
CUASB- CAM1'- In Aun Arbor, Uec. SS, by Hev. S. Uaikell, at the residence of the bride's parenU, Mr. Fred C. ihu-e and Mi Kuby M. Camp. ISBELL- CAMP-In Ann Arbor, Dec. 28, by Rev. S. Hn-kill, at the residence of the bride's pareDtt, Mr. George A. Isbell and MIm Laura E. Camp. HALE- WINES- ün Wednesday evenlng, Dec. ¦¦íih, in ttaia city, by Hev. R. II. titéele, Mr. E. Jay Hale, of Detroit, and Miss Annie Wines, only daahi,t of I inirl E. Wines, Ksq., of Ann Arbor. WALLIN0-SPOOR- At the reuldence of Mr. W. S. Wright, Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. Ü4ih, l.ssi, by Rcv. J. AUbaster, D. D., Jame W. Walling of Brookfield, Mlch ., and Katlc II. 8poor of thls citr.