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Mr. Walter F. McCune, of Pittsburg, Pa., wrttrn: "My ape is 26 yearn. I was bom with :in cxci'llont constitutinn, but at W ure of 19. baviiis just tliiished my oollegite educfttion, I Ml Into the hbltt ofdiaajpatfoft. Altor si yoiirs of faM li vinr I feit mr cnii-titutioii brnken down. I put myieU umler the care of ono of our best phyiiciana llis tre&tment leemed todo me no rood. Finally lic said at best I coiild live hut 11 few years, tliat my bowi-ls. kulneys MMl linies witc all tlirt-att-ncd witli conHimptlon and wen; last TUttOS tway In rtein dccay. I tricd eyerything artrliieil. hoping to pain relief, riniílly 1 Irilicil intn l Itata l in.lam-lioly and hopeipalr, rafferiM Bxorucükflniily trom ypcp3a, short breath, and iirinary alarrh A year ao I siiw Browaa Iron Biten Ktrertlaed. I Bied them and thcy aetsd like :i clmrm, I soon bepan to enjoy rewileM sluuitxT - aml BOU I feel niysi-lf min onoc inore, and have rmlBW 54 ounds sinee usinjrthe remedy. I teel very troiijr. and OM liolil out a 45 pound weight. Irown'l Iron Bitters saved my lile." Mothers ! Mothers ! I Mothers ! ! ! Are you disturbed at night and broken f your rest by a sick child suft'erlnj; and iviUjr with the excruciatin? pain of cutnc teetb ! If o. go at once and get a ottleot KRB. INsLOW'SSOOTHINt; ¦i III T. It wlD relieve the poor little offerer mmediately- tlepend upon it; there s no mistake bout it. There is not a lotber on eaith lm has CTer used t, wlio 11 not teil you at once that it will ng tte the bowelt,nd ire restto the mother, ml n-lief umi heallh to the cliild. operatig like DMgta 't ( l'ertVelly -ate to UM I all rases, and plezant to the taste, and ml the preterlpttoQ of one of the olJeal nd be-t female phygieiang and nunea in ie United States. Sold everywhere. 25 nts a bottle. KHil-1116 PILES ! PILES!! PILES!!! Siire ('ure Foiiik! at Last. o One Neert Suffer. A Mira cure tor the Blind, Meeding, Ithigand I leerated PUethlendlooTered y Dr. Williiims ian Indian remedy l.callei )r Williiinw' ludían uintineiit. A ¦ingle o bai cured Uie woi -i chronlc cases it -J,") nd 80 year standing. Noone need suffer ve minutes : 1 1 ¦ ¦ applyinj? thig wondert u! Mitliinr medicine. Lotions Instrument, n,l Eleiluarie-do more harm Ilian good. Viliiam-' (linlmeiil heorbs tll tninors, llaytlie InteiIM itehinc (partieulüi ly at, iiit alter gettiiiL warm In bod), m poltiee, gires m-laiit and painh-s relief, ii, I is prepared only for Piles, Itching of ie private parta, and noththg ¦!-(¦. Kead whatthe Hou. .1. M. Cofflnberry, I ( leveland, says about Dr. 111 lam' Inian l'ile Ointm'ent: "I have used SOOna t püe eures, but it atlonls me pleasnie to ay tlial I have never t'ound any tlllng iiich gare raen Immediate and permanent lliefafl lr. illiams' Indian Ointnnnt.'' Kor -ale liy ill druggitU, or nuiiled on eeipl of prM$1.00. JAS. E. DAVISa CO. Wholesale Drti.irbta, Detroit, Mieli.. Agnto 1099-81 For -ule by E J. IJkown é Of. Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The Br.sT Salve in the world for Guts, ïrnise-. Borea, Ukwra, Salt Etbetun. Fever ores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, (Jorns, and all Skin Eruptions, and port vely eures Piles. It is guannteed to give erfect satisfaction or moiiei refunded. 'rice. 25 cents per box. For sïle by Eberach & Son. 91,5OO per year can be easilv made it lome working for E. (. Hideout A ., 10 iarelav Street, New Vork. Sendfor their atalofrue and full particular. 1WI-11U TUTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YNIPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Ijosüof appetite.NauBea.bowels costive, Pain 111 thcITi-iiil.witha dull sensation 111 the bark purt, Painun3ër the shoulderblsrte, fullneRS after eating, with a diBÍnclination to exertion i nilniï, Irritabilitv of temper, I,ow spirits, Losa of mem ory, with a fcehngof ha ving neglected sohie duty, weariness, Dizzineas, luttenng of the'Heart, Dots before the eyes, Yellow iikin Ueadache, Heatlesshes at night, highly coróred tTrine. IT THESE WAENINGS AEE U5HEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTTS PILLS ! enpeciullyndaptedto auch hm's, done efft'cts suchachauge of feeling aa to astoniah thu ufferer. They InrrcaM' ¦ Apptle. iuid-aue the body tu Takr on Flib. Ihiu th nystem Is noiirlhel,aiHl by Ui.-JrTonlc Artiunon the lill.iiiitlixiiiK, Keyulrtolparepridut-ed l'rice i: oi-nM. ilS Wurrny Ht., N.Y. TÜTT'S HAIR DYE. Ora y Haih or V u iSKhKa changed toaOLoSHY Ki a. k by a tingle apptlcailon of tliis Dvk. n imparta a natural color, acta Insinnutneously. : Mnt by ezpi .-a-i ou rocftlpt ef fl. Otnce. 35 Wlurray StM New York. flir, TI'TT'H HAM M t Ulu.Mf ! n f rm ([¦ and h LVful Krcripta wlii hf mallf.1 FBKK o ¦( ia32-85 l nniie hn IJvpr, poslilvely un U II] Iypnpifa, TnilTflrrpti;... mA sick !Í1 ILl Ilt-ndiK-he, prct-nt (nislipiit Ion, n I IVJ mOTe itiliniinncMii, relieve of 1 II M tlam. purlfy the Hlootl, th ¦ mi neyBt correct the Stomach aiid Bowels, S U : Ih.tuwi-. jTncnlimnaterTa tnatnouN 3 II Uh, InvltTornte, Turifyand 0 lien. They supply llnilii 1 uiiliir juni -jM II Nerre rrce. Vigor to the Kn frcblnl, Jfl ti Tone and Strengih t th ExIihiimUmI, m Ut_nn-1 NoorUhmrnl !¦¦ "" Y-.uiHf ftu ' '-- ¦ ' fi Ih] No MATTCa wht yoar coiniltln, or how macii Hl I nTirnuin bj rti-t"-, TRY THKM. It ri-ttt i NI HhffKltliy aw-tlíin af the Vital PomcM, rtíimilat1n Hl HH Si ¦ itiom and promoting Oood DiWil VM itKUTlO!, Vi KAB Co ILBXJuN, LKBOTt Utd VI f rom In door III IM ('onfiíiemcnt, Ovrwork or Dieane, Blj La or lf y-'ur Braln is overtaxod, MubcIph IM H and Nérvea V eakened by los of sleep Hl III r appettte, or l.usim-ssg train, they will Ifl IHl Nourlsh, 8trengthenjind Etestre yon. YisiTDEsrrr: un lii( ion of our rurc colIcction ofllOMDAV (.oil fr tiic ta(ni or mi, M.S.gMITHfeGO. Jewelers and Diamond Importors. DETROIT. okkksi'omk ie mmm 10M-71


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