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Dr. S. 11. (iage. aged Í0, an olil resiilcnt of Bellcviio, is deau. Jacob Mayfortli, the largest man in Nilcs, dled suddenly a few daye ago. . Tlio normal school at Ypsilanti roopens with the largest enrollmcnt In its history. Tlio onlv drunkeii person seen on Üie streets at MJwüstee on Cbrlstmas day was aboy 14 yeara old. Ben. K. Chamberlain, an employé n the Ypsilantian office at, Ypsilaiiti, had a left forcfiuger before lic went lmnting, New Year's day. ¦rhe "boiler in John H. Batos" sawmill, 14 miles north of Vassar, lmrst not long siiH-c. destroviug tlie mili nud injuriug two workiuen. Jacksou prisoD report for December: In prison December 1, 641; receivcd. (i: loss by expira! ion of sentence, 16; other losses, 5; in prifon Dee. 31, (VWi. Win. Koster, farmer, of ftichland, Kahunazoo oouuty, was severely if uot fatally sroanded by the accidental discharge of a gun in the liauds of lloward Kobinson. A little son of A. ('. INÍelnlosli. West and BOD until rescued by lier lmsband and others who happened to be' working near by. Mrs. PMlip Tinker, aged 80, living snuth of Bunker Ilill, Ingham coimty, in some wíj' set her clothes on flre froin a lamp; her efförts to sniother the llames on the bed werfl nnBUCcessful, and before her husbaud could conic to her assistanee she was seriously if fatally burned about the clust. Letters reeeived by relatives in Nilep, announee the death of Kev. Titus Coan, D. D., aged bü, at Hilo, Sandwich Islands, Dec. 'L Dr. Coan was a veteran missiouary ot the American board of commissioners, and was known as "tb apostle to the Islands. " having been in the islauds some 50 years. He wasone of the best known of all foreign ratesionarlea ïhere i no cable eommunieation with tin -ilanils. which accounts for the delay in receivlig notiee of this good man's death. Varnnm B. Cockran has been con firmed as register of the land office at Mar quette, Mich. The Bay National bank of Hay City. Miel;., has been authorizcd to commence business with a capital of s20ö,000. Gov. Bêgole lias pardoned the notorions burglar, Jack Ryan, who was convicted in thr Recorder' court of Detroit, in 1S79, and stmteneed u 15 jjeata in the peraitentiary. Prof. John F. Nicbpls, principal of the Ca? school in Detroit, and oneöf theoldcst teachers in the state, died at bis residence in Aim Arbor on the 7th inet. Hornee Alderman, the yontli whowas arrested ior setting re to the West l'uion school building in Hudsou, has been discharged, the evidence prcsontcd being hJBuffieient to liold him. Ferris F. Hyatt, a prominent aud veaUhy eitizen of Flint. dteá at Winchendon, Mass., on the '.Itli inst. Ho had been conflned lor i-i atment in the private asvhim of Dr. KusmL .lohu Coily'dioil at Mauisti-c on the9th inst., afH-r faítiiig 103 days, aged GO yeou-s. Ue served chiriuii the war iu the Sixteenth Wiseonsin n'ïiniont, aud leavts a wiíe and hve cuitaren, all oí whom are married. Durlng the fasthis weight was mliiced trom 190 pounas to 107 poundí. Habito were températe. ThceupJiQsed canse of his fastlng was uleeration of the etomacb. #¦ Viov. Bug-.jhv, haviugbfiensnbjpcleilto mueli unpleasBnt rritieisiïi ior pardoning Ryau, the notorioue burglar, iromtstate prlson, says pardon was granted on a petitiou from Chicago 8icnciL by membera oí congresB, the ex-superintendent of pólice, eouuty eoniniissioners aml o'her prominent metf. Tliey represented that Ryanté fauiily was 11 rèdnied eireumstanees, thai tliey liad knuwn Ryau, who had lived a straight, life there, that they believed in hls 111noecuee, ete. ïhc aetion of the royernor was ali-o tosoinc extint intlueneed by a letter on Me writtru by .lud-ie Swïft to Gov. Croswel , 111 whioh Swift states it was répresented to him that Uvan was a profesional burglar, and liail he known better he should nat have sentenccü I1Í111 for mure than tive years histead of 15. The licgisliiturc. I.ansixi;, Jan. -f.