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Among Our Exchanges

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Allegan Tribune: Wouldn't it be well, hereafter, for ¦uuiuliudj iji, for instance, tlie good wonicn- to have hot coffee and tea and a lunch ready for t lie (remen after a fire. iind uot let somebody else treat Uiem uuli bew aud whisky P Wyandótte Be raid: Our genial friend, Mr. Owen, extended hi.s iiccustomed genero.-ity tlii' Dtlier eveiiing, by picking up a crowdof urchins to the number of 40 or 50, and payiug their way into the concert for the benefit of the M. E. cliurch Ñine or ten dollars to swell the proceeds, and & lot of boys well pleaaed. Bellevue Uazette I James Hamilton presented LM l h is mnrmiig a rare curiosity in thu sliape of un eg inside of ai) egg It was ilisr.ivcicd trhen tbe egg was broten forcoofcinjr. li la not larrèr than ordinary: the iQgide (fg pcrleetly formed, with agood hard snell on iu and is about the gize of a Whlp-poor-will'g ej. James ayi Ihat the lien is not for .-ale. Blissfieid Advocate : Willie Lovett, on the 8tli of December last, found a package ol papn coiicealed under tiie bridge, tiis Bide of PolJard'a croseiog, valued at $2,299 and evldently belongini; to a Mis. Linthardt, of Toledo. Mr Lovett, fat her of the boy, at once notitied the pólice of Toledo ftud it was ascertained tbat Mrs. Linthardt liad bien robbed of the vahiables on the 27th day of October last. The property tv rrtimied to the rghtful owners. Stammaeh Ilerald ! Aeertafnman who live.-, in Tcciiinsfh visited a certain place one evening last week and by a certain peculiar proceas was fleeeed out of a certain sum of money, to-wit : $150. The next day the wite of the fleecee called upon the fljecr and politely iufornied him that he might refund Uiat money or be arrested insult: oí lifteen minutes, anu the woinau got the money in let time than it takes to relate it. That womau was the best man of the three. Mamstee Times : Hev. M. Davies, the misslonary to th heatuen in the lumber camps oi Michtgan, is pushing the good work. He has visited Standish and eral meetings. He repons that the '-boys" receive liim with enthusiusm. He expevted lo pena Thaiiksjnvru'g Dky at, Standiah, and have a grand rally there. After the celigious serviue Ui i;inis(ian hulies were to turnish the loggers a Thanksgiving dinner, aml :m endcavor Was to lie made to make the da; something different from the usual one of whisky and carousal. Ovid RejrUtW: (Following in the wake of Ovid) Hev. (i. 0. Draper, pastor of the St. Johns M. E. Church, has sold 150 seasou tickets tor a lccture course, and engaged Rer. T. F. Bildreth of Grand Rapids, to deliver his grand Yosemite lecture. Rev. Draper attendeil the l)r. Alabaster "Angelo" lecture in Ovid, and proposes to bribe that gentleman to electrify our old-tiuie frienda it tlie hub wlth it. As there are scores 'of peopte in St. Johns whose minds oarabove tlie level of negro ininstrelsy and tlie can-can. Tlie Register bespeaks lor Dr. Alubater acrowded house whenever lie shall appear. Gratiot ('ounty Journal : Time: between the hours of m and seven of the clock one evening this week. Place : the down stairs parlor of the Fox House. Occnpants : a maldeu fair and her lover, to all appearanees. Bnrroundingé : the room well lighted imd a brisk ii re blazing in the stove. Act 1 : ageutle hitching of tlie chaira toward eaoli other. Act II: a plensing remark by the male gender, wlth u suggesti -e glance trom the malden fair. Act III : the mal reiider aforesaid seizes the blushiny dainsel by one lmnd, while the other arm intuitively encircles her delicate waist; she then n-ts lier weary head upon hls palpitattng heart. Act IV : an irrepressib)i' tiuer is beurd at the window on the outside, cauaUlg tlie eooing couple to perpendicularize u speedily ai il' a camión ball had wblzzed throagb the room. Tlua wu (bllowed by s tatty retreat of the look( rs-oii. .Moral: be sure and always pull down the blinds. Wal ne County Review : Monday was a poor day for trampa - during theday about thirty were banglngaroundtheM.CR.IL. depot and the junction. Officer Pate corralfd Fooi olthemand in the evening they weje taken betoie Esquire Walker on a charge oi "dUorflerly comlnct, being vagrants and having no visible means of support." and were each fined $5, in default of whii'li tliey were to fro to the Detroit 1 f . i i -.