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i raras will run into Harbor Springt SOOI1. Tramps ttn very nuinenm at Oxford, Mich. Tliere are G'.'O prtwnn la the átate prison at Jackson. The M, lí. Clmrch at Slierman was dedIcHted last Suuday. Thé liquor t;ix of Clinton county forlast year was $4,491. ¦-!.". Si -viral elk have recently been seen in J'iv.-que Isle county. James Lañe, of Haisln, sóida hog recentl}1 lliat welghed 798 poumU. It is nunored tlmt a lur:e chair faelory will be started at Allegan, soon. Drunkenness in Battle Creek last week brought uto the City treasury $30. The second edition of " Michigan in the War" is now la the conrse of prepaiation. There are twcnl v-nine non-resident Itudeuts in atterulance at the Adrián hi.uh school. ilss Hattie Day, of E ast Sunfield, geventeen yeara old, teacbiug her fifih term ol school. Fifty-two ?heep, valncd at $200, were killed by dogs in one night, revently, at Nollaway. The lower rooms ot the Mason schools (rere closed on the llth inst. uutil the lioliday vacatiou. Messrs. Pond, publlahere of' the Quincy Qerald, have just placed a niw ('uinpbell preai In tlieir office. Henry S. Smith, of Grand Rapids, green3ack candidate tor governor Ol Michigan o 187d, diedon the llth in.-t. The Peninsular Btove Qompsny, have ceased work at . Wyandotte and have removed their foundrj' to Detroit. Miss May Marshall, the pedestrian. was litMien agaiii at Midland, recently, by a gentleman named Warren Tallnian. Hugh McCune and Slichael Donahue, Diirned to death in a recent Plttsburg fire, are supposed to be citizens of Port Huron. n. uiuiaiu ioum ui iiiiHCH na úeen ciosei on the grouuds that it was unlawrul t( keep sucH an establishment open at thal place. Ambler's woolen milis at Allegan wen damaged by fireto the ainoünt of $1,300 on the nqthtoi the 4th. The uiills will berebuilt at once. The llarbor Springs Republican gays the propeller Lawrence, probably the la-i In mi of the seasou, arrived froin Chicago 0:1 Sunday the llth inst. An apprapriation of $ir.000 l'or the improvenient ot 'Thuiider Bay was arnongthe estimates fot improvenients submitted Ho Congress on the 5 tb inst. Prof. Kedzie, of the Michigan State Agricultural College, has been ehoseq president of the American Public Health Association for the ensuing year. S. B. Russell of Mt. Cleniens, wliom Gov. Jerome recently removed trom the mayoralty of that place, for beiqg connucted with the public printing, was re-elected last week by a majority of 100 votes. Horace Brewer, of Tecumsch, dled on the llth inst. He was a proininent business man of that city, and had lived titan since 1S1G. Tecumseh has siistained a great loss in the death of Mr. Brewer. .m. v. Beardsley, of Staritdo, has sold over 1250 acres of stamp land during the pturt year and ahiilf. 900 acresol the same bclonged (o Mr. Beardsley. These lands were ,-old in lot.s of f rom 40 to 80 acres to actual settlei'S who are jnow clearing them up. In the U, S. western district coiirt at Qraud Kapids on the ñth of Pecemlw, the mot ion of Green's counsel for an injunction to restrainpartiesfroni using the drive well without paylug royalty was denied by Judjre Withey. The owners of drive wells eau now rest easier. A young man named I. J. Claflin wfts brutally beateu by s,everal young men at Albion recently. Those who made the aesault are not bad boys, but have been dealt w.ith according to their deeds, as they ilcserved to be Fines or ImprUomnent have been the sentences of two or tluee of them. The Lanalng Repoblioan says Mch of t ihitrj clerkë in ttie offioe of cbe secrotarj ai state were the recipients recently of a txautiful bouquet of Bowera, the gift of Mrs. Henry ;. Allen, of QrBd liapiils, d&ugbter of Mis. A. Bell, of tliis city. The flowers wrie presonted by deputy 8ecretary Briggs in 1 neatïpeéch. A nnitilated corpBe Wafl found by some young men in Sanilac county recently and it waf iilcntilicil it the inquest as ihcbody of a Chicago .-tock buyer namod Phillips. The man that iilcntilicd tbc body uscd to work for PliilMps, atidacted po sugpicionsly that bc was afrWled for the muider, but died in jail last week Tuesday. Win. lllake, of Adrián, was thrown trom the lire entine while driving toa lire recently and received injuries from the effects bfWBicb he dicd. The accident was not the cause of cnrHemnen, hut srose from his baste to leacb the lire. He was universally esteemed and respectéd, and is mourned by the whole coinuiuiiily. Mr. Steel is purvejriug t runtc for Cutler & SavidgeV iiew luggnuj railroad wlncn is to be about 13 miles lonr, extendlng trom the tirst lake above the Si LakesdfttD 011 I'"lal rivet, in a iioilh-castcrlv diiveiion lo a point ncailv iroith of Cudar Lake to the largu trapt of pine the company ]mrcbawd Of Mr. Wliitcman aliout a ycar ago. The rokd h 60 !¦ nacly tor woi'K hy tho IstofJune. There are about 175 mftlion fee) of ini' Bpon the tract. - Stauton Clipper. Hou. .Iosc]ih li. llavilaml. of Traverse City, dicd December lOth, ot typliold ferer, aged I") yt ars. The deceased has been state Swamp Land Hoad Commisslo'ner Bince f872, liaviüg been appoinleil to tb it posltlop by each snccesèive governor, He contracteá the dlsease, ot whlch he wtiile 011 a tour ol ' 11 -peel mi in 1 Nortiiern Península. Öov. Jeroroe and other prominent men atti ndeil his funeral on W'eilnesday the 14th inst. All busine.-s places were elosed out of re-peet lor the dead, ou t luit day. An attempt to break. jail was made re -i'iitly at Allegan. Tun eriininals sawed I Ikí klingel trom the doom ot' the ir cel Is, and Secretea tlnniselves in the huil. There, evwlingi the sherilf, wlio w;is in seareh ol them, tiiey made their uuv into the sittinj; room liere tlie heritt' 's wife was létUDg, ghe seieil 011e 01 thini around tlie ne k. while tbe liired giri ieed the other in the same nianiier. llie .lieri tT hearing the HOise haslened baeU and seized one ot tliem while the two winnen taekled the otber. The rackel roused, the i'iieiiti 's ion who bi'ought a revolver to bis fallicr, and tlie lri-uiiei - n ere stion in the ci'll again. Tbey have botfa beau .-untenced tolour yeania 1 lie Stale prÍMHl.


Ann Arbor Courier
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