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A Happy New Year. New War calis on MonUay. A robin was scen on Wednesday. Ice will probably be scarce next ¦wtwimr August Herz, of lower town, celebrated hls birthday this week. Mr. McDonald living near tliis city was seen thls week plowing. Mr. Wallaoc, of Pittsfield was at the court house yesterday recoiving taxes. Theaiijourned session of the circuit court adjourned tine dte last Wednesday. The Turn Verein society gave a hop in Armory Hall last Wednesday eveuing. Alfred H. Hunt died December 24th, aged 75 years. The funeral was held last Tuesday. The Ann Arbor banks observed Monday last and will observe next Monday as Holiilays. Dr. Dunster assisted by Dr. Hall performed an operation at Ilanover 00 Wednesday. The Ann Arbor gas light company presented each of its employés with a Christmas turkey. We desire to expresa our thanks to Governor Jerome for a copy of " Michigan and its Resources." The windows of the Zion Lutheran school house are adorned with, and protected by new green blinds. Geo. A. Bain will address the Reform Club both afternoon and eveuing on the Mli of next nionih. The book and ladder boys will appearin their partially new uniforms, at their annual dance to-nigbt. Mrs. Cate fell down stairs and broke her hip a few days ago. She is the widow of the late Franklin Cate. Hon. R. E. Frazer will address the people of Saline, this (Friday) evening, on the subject of tempeiance. The Courier becoraes of age next Friday. It will then have reached its twenty flrst volume and 1072nd number. Justice Wiunegar says that the thermometer stood at 33 above zero yesterday, against 16 below, one year ago. James Clough, of Lodi, brother-in-law to Philip Blum, was thrown from his carriage recently, and seriously injured. Semi-annual election of officers of the Reform Club, in the temperance rooms, Unitarian church, Wednesday evening, Jan. 4th. Mr. Matthew's meat market on Huron street has attracted a great deal of attention during the past week. He has it finely decorated. The Schiller Verein wn .. mc.L uafu until January 9th. The meeting will take place at the residence of Miss Beakes, on Fifth street. _ The Michigan Tribune, of Battle Creek, says "Mrs. A. Bell, of Ann Arbor, is attending her daughter, Mrs. Robert Parker, who is very HL" Lottle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Godden of the öth ward, died Wednesday last, at the age of 28 years. The funeral was yesterday afternoon. The next regular business meeting of the Royal Templara will beheld in the temperance rooms, Unitarian church, Monday evening, January 9, 1882. The Sunday School of the Episcopal Church held a tea party and a Christmas celebration in the chapel last Wednesday and report a good time. At the Methodist chapel in the Fifth ward Santa Claus paid a visit to the children on Tuesday evening, and filled their hearts with joy and gladness. Frank I., son of Mr. and Mrs. Huston, died in Lansing, December 28th, of typhoid fever. His remains reached Ann Arbor today, and were placed in the vault. Fred S. Hubbard, of Prescott, Arizotia, has sent us an official publication entitled the ' 'Resources of Arizona." We have been much interested in looking it over. Next week the several churches of this city will hold union services every afternoon and there will be a special service every evening at the M. E. Church. The fiftn lecture in the course on the " Life of Joseph the Hebrew " will be deHvered next Sunday evening In the M. E. Church, by the Rev. J. Alabaster, D. D. - „ M. A. Hawes, mother of Mrs. E. T. Walker, of Salem, died December 22d of paralysis, aged 75 years. The funeral occurred at the church at Salem last Sunday. Mrs Phebe Geer died December 22d at the residence of C. H. Millen, aged 77 years She was the mother of Mrs. C. H. Millen hu! Zra' The funera1 was last Monday. StaFte!Vni,e' formerly a Clerk in Brown' 2!r.m M,. and Mrs. Í ist w 1 The funeral Oren leareS a wife ad two weet Bros. have been packlng and ghlpplng their macliinery ihis week. They expert to tfaS" UP at Uer Lake Saturdy--ïPllan"Thus slowly,- but surely- is our Bister city becoming depopulated." Mrs. Hiram Balcom died at Grand Rapids, last Friday, I eccmber 28rd, of paralysis, aged 61 years. The funeral took place last Sunday at the residence of Mrs. Haviland, of the 4th w ml. Elmira M. Cushing, of Hamburg, died last Saturday, December 24th, of congestión of the lungs and heart disease. The deceased was 30 years oíd. The funeral occurred last Tuesday at Webster. On Wednesday evening a few school chlldren gave a public exhibition at the residence of Mrs. Watts on Liberty street. They had a varied program and carried t out in a very cr-,litable manner. m The Holiday churcli social of the M. E. Church was very largely attended on Wednesday evening of this week. Many young people were present, which added much to the interest of the occasion. Mr. R. A. Beal has in his possession a brick from the flrst brick barn ever built in thls country. The barn stood on Washington'8 premises at Mt. Vernon, and the biïcks used for its erection were imported. The services at the Presbyterian church last Sunday were very approprlate both in the morning and in the evening. The church was tastefully decorated for the occasion, and the seivices were enjoyed by all. ____ The Theodore Thomas Orchestra will alvo t.wo roncerts at Music Hall, Detroit, Friday and Saturday eveuingour mi ncck. It is an entertainment well worth Bttending, and now is a good time to visit the city. ___ At the semi-annual election of the Otseningo lodge I. O. of O. F., the followlng offlcers were elected: Chas. Powell, N. G,; C. B. Davison, V. G. j Wm.G. Miller. Hec. Sec. ; John Wahr, Perm. Sec; C' J. Durheim. Treas. and Representativo to the grand lodge. Hon. Edwin Willits has sent to tlie high school library several volumes of the official records of the Union and Confedérate armies during the war of the Rebellion. They are what was wanted and the school board wish