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Capturing a Devil Flsh. The devil fisu is a marine animal whirh amuses itself by eatlng oilicr marino auimals and anything else t can get liold of, from aman to a bout. il lio on it ba Ih shallow water and stretchcs uit tk haclef. or it staggers arouud on these tenta oles lik pider In ah adyanced ¦tete of intoxicatlon. Homer and Arlstotle cal led i t :i polyiiiis. luit amonjr modern wU nen it II kiiuwua the ocloii-. and abont f.iriy ipedes, accoxdbag to thelr special deI cuaeednew Hniuished. Al Portugal Care, nett St. John, Newfoundand, recentlv, n étetil ti-li Wed to s -iilluw lioontiro .-alelí ot a liihiii!; sinack. Uut it rot into the net, and, as the iinaft a chooner, Ita efforti to iwallow the mwok rere Ineffectoal. The longer ii wm oui of water tke flinter becaine U roraclouii ¦llorL-, and finally il dirl. It WM taken f. .Idlin and put on loe. It airivod in Vork on the stoain-ir ('anima. In charge of Cpl Davis. lts bodyjta 8re Peel and its head nearlv R foot and a half hwi. tig bout tivi' tcft and one of the BDtacte meaMires twciily-two feot . - N i York Sun. TRUTH ATTESTED. ¦MM Important Statements oí Wellkown People Wholly VerlfleU. In order tliat the public muy fnlly reatee the genotaenen of the itatemenl v.-n u the power and raloa óf the arttcle f wiiicn tin-v aak, we pnblieh herewlth fnr-mmile Bitnat tires of partiet Wn&e Inoerlty is beyond qoeation. The trutli of hese teatimonlali ia absoluta, nor can t lie ii tlicy announce lx1 iirnored. AHH Akbiih, Mich.. July 21. ; i. h KuunuAOo.,Btn:I bad bron Croubled wlth a Cldnej and Jter dtffleulty ftr sereral yearsand asei-n lameneaa lo tny bipwhich I bad elven ip all hopis of ever befng canjd oL I had (octored and trled teveral femedlea uitliiui affordine me much relief. I declded o gire a trial to a bot t le of your Safe Kidl.ivcr ('uro. I commenoed n-ing it Itni to (lin-otions. 1 baVe u to hñe need Bre bottlee and tlioe biirniuji enaetkmi of my Kldneyi have left me and ,l- my lameneaaand I am enjoylrig better icalth tlian I hare tur several years, eniiclv thmogti the (roodneei nf yóur Safe Cldney and Livrr ('ure and I cheerfully 'eeommead it. HKf, B. F. Grahger. Ah Abbor Mich., inly is, IM. I. 11. Warner Co., 8ir:- l-'oi pa-t ïiiicin jreate I ¦ kmn iltliiifd witli a tcrritdü liver and kidncy omplaini wblchattímesbaaoMMed me the no.-t InteoM iuöering. I bsve tricd Mfferïii oaedicines, advertlaed for the eare ei kidney mul llTOï imd tbmid no rcliof. became diMouraged and made op my nind tliat nothing would do DM üny frood. vlien one erenlnE I waf readiag in tbe KvcniiiK NeWS of Detroit, and daBM toroM your adTOrttoement whlon tpotu oí he inany i'uns tliat liavo been aSücted by he use oí' yonr Sato Kiilnoy and I.ivcr ure, and 1 dicidod to fjive it a trial. I laye now sed three botlles and its effect perfectly wonderfuL Thoee levere paèng hat 1 had continually in the región of my iilnt-ys have dUappeared, aleo the ioreíess in tliat part of my body. I am satislicd ¦hall efflect a eo4ete uure. 1 chearfully rrve Mi ihis teetbjaony boping it muy be he Doeana of Induciag otheii u try it. niirs rcsprcttully, Ann Ahbok, Mich., July 27, 1881. I. II. Warner & Co., 1 hare used your Safe Kidney and Liver 'ure, and it is the bost thingin my estimaion tor Kidney and I.iver dilHculties tlial ih ever beeoslaced lefore the public. And have, and do cheerfully reeommend its isc i.i tboie afilicled uith ( tlie üdnoy and Liver. Tliousaiuls of equally strong endorsemonts - many of them in casob where hope was abandoaed - have been voluntarily riven, showing the remarkable power of Warncr's Safe Kidney and Liver cure, in all lltwnm of llie kidneys, liver or urinary or[ans. If any one wlio reads this bas any ihygleal troable, remember the gn-at danrer ofdelay. 1068-71 StopScowliiig. Don't scowl ; it spoils faces. Before you ;now it your forehead will resemble % mail railroad map. 