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A piaster cast ot (iuitean g neaa was made on Monday. All ofthejurorsin the Guiteau case aecoinpniiieil by the Marshal and baliifs attin.lnl the funeral of juror Hobb's wife. Kx-Sc rctary Klaine has acccpted au invitation to pronounce a culogy upon President (nrt'u'ld in the forthconiing Congrestona] memorial services. H.H. IÜddleberger, the Readjuster canlid;ite, has been elected ünltcd State Senator from Virginia. He experta to adopt a )M)litical COWM of UU own. Lainbert Pree. of Washington, dled I iy. He entered the Postal Service nmler President Monroe and oontinued In thaVtervke anti) the flntof last Mrch. The tciiKilc land leagtMtl are to have a prboa of liicii own anl to bfl allowed the mm pririlefa of batan amatad as the IIUllW II irhili(-tliat they have long dcMIC'l. Geo. 1). BMa- i of Germantown, N;w Vork, ta rhamlMon liicvclist of Ainciica, havinjr won the ir prize at the recent ci.nli-i in New VorW. He i(Mle 50 miles in :: hoon 19 minute and 8 ,'.j wcooA. Thcre a-a report alloat in Washington tbeflnt ot cck tinu Pmaidabl Artiiur and Misn Kivlinjfhiiyx'ii, Ihe daughter of the Secretary, were MCM to be marrieil. This report ha basa contndleted however. The boilyol" antinkiiown man w.-isfoiind near Port Baron a few il.iys ajfO. It seems tn Im a ca.-c of suicide. Tlie daoeMed triad tosever the ot his iegñltt aiulthns eanac deatk, inu failing in this ba lay face downward in a pool of water two feec deep, and smothered to death. Tliere is a man at Wyandotti trying to Introduee a bet mcthoii of making cliarcoal. He claims that nearly twiee as much cliarcoal can le made from a cord of wood a-ly the old method, and that othcr valuadle pnxlucts as creosote, etc., can be produced at the -ame time. Ifgood for anytliinf it tcíII nn floiihf. lin ntr'hllicril alnl will cheapen manufartnring. Kepresentative Hawk, of Illinois, introduced a bilí in tbc House on Mmulay providiiiL "for ponkhnwnt by death for assault with Intent to kill the President of the United States. It it ihmll be shown that the assailant is irresponsible at the tinu1 of tlicassanlt, he shall be contincd in au asylum for the insane for life." It is a sensible bilí and sliould be pftfMft U is iiow cluimed that Guiteiiu was led to changehisboastedintentioii of "showing ïip." of Mrs. Dunmire, bis divorced wifes' eharacter by a gentle hint fioni her husbaml tliat he woulil shoot the villain if he aaid an iiisnltin word about her'repulation. As Mr. Dunmire is a Learivillr miner and occupied a seat near his wife, the cowardly assassin wasdeeply impreïsed with her Clirlstian character. A quantity of arms and anuinition was discovered in a house in Doublin on the 18tli iust. Anned bands go about nightly throughout the rounties of Clare, Kerry, aml Tipperary, Ireland. Parneü is still in prison,but an atteinpt to induce the government to libérate himwill be made before the meeting of Parliament. Some think that a new government will haveto be formed beforea great while. The Illinois State Board of Health has adopted a resoluton probibiHng chüdren froni attending the public schools without lirst jiresenting satisfactory evit'ence from a reputable pbysician of proper and successful vaccination. Dr. John M. Gregory, President of the Board, claims that the public school Is the greatest means by which smallpox is spread; and that the only way of protecting children is by keeping such diseases out of schools. It is certain that those who attend our schools are subject to enough sicknessproducing agencies without bcing exposed to contagious di-t'ases. The following is the story of the vessel, of City Bath and tdls whatthe wild waves aredoing at thls season of the year. "Sventeen of the crew ot the stearaer Bath City from Bristol for New York, spoken by the steamer Marathon December 1, off St, Johns, N. F., have arrived at Liverpool. The bark William J. Foley picked them up off Xewfoundland. The Bath City sprang a leak off Newfoundland during heavy weather and sank. The crew of 27 men, including the captain, took to the two bouts. One of the boats capsized and four of the occupants were drowned. The remaining 2.'i men were exposed to intense eold, from the effects of which the captain andfiveofthe crew died. The survivors were three days and three nights in boats in a deplorable condition. The chief mate of the Bath City reports heavy weather experienced after leaving Bristol. The vessel begau making water November 17 and lost rudder November 30. All hands left the vesscl December 8. The survivors have been sent to the northern hospital at Liverpool badly frost bitten."


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