to express their thanks to Mr. Willits for them. A certain sportsman, living in this vicinity, goes quite frcquently to Base Lake to limit and to fish. On his return from these excursions he is accustomed to entertain h8 friends with llustrated cards showing himself in the act of landing his li-h orcaplurtng his game. The olficers of Crystnl Tent, No. 279, Knights of the Maccabees, will give an oyster supper, at Masonic Hall, Dexter, immediately after the installation of offleers, to be held at the Red Ribbon Hall, Wednesday evening, January 4, 1882. Several parties from Ann Arbor expect to attend. Last Friday morning as the T., A. A., & G. T. railway train reached a pointbetween Milan and Dundee, it was found that a large ocilnr tice liad ralleu ncrosa the track and had broken some of the rails. In helping to fit a rail in, a student on his way home to spend the Holidays, had a flnger cut off. A wedding isannounced as having taken place at Palo, Mich., Dec. 16th, between Mr. Edwin Alvord and Miss Amella Allen, a teacher in the high school at that place. The bridegroom is a cousin of Prof. J. B. Steere, the bride a niece of Mrs. Ralph C. Whiting. They visited Ann Arbor ön their bridal tour. w v Krom the Imlay City Herald we learu that "Dr. J. F. Perry left for Ann Arbor Tuesday of last week, returning Wednesday night accompanied by his wife and daughterMaggie. His daughter has been under medical treatment at the University for tvvo and one-half weeks for caries of the bone. She is improving. Robert L. Geddes, of Geddes Station, died December 29, of typhoid pneumonía, aged 49 yeara. He was a pioneer, boni in 1832, and lived on the same place his cutí n; life. He was a man of sterling worth and correct principies- a true man in every particular. The funeral will be held at his late resldence on Saturday at II o'clock. The next term of the Circuit Court opens January 3d, 1883. The court calendar just priuted at tbe Courier office, shows that there are 04 cases to be disposed of during this term. Three of these are criminal cases, 37 issues of fact, 3 issues of law, 2 imparlance, 6 chancery first class, 1 chancery third class, and 11 chancery fourth A reading of Dickens' Chrlstmas Carol was given for the Reform Club, Wednesday evening, by Rev. Mr. George. It was not largely attended, owing to unfavorablé circumstances, but those who were present were treated to very vivid impersonations of the many characters of the story of Scrooge's Christmas. The moral of it is so striking, so ennobling, and being rendered by so good a reader as Mr. George that its presentation afforded the audience great pleasure. The club hopes to be able to again secure his services for a reading under more favorable auspices. Auctioneer Davis, of Chelsea, through the columns of the Herald, advises the people of that vicinity not to go to Ann Arbor or Jackson to get their auction bilis printed, but to go to the Herald office, on the grounds that they can get bettei work done and at cheaper rates at the latter place than la the former places. We have always had a good opinión of the Ilerald, but wlien it becomes so egotistic as to publish such statements regardless of the truth, it lowers that journal in our estimation at least one hundred per cent. The smutty appearance of the Herald shows what kind of presswork is done at that office, and flatly contradicts their boasting statements. Christmas services at the Al. E. Church were enjoyed by every one. On Sunday moruing, at the baptistnal services, four children and two adulta were baptised. A very.beautifu) baptismal font was presented to the society by Mrs. J. West and Mrs. Z. Burd, Dr. Alabaster making a few appropriate and happy remarks. The evening services were mostly recitations and responsos, inusic, and other similar exercisef, all of whicli were very interesting. The church was tastefully decorated. A cross of red and a crown of gold, with a silver star, were suspended above the pulpit, as beautiful einblems of the birth and death of Christ. The church was crowded. As li Is vacallon, this was unexpecled. Froni the Iuter Ocean of December 26th we glean the following item regareüng the services at Dr. Pope's church in Chicago : " The Christmas services yesterday at the Trinity Methodist Church were of an unusually intcresting character, u large audience being present. The pulpit and altar steps were tastefully decorated with flowers, a floral representaron of the Star of Bethlchcm standing in the center. The choir, increased to sixteen, sang in excellent style, to the nccompaniment of the organ and cornet, a number of Christmas hyiiins. The sermón of the day, a very eloquent one, was delivered by the Rev. R. B. Pope, D.IV, his subject being the ' Magnilical,' or hymn of praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as told in St. Luke, I. 52." -' - - g- - - - Christmas was celcbratcd by the Baptiste last Monday evening in their new churcb. The exercises consisted of a duet by Mrs. Dodsley and Mrs. Allen, a quartet by the same ladies assistcd hy Alessrs Cooper and Fall, followed by anothcr duet by Mis. Beman and Mrs Allen, Professor Olney and Mr. John Nowland were each presented with a very beautiful and costly chair, the latter because of his having devoted two years of iis time to the supervisión of the building. oL tfco church. Dr. Haskell was the recipiënt of a present of a purse of ."() Hom his congregation. Mr. Nowlaml made two private presentaron s in theshiipc of a gold headed ebony cane to Dr. Haskell and a eane made trom Ihe cedar of Lebftnuil to Prof. Olney. The coinpany was furnished with refreshments and every one had a gpod time. The society has the clnircli entirely paid tor, and have a considerable sum of money In the treasury to use at some future day for purehasing a church organ. They will walt, however, until they eau pay for it before they buy. They deserve the praise of every one, and have every reason to be proud of their success in raising the money for its erection.