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OTATE OF MlllllUAN, uounty 01 wafnienaw ...

OTATE OF MlllllUAN, uounty 01 wafnienaw ... image
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OTATE OF MlllllUAN, uounty 01 wafnienaw In the matter of ette Of Wllllam Hnlberl, decemed. fsotice is hereby given. that in pursuance of an oíd r granied to ihe un ie nt_ned admtnistratorol Ihe eat te of nald devn. d, by tbe Hun. .ludüt' of Probate for the Cuuniy of Washtenaw, on ihe twenty-ihird diy "f uerember, A. D. 1882, there wili be eolrt at public v. ndm to the hkhest bidder, ai the eaet from donr ¦ I the i.'ooit Hoqkb in the city of Anu Arh r, in the connly f Wanhtenaw.inBaid St.te.on Tueediiy thethi t enth day of Fetiruary, A. I.188:J atten v, nek in the örenoon ol that day (-nlject to all cnninibra hy mortcrage or otherwise exi tine at Ihe time o the death of taid dcceaed, the toiloiv n.' destrib-d ieil estáte, to-wit : g on wl ine ol ixtin thirty-ihr.'e(:K),townhip iw (2j-ouili mnee six (8) east, at a poim llfty mde finh ¦ I N .cor. of eaid eectioii.tht'nce east paiall-! lo ihe 1.01 th sec tiou line and ttfiy rod toarefrom, hn dn-d and twenty merodi-and three-ilfihf (191 8 B) ol' a rod, iheDCe south parallel io the wem line oi na:d eeil.. Li inLu-nu.'.d.',iU.iii.i; cel jj i al e] to Ihe north line of said fertiou to tht; west line ¦! said seetion, thenco m-rth on the west lin or raid ppction te the plïice ol begianinff. containin inni 1 aeren of land more or less, exci-pt 6 iirrrt and Kö-106 sold to Fortnne C. White und recoided In l.iber Vi of Deed page 423, alo ex. eui ó ' f ld to Williara i'reai and recorded in Ltber 43 "1 D edt piire 622, lntending to coi;vey 8 acies and 6-1U0 inciudine e'reets all on eection thirf-ih 4f ew twO iOQth.ranjje 8ix ea-f, Wahtt-nuw r'-mtitv Mi'-hiuin. Al-otbeeatt half of the wesi quart-rand the sontheatt qtiar er of the no tti-wct q iar r 'il gectton nnmber thirty-flve in o'.vn tlir. e -uth rnir threi east in MicbiL-n. cintiliiii g 12) aereo of laiid be the tame more or le-e. lated, December 93. 1 ¦ 82 . ,,,. OOMsTOCK P. I'ILL, I12H 1129 su...!.., .-„tor. Coiiimlssloners' 'licc. STATE OP MICHIUAN. Ooiiniy ui Wart rena w, fls. The undeiigned avniK Ix'fi Hrpotnted bj fhe Probate Courl for (aid cou..t,C innnpiuners 10 receive, examine and adjust all clainia ¦ d denmiids ol all persons aizainst tiie epiate ot A i i'. ia cott, lateoi said eonnty.duceaaed.hprehy ïiv. notlcettaal híx monthe from date are allowd, b. order of f-aid Probate Court, for creditora to tre ni lïn-ii claims asainst the enlate of said d ceased, and tliat tht-y wlll mei t at !he BaLkiug office oi (_'. S Urejr ry and 8on, in the vjllie of exter. in a'd count .on Friday the iwen'y thid d iv "f Maren and on Satii'day, the tweuty ihiid da. o Jute next, at ten o'cloek a. m.ofeacii al ad da ., lo receivo, examine and adjnst -aid rlaims. Dated December 2S'I 18S-' LUL1S w. BK1GUS, fOonnBlwionm. llü U26 A W f A week mide 1 1 home hj tKe li íumi iII' ' I ¦ 'üs. Bes. bn-ini-B non pub i ¦ c"P:tal BOtiwoded. .. ( wl ] .