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The ei ui nutive of the moimtain rhnii '¦¦ larjfeet.: avenue ex - panae of the eoadora wing i trom eight 10 nmr feet, hiuI the length of the body Oom the H.inl ut' the beaktothe cxtremity oftlie tuil. tlncc feet and liveor sixinches. The eoloc af the condor i a grayiall black; the wingsare irtwl willi white. aud tuele ia a collar ot downy white fealhera about the neck. uf the male is iiiiu: The internat struciure ot' tlie romloi .nur; _ ijax ¦: v: :.-.! Aith lonjjitudinal rows . wli.' h are gupposed sistUo birdln Uit rapid digestión of iU lood. These birds often attaek cowa, bulla nd deer, and a thiir MBUitt are chict'ly direeted apon the ene, they blind iheir viotiui and they t;ill by the blowi hu-h ure niliclcd iiii'ii tlieiii bj the beatta "1 the birds. The condor It very Itrong, and ml wliL'li WOUded a po WC! fkll man ia no match lor one ol thes' cieaturtM. The I hare a greut dUlike to these birds, and il' they capture oue oí themalive the torture It very cruel ly. Thelr mode of capture ia as follows : They kill un animal and exposé the IxkIv in ilie open air: oondoa toon sjaemble in largc mimbura and fcast upon llcsli. As ¦ i as they are ([orjrea (o the t Uil the tndUm ¦ la.-li in anioiig them and reptllfll tlum wiih their lassoes. When they feel Ihc Moom iiround their necks they endeavor to ivjert the meal wbich tliey have (Walfewed, bnt are made captlvc befnic they are ible to rid themselvus ol the lood. Th(! llight of these liirds '13 grand and beuutifuï, tbei leem u tly hy moving the Uead and neck ral lier than the winga. Although there havenen condors in the ZoologicalUarden at Dresden since 1874, it is only recenlly thut anything has been fouud out in regard to the length ot the riroodiiigse.iMin, their hablU at the time, their manner of feedins; tbuir OHiig, etc. Very little ha been known of the habita if hirds tmtil latelv, as they live at I hcight of lroin ÏU.ÜIHJ to 15,000 ïeet, and only OOflU down to the lower 'Jionits iii bvaich ot Jiicy. The indiana aatert t hal lie egg arelaid npoii the bare rock, the lirdlutaklog du net wbatever. l'iic ooQuon in Dneden cotumenosd lay 11 in April, I ÍS7V. and, aller thal, luid Ironi ;ci tu Qgl carly 111 April Of Mav, ju uiiturtuiialrlv lliey Cfusb theii inmediately, 01 aller pUytag witli them leveral du. . Lwl year a nest ot dried (lanche.-, aml wool m made in ,he top ot the cage, sbont tWO meter? trom he groiind. and il WtÊ tliought that the birds would avail theinselves of it. Loo naterial lor neat-bufldlnc as pul in ilie age, hut the female laid her eg in the -and as before, and both the egg? ere OOO destroyed. The same thing uappeued lii yeaj In the miildle of April, öliortly alter the liirds removed luto the Utrger lummor quarten ot the iiirds of prey. and .he teníale laid an eig on the lltli ot May, 11 a dark OOTSer Of llieia'e. The next day he male oommenced tu brood. All the asteria! ftr a n-l that the keeper laid imler and hImuiI esg were rejocted and Miatcln cl away, and Ihe broodlDg went on ipon the gravel bottottl ol the CSKe. The naledooled hinisclt to the brooding the (rcatvr part of Ihe time, the indolent feuali' .-ittiug UJtoB the eggl bout a third ot the linie. Ü11 the ereniug of July, aller nearly :ight weeks, the keeier auuoonoed that he iad diseovercd lite in the egg, and OU the the same day a rent was peiveived in the shcll. The next day the hird had almoet escapcd trom the sliell, only the liead and neck reiiiiiining in, and on the following day the bird wusentirely Ireed. Blnoe then the old birds have been very buisiy einiloyed in givingthe little one the neceasary warmth, and have inanitcsted ea.0a] anxiety II leedini; it wlth horse Sefth and muul - ot cat and dog tlesh. The little felow, with giayir-h feathers, liMiks soraething like ayonng owl. lts head and neck ire ijnite bl.'uk. Il nny one aiiproaches, It iiiiuiieiices alreaily to utter angry cries, ind the old birds are uo ugly that the keepei eau only enter the enge armed. The broodng contiuued tor eight weeks le.-.s one day. il wra, in his "Natura! Htatorr," hut a Condor' egg w hatehed in six weeka and two daysby a hen. This may be on account of the nest whieh the hen had. The younjf bird, on the tirst day, mama uretl ten centimeters in length, and on the Aventieth day twenty-eight centimet. is. The condoi-s are fond of bathing, and often -.t 1111011 their etnra with their wet feathers.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News