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-PfeliJ Fot Iíyspepsia, JjjJT'Y'T qYI'SXR s í i ve n es s, ö Fm5 rlïa, JíUinlice, rangoinent of Liver, Eknrell .uiili(lncys. SYMPTOMS OF A DÏSEASKi LIVER. Bad Breath ; Pain in the Sitie, s unctitner. the pain is feit under the Shoulder-bïade, mistaken for Rheumatism ; general loss of appetite ; Bowels generally costive, sometimos .iheni:.:ing with iax; the head is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy, with considerable loss of memory, acompanied with a painful scns.ition of leaving undone sometliing whtch ought'to have been done; a slight, drycougo and flushed face is sometí mes an attendant, often mistaken for consumpüon; the patiënt complains of weariness and debility; nervous, casïiy startled; feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation of the skin exists; spirits are low and ëespendent, and, although satisfied that exereïsc would bc bcnelicial, yet one can liarciiy suinmuii tip f! i.iuidc to try it - in fact, distrusts every remedy. Severa] of the above symptoms attend the diseosc, 1 ut cases have occurred when but few of the; m existid, yet examination after death has thown the ï-jvtïr te have been cxtensivcly derangtd. It Utiiiltl bc tised by ali persons, olil, and young, whenever any of the ahoye {s ni lí ( t) Ii-i rt jyj' ï-'tiri ¦ ¦ Persons Trayoliiiff or Edvlng in Unhealthy Localities, by taking a dosc occasiona!ly to keep the Liver in nealehy action, will avoid all Malaria, Bilions attacks, Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc. It wifl invigorate likca glass of wine, but is no intoxicating bevei-agc. If Tou have cate nnjUüug bard of digestión, or'feel heavy after meals, or sloepless at night, take a dosc and you will bc rsüeved. Time and Doctors' Dills will bc saved by always keepin.c; iho Regulator in the House ! For, whatever the aünient may be. a ihcroughly -Mb-pui g an ro, alteratlTe aria ttnïc can nererbeeut of place. The remedy is liarnilesa and does not interfere wltli tAnlness or p) e asure. IT IS FOTUSLY VEGETABJLE, AnJ has all the power and efficacy of C'alomel or Quinine, without any of the injurious after eflfects. A Governrfr's Testimony. Simmons Liver Regulator ],as been in use in my family for some time, and I am satisfied it is'a %-aIuable addition to the medical science. J. Gill Shükteb. Governor of Ala. Hon. Alcxander H. Stenhens, of Ga., says : Have derived some benefit frem tbc use of Simmons Liver Regulator, and vtsh to give t a fitrther trial. "Tbe only Thhig that nevfr faïls to Relieve.' - I have usccl many remedies for Dyspepsia, Liver Afíoction and Debility, but nevcr have found anything to benefit me tj the extent Simmons Liver Regulator has, I sentfrom Minnesota to Georgia for it, and would send Ftirther for such a medicine, and would advise all vho aresimilarly aíFected to give it a irial as it sess the only thing that never fails to rehc e P. M. Ja.vnev, Minneapojis, Minn. Dr. T. W. Jlason sajo : From actual experience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in my practice I have been and am satisfied to use and prescribe it as a purgad ve medici': -. fiéTake only the Genuine, which always has on the Wrapper the red Z Trnde-Mark and Signature of -T. II. ZEILUÍ & CO. FOR SALE BY ALL DRtXGISTS BUSINESS CARDS. TAUGHT BY j. m. noBiirsoir, With "W. ViT. Whedon PRIVATE TUTORING . FOR COLLEGE PREPARATORY WORK. KM-'HKENCKS:- Pre Asell, Profs. Olney. Frleae IVCoce, Payne and Peny. - Chas, 75. AM. ResiUonce, 10 Orleans St. DENTIST! SSfÊP lias Remored To Hls NEW DENTAL ROOMS Over Joe T. Jacobi' Stow 6Mtf W. H. JACKSOW, DENTÏST, OFFICE: Over Back & Abel's Kntrance by I ir Katlonal Lauk. Vi tí WILLIAM HERZ. BauBS, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER. Paperlng, Glnzing, Gilding, and Cuiciminln and ork of every descrlptlun done In the bret styie. and warranted to Klvo satlsfr.ct'On. SHOP, NO. 4 WEST WASHINGTO ST. ! Aun Arbur. Micblcsn. raotf THE A lifB'ü Savings Uú 'I.V.V AllHOH, Ml: lllc.iy. Transaets General Banking Baxiness, CAPITAL, 850,000. L.i fríssrvü rsi-ïïü'ïivï; SI OO,OOO.OO. coroln,, to thé lal." „f ïi. V" "á a"v'" po:inde.i .emi-aï f„, n tt"tJiiu'k and Interou com¦- ! SíJtíES un'Hnlel HI.5S, StwutoSSfc Harrim ,, Ofi'ICEHS


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