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g HAS BEEN PROVED . ï Th. 8URIST CUREfo... image
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g HAS BEEN PROVED . ï Th. 8URIST CUREfor jKIDNEY DI8EA8ES. 5 " Doe ft Urn back or diaorderod urine cato that you are a viotim P THZN DO NOT g E ÍLE3JTÁ.TE; oM Wort at once, (draf - L giats rcommidit)andit willapeedily k 1 oom tfao dlsoas and rostoro healthy action. o , I ri 1 Lb O 'or oomplaints peculiar L L LdUICOi toyour ki, suoh as pain -J I and woakneascs. Kldnay-Wort ia munupasaad. ¦ ; {uit will act promptlr and aafely. g, i KltherBx. Ineonttnanoa, retention oforine, c 5 bxiek dustorropy deposita, and dull draffginff C O palns all rpe-edil jr jield to lts carativa power. 2 BOLP BT AXIj DaUQOIgTB. Prfee $1. To til who are tufferlnL' trom rhe error ard i crrtioiia of' vonth, nenrons weaknrs?, early decar, lo of manhood, c.,I will end a receipe thatwlll cnteyou, VKEBOF1 CHAROK. Thii ereat remedj ww dlcovr dbyi mlsalonary In South America Send h (telf-iddremed envelope to ihe Rev. Joeph T. loman, Suttuu D, New York City. ' ÏK-Iy I IJ I 11 lipfople are always on the lookout foJ IM I 1' Ijlchnnceri to increase their earnluí, II I h IJ und In timn hcrome wealthy ; Ihose I ¦¦whodo not improve Iht'ir opportaI il llJnities remain In povarty. We ofler lili Ui jgreat chance to make money. We want raany men, women, boys and g irla to workfor nt rlgnt in meir uwu iLniiul-. Any ..f.o Pnn ,t,, o,. work pioperly from the flrat start. The basinet! will pay more than ten tlinei ordinair wages. Ex penalve ontflt furnlshcd free. No one who engages falla to make money rapidly. You can devote yonr whole tima to the work.or only yournpare rooments. ! Pnll iiifortnatton and all that U needed eest lrec Addren STisfiuN A Co., Portland, Maine. An oíd negro used to 8inp, "God moves In a mischUvoti way, II is wondere to j form," and " Judge not the Lord by feeble sainta." A. Nerve and Itruiu Food is noeded in all cases of nervous and sexual prostration. Mngnetic Medicine meets this want more eifecttially than any other preparation, and the price brings it within the reachofall. Read the advertUement in another column, "Can you flnd room for a sciibe on your paper?" " Not unless you want to subscribe." And aguin was that scholarly youth crushed, "Skill and patience succeed where force fails." The quiet skill and patiënt research which brought forth KidneyWort illustrates the truth of the fable. lts grand succesa eyerywhere is admitted. never comes to us without a cause. Ask any good physician the reason and he will teil you something interferes with the working of the great organs. . Wort enabU'S them to overeóme all obtructlons and preserve perfect health. Try a box or bottle at once. , "Hadn't I better pray for rain to-day, i deacon ? " said a Binghamton minister, ' Sundiiy. "Not today, domiiiie, I tliink," was the prudent replv ; "the wind isu't i right." " i tS Fadei articles of all kinds restored ; to tUeir original beauty by Diamond Dyes. ] Perfect and simple. 10 cents, at all drug] gists. "Oh, Pat!" "What,sorf" "Did yez j Iver ee a winter loike this!" "Yes, sor,1' j '¦ Whin f " " Last summer, sor." . Free of Cost. All persons wishingto test the meritsof a great reinedy - one that will positively cure Consumption, Cougha, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, orany affection of the Throat and Lungs - are requested to cali at Brown & Co. s drug store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. Kingvs New Discovery for Consumption free of coat, which will show you what a regular dollar-size 1 lle will do. It is a mistake to assume that a rose by other name would smell as wheat. "Buchupaiba." Quiek, complete cures all annoying KiJuey, Bladder and Uriuary Diseases. H. Drujrgist. Why is it wrong for a retailer to sell 3chooiiersV Because no man should serve Iwo-masters. Fortunes for Farmers aud Mechauics. .Thousands of dollars can be saved by UHing proper judgment in taking care of the health of yourself and family. If you ure Bilious, have sallow complexion, poor uppetite, low and depressed spirits, and ¦?enerally debiütated, do not delay a moment, but go at once and procure a bottle of those wonderful Electric Bitters, which never fall to cure, and that for the trifling suin of fifty cents.- Ti ibune. Sold by H. J. Brown & Co. An old bachelor will slirlek for a better lialf when a couuterfeit fifty cent piece is shoved on hlm. "Ronh on Bate." Cleara out rats, mice, ronches, flie, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipinunks, ¦ jopherB. 15c. Druggists. " I say, landlord, this tough old steak makes me tliink of that tough old English 1 poet, Chances." Skinny Meu. "Wells' Health Kenewer" restores health aud vigor, cures Dyapepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debility. $1, A baby in Ohio that was fed on elephant's miik gained twenty pounds in one week. It was the baby elephaut. In a recent scandal case in Kansas a lady ) witness declined to answer a questiou, and the attoruey demanded her reason. "Bc' cause it is not fit to teil decent people.1' j "Oh, well," said the lawyer, "just walk 1 up here and whisper it to the judge." É We cali your attention to the advertisement of Siminons LiverKegulator, which appears in th paper of to-day. Thit standard remedy, the only genuine of Í which U manufactured by J. lï. Zeilin & ' Do., and of which they are the ' jrietors, doei not deserv to be claned ' with the many "patent" noitrums so librally advertUed throughout th ïountry . It is one of the very bet pre parationt in use, and is recommended by ' .he regular practitiouers of medicine. It ai a large gal In this city, aud can be 'ound in all ourdrug tores.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News