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Our oew corjiet baDd has consolidatót willi llic; oíd one, and lias uow over Uven ty-Iive nicmbers. í{ext Mimiiier we uiay expect to have wiud and nnisic enougb ti clmnu uil the liiliabitants of the vil I Tlifif wn a tcnipciaiiíc iiici-tinir n the M. ]¦'.. ni l ch las! .Sliuclav i'Vclln al MTM oViock. Prot. Bteera oceupied the nrs hour, desciibing iiitempcrance among the ia,vages, or latítat Um medca the savage trillo (.ƒ Soulli Aiiioili-a, liuvt: 0fp900nríD{ leMuetUing th,it will Intoaicate, ili.-it tliey t-at or diink. The lemuimler of the evening was ilevoted to live miuute s.cirlifs hy uur bome orutQM. No admUlipn li-c uus chared, bul a coUectiOD was taken up ti defray the eXMíBM OÉ the tneetíng. The meeting was beid andei tiie .iiiMiir,, oí' Charily Lodge, 35, J. O. ot ('t. 'J'. Ourtown had h raid by tliieves Thursday night, De, lo. They entered tbé resldence ot L. E. Sparks, ou South Street, and found mi a Bhelf a pocket book containin; aboin 40, wliich Hicy took and ]iut out. We heard of tliem about tluee mnefc v-i of here, wlicre they entered a dWelllng and sppropriated boim wewrlnj; pparel and othci inicies. Tliey next went to the bain ot .lohn Forbes n the same Qeighborfcood and took a lior.-c, harneas and bugjzy, and then put out lor Jackson eounty- they went inio wo.ids and tied the horse and lelt it. A tuinier fouml t and gtm the intoiniMtion. sheriff ot'.lackson coiiiily (TOt the$2B n-waid, and Mr. Forbes got Bia liorsi', buggy and harness. 'J'ne pocket book and ts eontents, and the other árdeles stolen, have not been tound. The thievis cscaped. DEXTEK. From the Leader. Patriek Fleming met with an accident Monday Qigbt (üec. 12). It was fearfully dark, and in leavitiK town missed the bridge and drove into the creek, from whicli he was rescued with difttculty. The liorseonl slifjlitly injured. .Tacob Parsons, forniorly ot'Uexter, now WOrklng on the railroad at Jankson. had hls toot cnished by a car running over it, on the lOth inst., líecessitatiiií; aniputalion at the anklc. Ilis mother and brotliei-inlaw, Car. Thurber, are with hiin. J. Croarkin'fl dry {joods store was broken into ou the night ot' the 17th inst., and ftoodé. oonsisting of silk handkerchieis, silk tliread and kij gloves, taken to the iniount of $7.") or OICO. The entrañes was made at the back door, and evidently by partios who had studied the faotepinga iïi dalight. FUEEDOM. rroin toe Manchester EnterpriNe we learn that on Nunday nijjht. Dec. llth, beWveei) the hours ei ten and eleven, the new school liniisc the Thomas churcli burned. Loa, $i;00; no insurance. The school teacher and seholars carne at the appoiuted tilín-, Monday moroing, bilt to their astonishment, (band only aslie, in place Of their tainiliar school building. The loss is great, as new boaks bad but recently been purqhased, aml probtbly all li;ul been left iu the building. It is Lhoughl to have beeu Uic vork of II inccndiury, as uochool was he UI on öaturday. MANCHKSTHi:. From the Enterprise. Burglar went about on Muuday uigkt, Dec. llth, seekin;; a little spare change, and linally choso the "l'i-.iplc's l rui: Store" as a convenient place f or operatlous. Alter efiectlngau entrance throujh the rear end of l store they made investialions, :md i teoigt is abont $1 shoit. ednesday moroiug, Dec. 14tli, about 3 o'clock, .Mi. Dr. Kapp heard soine one meandaritig aroiind her kitchen, and after becoining BatlbÜed Ilial It BOtthe hiied girl (retflng an early breakfast, in her sleep, she arose and lighted i lamp, and the dootor, af ter arming hnn.-eif with a revolver coacluded to ünd out whether the racket meant a "professional cali" or pure mischiel. üowever, his visitor did notwait tor ijuestiuiiing, btit made his exit through the woodiiouse door and eseaped into Win. Baxler's yard. The doctor has no certaiu clue as to whoni b la indebted tor the mornlng cali, bnt should it be repeated, some one will reccive a liberal dose ot' lead. SALINE. From the Observer. Kent, the livery nun, haf? "pulled up," and goot to Aun Arhor to lócate. Wonder il the new livery was too mueh tor hlui ? We are pleased to learn that our enterprising townsman, Mr. .1. Slnnn, has "worked ap a acheme" whlch will make tilines llvely the comiiijr winter, and be a good opening for laboren, lias porcbased 80 acres ol tltnbered land on the Rüssell Brlggs farm, just west, of this village, wliich he will elear off the coming winter. All trees of sufHoient size will be Ba wed into lninücr, Mr. S. havinu; nesrotiated with Dundee partlea for the erectlon ol their portable saw-inill on the grouáds. He expects to cilt about 200,000 teet of luinber which will be lo.ided on the carsat Ilie milis, is the R. K. ('o. will bul ld a itde track lor liis convenience. "l'js to be reUivilcd that we haven't IBOfe uch . prising and public gplrited citiens as is Mr. Sturm. 1 l-sII.ANÏI. I'riun the Ypsilan au. The net pi iieecils of' the liaptist bazaar wi re in the neijihborliood of $150. The Arbeiter Vircin will give :i public hall at their hall, in the grove, Monday even! Dg, De?. 86. tfuslc hy Ülnnls' Anii Arbor opera house orchestra. Krom the Coinniurcial. We bellere communlty al large is pleated wiih ihc unanimoui and hearty cali extended iiy the l'ii'siivtcrian churcJj to Eter. Dr. MeOorkle. During the brief sojourn here he has wou gulden opttliong as a preacllM and a man. He heW8 close to the line on practical lite and evanjiclical, {jospel trutli, and this is the vitv tliing wiuitid iu tliis run-aw:iy aifi'. The salary is the saine as that paid licv. Mr. Kichuioud.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News