- The Senate met at 10 A resolution ïuithorizing the appointinent of a new standing conimittee, t.o be known as the BÖinmittee on the northern asyhun for the insano, was adoptod. Senator Frisbee gavenotiee oí a bilí to repeal aet No. 2(ïr, oí the session laws oL 1881) relatingto duties and pay ot the register of deeds pi Shiawasee eounty. Senator Romeyn annouueeil lus intention of Lntroducing a bilí to próvido a pension on the retirement or résieuatlon of udgcs of the state eourts at the age oí 70 vears' and tlie end of 30 years' service, (ñlu-r niinoniiceineiits wore made as follows: liv Benator Pennington: To regúlate rales ot transportatitm of f reight on railroada and prevent uujust discriminatlons agamst local freirtta. By Senator Mam arring : To amend act 16 of the scssiou laws of 1881, ameudatory of eompiled laws (seetion 2,110) rclating to lM)dies cousigucd to the demonstrator ot anatomy of tlie uuivcrsity of Michigan. A reolution to artjouru from Friday until 1 uesday was lost. The House.- It was voted to elose the leglslative poet office on Su-nday. and oflice hours for week days were tixed at from Sa. in. to 9 p m. A rosohition was adoptod that no employé ol the house should be given extra pay unie he was specially deservlng ol sueh additional cmmx-nsation. A inotiou to pennit the officcrs of the House to draw salaries ouly from time actual service began, was made, but no aetion was taken. iab . . . Both Houpcs at this point went into joint Bession to listen to the reading of dor. Jetóme a meesage. The atteudanee was ve.ry largc, State offieer's, and members of the Buprcme Oourl benig present in full forec. After the reading of the message, adjournBiênt was taken uiitil 30 p Bi., wlun tlicy Bgain assembled in joint ;,,-jnnt.) listen to the inaugural message of Gov. Begole. LANsing, Jak. 5.- The Seuato con vened at 10 a. m. The appointments of John O. Morse as secretary's messengcr, and Fred Ilosklns as messeuger for the sergeant-at arms, w.-re aunounced. Senator White of the 20th district gave notiee of a billto amend seetion 24 of act 140, of laws of 1869, so as to oblige secretarles as well as directora oí river improvement companies to subinit reports. The report oí pardon granted by the rething governor, was rcceied and ordered entered on the JOurnal. Au adjournment was ordered nutil s i). in. Monday. TU.OUSE.- Kepresentative Van Dusen ol Bhja ;i"i-e offered a petition relative to repeahug the act gOTCrnlnc: the register of deeds in eaiü eounty. Mr. C'aseof Wayne preseutcd Peter MuU"aney's petition, objeéting to the seatiug of Mr. Suyder of Calhoun eounty, on the ground that Suyder was ilneügiblc. ¦ ln-ing register of deeds at the time; of lii ejectlon as representative. A oimilar protest was entered by Represeutative White of Oceana in the interest of Edwanl K. Kdwards who contests the seat of Chas. W. Stone as representa tive from Newaygo. Edwards' ground of ramjilaiut is Irregular registration on the part of Btone, the work havlng been doue by a minor and Clerk not under oath. A communieation was receiyed fnun the retiring governor glTing reasons for the pardons granted conviets by him during his term of olliee. A petition slgned by 4: residente of Ionio eounty ns pre sented askmg íor'lnBtructlon i" public sehoolt as to the effects of alcohol on the human system. Keprcsentative Whceler of Barry askei for the appointineiit of a special eommittec tl Inqulre astowhetuer uujust discriiniuation re made by the railroads af this -state upon ocal fruights. Lew. W. MQler was appointed ournal clerk and K. (i. Donaklson eorrespondQg clerk Tlie House udjourmil untilS.ojelock ilouday ETéning, Jan. Sth. Sf.xatk, Jan. 8 - Tho business in the CgTslature was resuméd al S p. m. Mr. Gfêusel ;ave noticc pí : bilí to revise the charter of Deroi(; [r. White, of bilis to provide inereased talarles to drcult Judies and to amend tbc lquor law of 1SSI iy eonferring autliorltj on he electora of municipalties to totally prohlblt lie sale of spirituous and malt liquors; Mr. Síorton, of a bilí to amend the Game laws Adourned. House- In tb'e House a resolution by Rcpre-i'iitative Howell, of I.eimwee. pnjvidiní; that 10 adjournment exceeding one dav ni each .'aleudar niouth should be allowed diiring the [jresent sesston, exeept fort he usual recess, was tablea. A for thc Northeru Insane Asylum jrae ordered to be forme.d. Sexate. - Jan. 9.