ivri duscrlpüon clona in tliu best styie, and warranted to srlve íatl?f:ictíon. (lop, Xo. 4 Weit Washington Street. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 638tí WILLIAM W. NICHOLS, IDBISrTIS'X1 1 Bftj? IU8 BKMOVi.1) TO 1118 NEW DENTAL ROOMS OVÏB JOS T. JICOB' STOBB. 563tf THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor. Michigan, mSACTS UNE&AL EADNS BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. Urgantzed under the General Banking Law of this State, toe Btockholderei are iudlvidcally Hable for an addittonal amount eqnal to the ptock held by tbem, tbereby creatine a línarantre Kunil for the iH'iifilt of MepoNttorH of $100,000.00. Three per cent. Interest Ib allowefl on all savinga Deposita uf onw dollar and upwarde, accurdIng to the roles of the Bink.and interest nomponnded semiannnally. Ufoney to loan on nnincunibered real estáte and utaer ood securiiy. Uirtctoré- ChriKttan Mack, W. W. Wlnes, R. A. Beal William Deubel, W illiam D. Harriinaii Daniel Hiscock, and V lllurd B. Smith Otllonrn: 'aai8Tii Maok, Pres. W. W. Wikm, Vice-Pres Chas. B. Hihcock, Cashler. no wa GET Tin: BEST Fire Insurance $42,000,000 -¦ Security held for tlie protection of the policy holden. CHRISTIAN MACK Represents the following flrst-class compa nies, of which one, tlie Etna, has alone paid $55,000,000 lire losses iu slxty years : Etna, of üartford % 7,400,000.00 Boston Dnderwriters 2S0OHO0.O0 KrHnklin, Philadelphla „ 80.000.00 tierman American, N. Y 2 01 1 (KK) 00 {ondon Aaraiice Corporutkin 15.800,000.(10 National, Hartford 1 ion (WO VI jorth Germán. HamborK 2 000 OOO 00 .n.enlx, Hrooklyn 2,80U.OU0.0U Lnderwnters Ajcency, N. Y 4,600,000.00 Losses liberally adtusted and promptly pala. Policios íssned at the lowest rates oL premium. 102173 CHKINTIA MACK. PBRDÖNLÜHBËRYARD JAMES T0LBERT, Prop., Manufactarer and Duil.-r il SACINAW (MG-SAWiü LUMBER, LATH AND SHINÖLES. ALSO AGENT FOR JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND 8KLL8 FIKE BR1CK. JAMES T0LBERT, Prop. JTJ. KEKCB, Mnpt. feb.13,.79 AH kinds of nook-i:i„,t i„B a„ne at The Courler Office on short notlee.


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