Marriage Bells

This holiday week was made of especial interest to certain parties in this city by the happy consummation of events that had been looked forward to with interest by a great many of the citizensof Ann Arbor. At 8 o'clock ou Wcdnesday evening Dr. Steele united Mr. E. Jay Hale, of Detroit, and Miss Annie Wines, only dnughter of Daniel E. Wines, of this city, in the holy bonds of matiïmony. There were present from fifty to sixty gnests, more than twenty of wliom were from Detroit. The presents were numerous and costly. Among thera was a box eoataiolag twenty $20 gold pieces, from the brklegroom's falh present that will, no doubt, come bandy. The bride and groom, accompanied by their Detroit friends, left for that city, where Mr. Hale has a home piepared to receive his bride. Their many friends wish them happiness. Wednesday afternoon, about 3 o'clock, there oecurred a doublé wedding at the residence of Mr. and Mis. Camp, on Detroit street. The happy parties are Mr. Geo. Isbell and Miss Laura E. Camp, Mr. Fred Chase and Miss Iiuby M. Camp. Dr. Haskell pcrformcd the ceremony. There were a great many guests present, and the presents were ?iumerous. A reeeptiou was given in the evenin?, at the residence of Mr. isbell, on West Iluron street, at which the city band was present, treating the company to a serenade before coming in. It was a very pleasant iffair, and the fiiends of the happy parties anticípate a pleasant future for them all.