-ta t Jm m m oa. Men, mimen, h n nnñ :n!s '¦ wati'd everywheret" "nik f t u-. Now t m ÉM the time. Yo can work in spaie time, or eive yoir whote time to tlie bnine-f. -o other businesa will pay you nealy a? well. Noot can fail to niftKe pay byenuain ntï'Ce. Costly outfit and lenns Tree Mowy m.ide far, easily, and bonotably. Addrese Irue & Co., Portland, Maine. T HAVE A CH01CE LOT OP P0LAÏDCH1X BI!E I!I D.S'ffS, Alreadi bred, for sale. Al na rul. AND i: A, Kéglstered Stock Hos. trun 'hr tamour v-i'.d Btock. This is for breedin-; yurjin -¦ . 1121 1124 N. H ISBBLI ,s ue. C A mQrt pr daj t liome. Sample wrtb ó frre CANVASSERS WANTED The Most Rapidlj Selüng Book of the Day. Life and Cutracteristic of HENRY WARD BELCHLR. Ry Lrmann bliutt, D. D. As8is'ed by Thoo. Armitaire, D D. TB SiHimg. D. D. Joseph Parker, D. D. T. J. Conant. D U. Noah Purter.D. D. John O. Whluler. And others e qnally well known. The itory or ais historie risit to England durte; the Civil War in Ameiicu, tokl by himaclf in fuÏÏ or the fint time. The book will prove more interes ine than (Iclon to both frteuda and foes ol Mr. Beecher. AddreJB HORA) E STACY, 177 WMt Tourtli It, - CINCHUATI O im-ii33 PATEÑTS Otained, and all other buBine- in 't XJ S. Patert Office a'tended to for MlD RA E Fhf'S Our office i opposite the U. -. Patent Otflce, ard 'e,c'' IL" ' " 'n less lime than luoe rcmote frm WASHINGTON. Benu. ..iOL. uul U vAWING. We adïl. se to pnentabllity fre of ch ire-; and -r mak' NO CHARGB CNLKSS WE BTAIV PAT?VT Werefer here, to the Pos' mi ter, the Snot. of MonryOrd Dtv., and to offloi Is ol the ff. S. Patent Office. For circular, dvlce, terms. and ri'lerences to acmal cliei 'n onr iwn -itate or co,ni%3r.fadre" . - sxow & co.. 1119 tf Oppotite Pa-ent Offl w.i,inirfciii, D.C. AFFICE OF THK WAStknaV V MUTUAL F1KE IN8 CO Ann Aruui-, De-. S . 1883. Notico Is lierebv glven tlint the Amina! ing of tt.t W. M. Fire lus Co. f.,r tlie fclectlon of Offlcern nd ixher business will be held at the Court House iu l.he city of Ann Arbor, on WedneHday Jatui irv imi). 1883 at 10A. M. SÏËPHKfJ FÁ1UCHILI1, 'ecretary. flJCP wa In your owa town Terms ind S ouiflt rrfr. I V I IQFF 140 Woolw.--rd At Jí Vi LIOLL, DfcTKOlT MIi'll. -ÊÊÊÈl Oealer 'i die-' Grntf', dBSu Mi-ses1 and Childrei'' JSmk Fin.-sh i-, Mih leadWp ing and I lest i:'v H ov rlaptoro -tiuct-d upw'j on Brteiittflc principes. fc" Ev. ry pal guai-M t(.ei, iV" H ÏSend int our rid eg en KiSnn h ; -i ¦ i .i i uüi L end ivn po!1 martri LV m ' T u'e-i.orcall jp and i.-p cl my Hk. s-t i k wh.n yon 1U2 1124 dNTQ WTCKI. ll dmj at hom minj d " '" I D Ontfll fr. AddTM TUB h. 0o.( Auguita. Mata0. BERBY, The Practical TAILOR AND CUTTER Of the late flrm of WIN ANS A BRRfíV, has locat ¦o hls place of bosloeu t NUMBER 7 HURON STREET, Wlth a fine line of SUITIXGS iXS TROL'SERINGS And would ay to hl old flrlendf ird ; "i"" IÜñ If thev want a Good Fit and a Nobby Fit t ion able on hlmaiid Ihy wl'LÍei?"i


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News