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NEW BARBER SHOP. YOUNG MAN! Go thou... image
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NEW BARBER SHOP. _ TötJNG MAX ! Uo thou and get Die i tiiisute appendage to thy cliin curtailed. ' Have thy raven lockg unointed with oil; thy cutrineouscoveringcleanied; the hide j ut the gontle bovine upon thy pedestals ihtned. Thon ahalt tliou look pretty. rhen art thon equipped for conquest. Voyez-vous the point ! Mr. E. M. Southard Who has been ke 'ping the Barher Shop ïext door north of the St. James Block, Honday inuvetl Into his Xew and tfandsome Üoorn OVER THK XEW P03T-ÜFFICK. There he has ELEGANT BATH ROOMS For Gentlemen, as well íis a Private Suite for Ladiee, entlrely disconnected from the Barber Shop. This Sliaviu Place s commodiou9, inely furnished and lighted, heatod wlth iteam, und furnished with hot and cold vater. It is without doubt the flnest ihaving parlor in the State. Reraember it is on the seoond floor of rhe New Post-Office Building. E. M. SOUTHARD. rjAPPY NEW YEAR. Atlow rae now to extend to all ray Patrons 'or go innn y years my kindest congralulatlons íoplng the yciir 1683 wlll prove to us all more uecensful tliau miy preceedlng one. Many ' nstitutloriH of ruy kind have spruug up all ver the country and foiced theirgoodtiou the I narkot at rulnoujs low prlces. Manyot them ¦euneU to exlat and dled the death of a pauer In coDsequence thoreof. In conclusión ff 111 Ray that I want and expect every honest aan that owos me to step rlght up and pay at üecomraencemenlof the year Thoae mis'iiible devlls whose notes I have slgned afid aid I expect nothlag of. only 111 treatment. have lost my money by them: lost thelr rlendshlp and trade. I would advUe all men o keep hls nume off of other men's paper, f we pay ourown paper w do well, but lf we lave to pay that of a pok of darned Scalarags It makes as a llttle uncomfortable. 1124 wa at. utx.K.iiH FIVE ROOMS" IX 8EC0S1) STORf OF POSTOFPIOI BUILDING TO RENT, RICE A. BEAL. MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTCACE, - AT- SIX PER CENT, ADDREWt IQ O ZS1 148. DKPORT OF THE CONDITION - 0 THK - üffl ARBQR SAVINGS BANK, AT ANN ARBOH. MICHIGAN, u the close or bii-ln. , niondaj , J mi nary lst, A. D. 1IW8, lade In ccordnce wlth Sectlons 18, 1, and 67 ot the General Banking Law amendcd In 1811. HHIMH .oam andDIscouuta ;il l.riiw 9S loiidü and MortKageB _ jni U88 82 I. 8. renntered 4 per cent. Buuda 11,400 00 Iverdrafu _ 228 11 "urnlture and Fixtnret 3 HSO WS tc-venue Sumpti '134 00 HU In Transit. „.„ „ 488 75 ue from National and Sute Bank 47 089 OU Ilver, Nlekel and Penule 1,882 08 .egal Tendeni,Buk Noti and öold Culn 42,320 00 Total $587,001 M) ' U1BIL1TIEB. iapltal Stock „ _ $60,000 00 urplus Kond „ _ 25.000 00 anuary Dividend „„ 2,430 00 Indlvlded Proflt.. „. _.. 7 625 21 )ne Depoiltorn 501,5 Total 58T 001 53 I do olsmnly iwr that the above statement It rnc, to thu beet of my knowledge and belief CHAS. E. HIBCOCK. Caihler. Subscribid and Bworn to before me this 5th dav f Januatr, 183. 1124 1195 L. QRrNKR, Notary Pnbllc.