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A terrible tragedy ís reported from the mouutainous port ion ol Hawkins county Tenn., about six miles from Knoxville. Somo white men went to tlio house of a negro nam Gray for the purpose oí whipping him, charging him with stealiug hogs. Xney demandcd admittance, which was denicci. "Thcy then flred upon Gray's eabin and thc fire was returned. In the battle Gray was mortally wounded and has sinee died. Bis stcpson had his thigh br oleen by a ball. A white man, Jim Williams, was shot in the head, and is said to bc inortallv wounded. Anothor white mnn named Orrick was wounded. In Rochoster financial circles it is rumored that Chas. E. Upton, president, of the closed city bank of Rochester, N. Y., has friends interested in enabling him to scttle up with the crediton of that instituüon for his share in brinïying about the wreek and elearing himsclf of the legal eonsequences of his mismanagement. One report states that he has been íurnished by New York parties with S20,000. At the American Exchange national bank of Rochester, the metropolitan correspondent of the city bank of Rochester said that the oilieers would not deny that the aboye suin had been raised for Uptoñ, nor that they were in6trumenlal fn raising it for him. A figlit occurred at Oeonoe, Ga., bfitween whites and negroes, resulting in the killing of several persons of eaeh party. Marv Martin, who was convicted of the mufder of Mrs. Jiuger at Emporia, Kansas, has since her conrietion feigned insanity. The fraud has been detec.ted, and the woman sentenced to death by hanging. The leading thorouffhfares of Olöveland, Ohio, are made dangeroun for pedestri ans beeause of the frequent highway robberies committed therc. Lauies have beeii attacked neai'ly ¦ every evening for a week. The pólice have been ordered to patrol their beats in citizen's dr'css uutil a stop is put to such highhauded crime. Mrs. Stïlhvcll of Mt. Vernon, O., has made a confesslon on her death bed of three murders. The flrst was Benjamin Swigart, her (rpt husband. who slie says she killed at Moryville, Mo., Mareh, 1S7T, with the aid of her inother and brother. Tlie second wasastranger whom the same parties killed for money while stopping at a boarding house. The tbiril was her own child, a daughter aged 14, whom ehe strangled in the presenceof her mother at Kulo, Nebraskii, in May, 1880. She also coufesecd three attempts tó kill her present husband to obtain his lite insurauee. Thc confessions wero flrst made to her husbaud and repeated to others. She Í6 dying of consumption.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News