'J'here is a grand trunk ine now from cowlick to the edjie of your loee, intersectod by parallel lines, running east and west, witb ourves archiiif; your yebrows ; and oh, how much older you ook for it ! ÉoowUag is a habit tliat steals ipon ua unawaies. We frown when the Ight is too strong and when it is too weak. We tle our brows into a knot when we are hinking, and kuit them even more tightly vlien we ranuot think. Theru is no dclyiog that thera are plenty of things to CO 1 about. The baby in the eradle frowns vhen somelliin lails to suit. The little oddler rho has sugar on liis bread and )utter tells his trouble in the same way when you leavc oll'tlie sugar. " roMn W6 tay about cliiidreu, and "worriod to dcath " ibout the old folks, and as for oonelvea, we can't help it. Hut we must. lts reflex nfliienco inakes othen unliappy; for the lace answertth unto face in life as well as ín water, tt belle our religión. Wepbould m oor soul in aucta pëaoe tint ii will i'iU.tit.ui in [.I ¦.cid i'ountonaiii -e 11 your brebead is rldged witb wrtukiea ¦ brty, what willil be at M'venty ? Tben la one coiisoliiiu; thouglit about tbeee niaiks )t time and trouble - the death angel alwayi eraaea them. Even the extremely tged In dcath ofteo wear a snmoth and peaoeful brow, thus leaving our laat memolies of them calni and tianijuil. lint our Imsiness is iililii'c. Bcowlinsba kind of dient soolding. Fot pity'a sake let ua taka h sadiron ora glad Iron, or amootbing looi ofsomesort, and slr.dlitcn these cna-cs out of our faces before tliey become Indelir bly engraveu.u[)oii our viage. - Preakyterian Bannt r. A Vexed Clergyman. Kvcii the p.ilicnee of Job would bi ¦ exhaunted were he a preacber and eudeavorlDg to interest his audieiice whüe tliey were keeping up an inecssant Qougbing, maklng it Unpoeslble for bim to be beard. Y et how veiy easy can all tliis bt avoided by siniply usiug Dr. King's Kew Dlscovery for Consumption, Coughs and ( 'olds. Trial bottels givea away at Eberbach iV Son1 drug store. ïUoO-llui Oakland County Advertiser: Last Wedlu sday H. .1. Stranahan, proprietor of a meel market on BaghiaiT street. was arrest' ed tor cruelty to animáis, the charge being that he tlirew a knite at a dog, which inllirted a (ricbtfvl gash.and rendered killing mal ncccssaiy. It seems the dog had been in the habit of stealing meat from this market, and had becotne a nuisnnee to the pioprietor, who evldently threw it on the impulse of the moment, before he realized what injury it might intliot. Bomt are indigiiant over the matter, and charaoterize it as a brutal deed, while others only blame hun for not possessing more eontro Of his angry passion. A True Cause for Regret. It niakes the heart of every pbilantroplsl sad to see o many worthless patent medicines pulled and advertid for the cure ol chronic diseasos. Usually the remedy is some vile cathartir oomponnd or alcoholic preparation, oombined witb buchu. turpentine or otbor severe diuretio that att'onls tli( invalid only temporary relief, but whicl has no lasting effect, and in truth eventu ally brings on a complicatiou of d irising from a state of worn-out and exhanated diL'estiveJiirinary orguns tliat noth inj; imt daatheao relieve. fnvalW houl( trust more to nature lor their recovo ry. A gentle medicinal tonie that stimulates entccble(l digestión and strentrthens icr part of the svstcm by its soothing and refreahlng tBetá on ith mind and body, is nature's truest and best assistant. Sik li : remedy llrnwifs Iron lüttcrs, a modioin surpaatlng the sale of all other remedie whenever its merits become known, for i acta in such perfect harmony with the law of life and health, that all puluionarv urinarv and digestivo troubles are prevent ed and permanently cured by its timely use It contains no alcohol, and will not blaokei the teoth. Physicians and ininistdorse and recommed It. Womcn that have been pronounced in curable by the best physieians in the coun try, have been completely cured of femal weakness by the use ot Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compouud. Send to Mre. Lydi E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn Mass., for pamphlets.


Ann Arbor Courier
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