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WWMUl'l Trut' Krieiul. 5 i i ) ¦ 1 1 1 1 m m-T-.i . Laad 'l'lik aoiie can deny, especially when assistanoe s rendered when one u sorely affllcted witli dlseaae, more particularly thoae complaiuts mul we&koesses k oommon to uur teníale population, K i woman -houlil know Electric Bitters are woman's truc friend, and wlU positlvelv restore her . ïih, even wlien al' otlier remediea f;ül. A trial always provea oor asertion. Tlny are pleasant to tlie taste and onlv eofil titiy cents a bottle, Sold by Eberbach S Bon. The Kolse of the r'inger. Dr. Hammond saya tlmt if you poke tlie end of your linger in your car the roaring noise you hear i Uip sound of the circulation in your lingrr, wliich is a ftict, aa any eme cao demónstrate for hlmaelf by tirt putting hls Rngen In liis ears and then stopping them up wlth other sabstance. Tryitand ttaink what a wonderof amachine yiiur body is, tluit the even the points "t your tin;iTS are sucli bttST workshops tliat they roar tlketsmall Niágara, The rosring is probably more than the circuí ation of tlie blooii. It is tlie voice of all tlie vitul processes that are always going forward in every living body, lïoiu ronception to deatb. Wonderful Power. When a medicine performs suclí cures as Kidney-Wort is eonstautly dolng, it may truly be said to have wonderful poner. A carpenterin Montgomery, Vt.hïdsuffered for eight yeara from the worst of kidney dlseases, and had been wholly Incapacitatod tor wolk. He says, "üne bol made a new man of me, and i Slnosrely believe it will restore to health all that are similailyalfllcted." It is now sold in both Iiquid and dry form. - Daabury Newi. Oliver VTendclI Holmes. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes was visited last fwrïrj Lady Hardy. rrho says of the genial Ductor and authorln bernewbook: Mc is neither teil nor sliort.but of medium helgfat; a thin wlry man, wlth iron gtn halr, and eyes twinkling wlth humor and philosophy. Age has not dimincd their lastre, nor taken tlie spring trom his elastic spirit; he isas in lus movemeul man of 86, Mr. Holmes, a gentle-mannered lady, Just the wlfe neoessaryfoi racl a niau -oiic Who would make his home a liailior ot rest and pcace - canie out to inect and wclcome us. We were presentí] loined by his dauhter- a brOllant yotnu idow, a feminine cdition of hiniself. I wi-h I cOOld reproduce his spirit, (juaiiitly turned phrases and ([iiiek repartec to whlcl the expression of his (ac Kave addltional point and liiirh tlavor. 1 think the mo-t ary-as-du8t doctrine would quicken into lite if passed throu'h the aleniliie of his eparkling pliilosophy. We retiicd to luncl in a pretiv jiarlor looking out into the fiower garueo, irhere Um bees were droniil;; and lli(t tal! lilics and roses DoddlBj Uy In the sunshine. lic attcrwan reaui' Kraps and ibatcbes of hls new poems, which was a rcat treat to us for he lias a welotUou voice, and reads with great emphasu and spirit.- Kree l'res. Many who long suffered from nervous debllity would now be in their graves had they not used Browu's Iron Bitters.


Ann Arbor Courier
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