¦ ol Correct ion tor .-ixty days. After sentenoe they were placed In the lock-up, to n each eell, to reinal n untll morning, wIiimi they were to bc taken to Detroit. Duiing the uiirlit one of them got a torch lamp with a pike in tlie end whlch was just outelde the eell, with whlch he broke the lock, thus llberittlng two, who tried to liberale llie otliers, hut fiiiling in this they made tlirir eacspe, lektirif the otber two to bè laken to tin; House of Correetion the next morning by Officer Pate. He now has a new' lock on tlie door which he declares will boUl tbea next time. The officer is lootkiog tor more trunvpi with which to te-t the quaRty of the new lock. Grand Ledge Independent: Some time since iihck,i)ilytonj.rned individual, claimin to represen) n Detroit linn, called on Nathaniel Soulei, ot Hoxand, exhlbited and eilnincil tlie tnerits of a patent Wagon tonirue supporter, and linally indueed Mr. Soulei to take the ajfeiicy nnd order $20 worth, to be ililiveied in (rand Ledge. In a couple o!' Weeks atterwanis another agent) chiiniiiiii to KpreMBt the Grand Kapids braneli of the same nstit ntioii, put in au appearanoe at Mr. Soules' with a note ajraiust him for if2()0, which lie claimeq had been tflven In payment for the tragón tongué upporters, which, he said, had arrived at llie depot in this villaje. Mr. S. did aot "lly oll' the handle,'1 as ten out of a dozen men WOUld have done ander the eirctiaistaifcet, but remained good lüitured and pleusaiit, nodding assent to i'veiytliiny thv l'ullow s-iid. When he had finished liis lingo, Mr. S. asked him.tosee the note, which he shoved ínto his pocket as soori as be bad it in his possession and then toid the a#e1 to "git, as the whole thiug as a foigery. He saw he-was beaten and lrtl. o lupportera ever arrived ut this station for Mr. S. Vermontville Hawk : At a Tree Methodist prayer meeting held in this county not lom: slnoe k eértau smart youth took ocpHsion to dislorb tlie meeting, whereat the btstor very gentlemaaly remonstrated ; ing man not heedlng the injunction the )iitor n-primated him more emphatlcly, addi ir tlmt it he ó'oung nian) didn't cease tiU conduct he should be under the piii tul necessity of putting him out. Upon this èaylng, the young nian's father (who, bj thé wy. is :i good brother) raised to his faet and t-taried towaid the pastor, with clincheil lists, at tlie same time exclaiming : "if you want to put anybody out you can coniinence on the old man tirst." The pastor ictoitcd with "I eao put you both onl." liy this üme things began to look more belligerent than otherwise.and brothers and sisters were obliged to arbítrate to ItAy open war. When "quietus'1 Was restored, and tlie hasiy brother had spent hig wrath, he rose in his seat to expostulate in a milder form the condition of things in general, llewound up by saying, "that he had been sorely tried since he had been I miinlier of this church," and at this, his wife (who is a sister) said with equal emphasi-, "I, too, have been 'tried' many times 8nee I was a memoer of this church. ' The yoiuiLT man who evidently had at heart the doctrines of his church, and willing to do all in harmonizing the pugnaci"ii- element, rose and proceedcd thus: "Thank God I'm a Free Methodist, my piirents were Free Methodists. and so far as i know, all my relaiives are Free Mtthodi.-ts, in tact the doctrine has alwaya been 'horeditory' in our famlly."


Ann Arbor Courier
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