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A Heallhj SUte. l'ooplp are constanllv changinjj tlieir liomes from East to Wol and from Norlli to South, or rice verta, in seareli of h health y State. If they would leiirn to be contentad, and to use the eelebnited Kidnoy-W ort when siek they wouM be much better off. The whole system can be kept in a heult hy state by this' simple bilt effectual remedv. 8ee Irr' adv. How t Semre Health. It oonis strange that anyone will suffer ('rom derangement broutrlu on by impure blood, wbon 8COVILLf8 SAKSAPARILLA and 8TILLIN0IA, or Bi.OOÜ 8YRUP, wifl rimil health. It is the best blood purífiar ever discoverc! effectually curing Sorofula. Svphlitic disorders, of the Kidnrys, Krysippl", Malaria, all Nerrous Disorders and Dehility Bilious Complaints, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Skin, etc. It oorreots indigestión. A single bottle will prove toyou its merits aaa health reoewer, for it acts lite a charm. BAKKHS1 PAIN PANACEA cures pain in Man and Beaat. Use externully and ioternally and find relief. DR. ROGER'S 7B0ETABLK WORM SYRUP inítantly destroya worins and removes all secretions. B. K. of P. For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Iyscntery, Cramps and Paius in the StomMh, thero ia nothing ofiiials Beebe's Kiiifi ot Pain. Price only 2 cents. Sold by II drujrgiste. 1068-1 12U Uon't Take Qninlne. If yon want to get rid of Malaria or the ('hills ilon't take qnininc, but wear the harinless remedy - the Lion Malarlü and Liver Pad and Body and Foot Piasters. The cheapest remedy ever oll'ered. Tlie wliolc tombined for one dollar. For sale by Druggists. Harpcr's Magazine. ILLUSTRARED. "Alwiyo vurlfii, Iways irood, always IrniiroTiny." Chirle'" Francia Adam, .Ir. IUrprV MaL.'Hzlin-. Um mout popular ïllu-tr.-ifeil periódica! in the worM, btíiue k wixty-fourm volnme wlth the Decmber Numbcr. It reprcfleafe whnt Ie beat In American literatare and nrt; and lts marki fl Kngland- whcre lt ha aln-ady acirculaiion Urjjer than tiutt of any Kniílinh iQñgnzine of the tiftn1 clai"- has lrourbt Inte it lerrlci mift t-mirurnt writerand artisT of Oent Britaio. ' The forthrnmliitf volume for 1S82 will in every respect urpAe tlicir predecesor. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Vrr: HAUPKR'S BAZAR _ _ 4 00 HAKl'KH S MMiAZINK „ 4 U0 HAKPKK'S VVBEKLY 4 00 ThiTHRKE above publlcatlons 10 00 Any TWO nhove nam. (1 7 00 IIARPBR'S TOUNO I'KOI'LB 1 50 HARPBKS MAGAZINE ( . HAKPBK'B YOl'NU I'BOPLB 3 HAKI'KK'S KKANKLIN SQUARE LIBRART, One Year t52 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to all enbscriber In the United States or Canada. The volumen of tbe Magazine begin with the Numbers íor June and December oi -ach y'ar. Wben ll'i tlm irt itpocinVd, !t wlll he nnderntood thal the subecriber wlehot ta bGffbl wfrh thecurrelit t.nmber. A complete vet of HürperV Maeiizin-M 0QaprialBt fi-'l Vülunu-, in neat cloth biudiu, wijl be tenl by expres or frettfhtat expense of purchafr, on rrcelpt ol ii.ib pi r volunii'. Cloth ciisei, lor binding, SU crDlc, by muil, jniHtpnnl. Index to Harper's Manzlne, AlphabeticM, AnnlytIcal, and C1dsilfied, for Yvluwes 1 to HO, inclusive, from June, 1-50, lo June, ltfPO, one vol., Hvu, Lloth. UM, Remlttancei' shonld be made by Post -Office Money Order or Draft, to avold chance f loss. Newgpaper are not to copy thii advertlscment without the express order of Hirpir & Urotiieks. Address HARPEK & BROTIIBKH, New York. THE ANN ARBOR BAKERY. We have secured the services of a first-class baker and pastry cook, and are furnishing a quality of bread that has never been excelled in this city. We are also making some ol the nicest articles in the line of pastry, rnany of them entire novelties in Ann Arbor. A good assortment of groceries and provisions will be found at our store. All orders for goods in our line will be filled and promptly delivered to any part of the city. A liberal discount will be made to clubs. HALL & MOSELEY, 10346 Nq 23 North Majn St 1 INSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERÜ ÁMD - FLOUR ANO FEED STORE. We keep constantlj on banu, BREAD. fiRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WH0LK8ALÏ AND RBTAIL TRADK. W thall also keop a aupply of 8WIÏT DBUBEL'8 BEST WHITE WHKA1 FLOÜR, DKLHI FLOUR, RY FLOÜK, BUCKWHBAT FLOUR, CORN MKAL, FBBU, c, 4c. At Wholesale and retaíl. a general stock ol GROCERIES AND lKotlsiiis CODStaotly oc hand, whlch wlll be sold on aa reaaoc able term as at any other house In the city. Caso pald for Butter, Bggs, and Country Product generallr. fgr Goods deüvered to any part of the city wltb out extra charge. yr RIN88Y A 8BABOLT. YOU SHOULDJAKl IT. In Point of Excellence lt is TJnsnrpaosed, and Evcry Family Will Appreciate it ana Enjoy lts Pernsal. Erery man should make hls home as comfortable and uttraclive as posible. A niott etsentltil ri'quisite to that end Is a good newütjapr. The peruaal of auch a newspaper not only Inatills In the rising generatlon a love of bome, bui Is a constant Incentive to Improvement. Sluiply as an e ucator, and astde from all other considerationet, no parent sbould forego taking Into hif fatully Thk Uktboit Free Piiesï. Kor the year ltMtó we have to offer the standard features whlch have made The Frïk Pkhs the most popular Journal In tneworld, and with such additlons will prove of special interest to Michigan readers. Addreiwlnx more partlcularly the farmer, we take extreme palns to procure complete and accurate markt r'-[Mirts. They embrace farm products of every ctmructer, Includlng Uve stock, 'ihe quotatlons, corrected to the day of publlcatlon, from all the leadiug citles, as well aa those of Detroit, are given each m A carefully organized system of reeular correspondence throughout Michigan wlll glve the readers early and complete Intclllgence of all happenings in the Sute. At this point we wlsh to remind readers that the best and fnllcKt repons as wel! as earllest news of all Imporunt uilaim, whether happening in Michigan or elsewhere. wlll be found In Tui Fr Phkss. No newspaper has brighter or more Intelligent editorial comments on thu leading topics of the day. None surpasa lt In candor; none equal It In literary merit; none approach lt in space.r'parklt-and vivadty. I's correvpondence, by I's superior excellence, has iittracted great attentum, and In this eapecial departmint The Fbie Piikhk Is acknowledgcd to stand at the very front. Kendcrs of Tb Frek Press wlll recelvc tbrough lts columns an lntellfglble Idea of new books of merit w thi-y an' imm time to time pnbllshed. Liberal extract and diacrimlnating reviews appear uvery week. Attentlon Is given to hlxtorical toiilcs and articles havlug special reference to oor own State In preparatlon. '¦THE HOI MK1IIILI). Every Issne of The Weeklt Fuke Pheki Is accompanied bj " The Household,11 a supplement deroted to soda] and domestic topics, flovver cuitare, fancy work, toilet and cooklng receiptt and houaehold matter generally. It is furnlehed without extra charge, and every purcbaser or subscriber to The Weeklt Fhee Phess Is entitled to rrcvive a copy. To turn up, all must conclude Ihb Weeki t Fbkk Prraü and ''The Househoid" - a supplement whlch accompanlcg every lsaue- thongh mrnlshed together for $1.50 a year, compare In the amoutit and excellence of content wlth the beat of the four dollar magazines. The Weekly Free Press and "The Household" together are fumished at $1.50 a year. Liberal premiums, are glven for clubs. Addreas letten to TEE DETROIT FEEE PRESS, 1080-70 HRTKOIT. l I II .


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