- The following uotiecs of bilis wcrc announeed: Mr. Ihieeton, to regúlate the pract ce of mcdieiue in the state of Michigan. Mr. Austiu, to amend the act revising the charter of Battle Creek. Mr. Whiting, to revise and amend the charter of the city of Detroit. Mr. Koincyn, to provide for the taking of private property for public use iiíiiifiiÍflil.-Yst,1 to prevent thT sale and use of toy pistola. Mr. Gruesd. tn divide the townshin of Soringívells into threc eiecuou producís, auu lojuowuu loruie. i pointineut of iuspeetors of elcctions for the same. Tho followiug bilis were lntroduced: , llr. Komeyn, to ameud section 0 of cliaptor Kil), compiledTaws ol 1871, relativo to marriage; eectfong 1 and 33 of chapter 170 of samo, rolative to divorce; and to gay to any Judge of the ; Supremo or Circuit Courts, of tvrénty years' t service on the beuch and 70 ycars old or over, on his ï'otirement or resignatiou, au aunvial pension equal to hïs salary fcr and during the residue of his natural life Mr. White, to pay to oarh of the Judges of tlie Circuit Courts, commeaciztg .lanuary 1, 1883, a salary of téS0Ó i por annum. Mr. Manwariug, to amena the law relating to Bubjccts for disseetiou for the advancemont of Science. Petitions for InstructiOQ of school children in ] ica] eITeets of aleohpl were pvesented aud rcferred to the Committee on Education A petitiou was presented by citlzena of Detroit , asking the passage of a bilï making au appropriation for the repair of the Michigan Soldicrs' and Sailors' monument at Detroit. The petition was referrcd to the oommitteo on military ofiaü8. A memorial was presented fror:i I.enawee supervisors pruying for an extensión of the poweis of township drain oommissioners in eounties whero, no eounty drain commissiouer 'mis been appolnted under tliepixvontlaw. '.vferred to tho committee on agricultura] interest. Hoi .-]¦:.- - Kills were noticed as fóMbWs: Mr. llopkins, to amend ncction 4, act 113 of 77, relativo to raming; also, amending act ing Elmwood eemetery. Mr. Van Loo, ameuding act lncorporating Zeeland. Mr. Harkneee, for the recovery by the state oí money expended in the care of iusano persons who havo property sutficient to maintain thomservos. Mr. Dodge, for the appointment of receivers in chanccry. .Mr. Clark, to protect the-Quanieassee state roail. Jlr. La Tu, eonsoKêflitug the lavs relatiug to public iustruction. Mr. Brant to próvido foï iiee jnstructtob in inotistrial or mechanical iirawin. Mr. l'"yLe, lo punlsh porsons guilly i ' assault ïvith intent to do grea't boilily har'm. Mr. ITopkins, amencllng section :, and 4, iet. 37S, of i89, ior the colleetion of taxes in Detroit; also repealing sec-tion lilST, C. L. Mr. Devliu, amending and repealing acts referring to contract system in state prisou ; also amending act of 1SÍ5 relativo to ofatructing the operation of railroad trains. Arcsolution was bffered urgitfg the neeessity oL' providineducational fadlilies lor idiotie persons. Mr. Kobiusou oftercd a resolution making iaqairlea :i to m lieilier infornuii ion eonceming tate tas i lancM mav not lie more econnmieally fltsgpménated than by punlicatum in tlie tate pcess. A resolution was sulmiitted by Mr. Van Loo for an iiHiuiry by eoinmittees of the two Jlouses as to necessily ior ])roviding ior te.inporarv relief of the in.-a'ni'. Adopted. Faitlilnl l'itto Bcatls. One of the saddest tragedies that eau oecuï in any eoinniunity, oecurcd in Detroit, on Satordny and Sunday, Jan. (1 and T, the particnlars of which are as follows : Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Monek of Cliatluim, Ont., with theíí nine-months oíd baby had been stopping at the FranküB House siuce November last. On Saturday evening Monclc callcd onc of the employés, and asked hun to take ÚXO chiid to onc KtheguestspYthe Ijouse, as he and Mrs. Mouck were goiug out, The request was complicd witli, and nothing move was secn 01 hiin. About 12 o'eloek the lady Who had been carlng fpr the ehild, bcing anxious to retire, called the Kinif employé to aseertain ii Mr. and Mis. Monck liad returued. The boy tried the door and found it loeked. He reporteil the case tu the night elerk, who providcd liftri with a passkev 'On entering the room Mrs. Monek was lnünd dead in lied. The city physlclan was at once emmmoiicd, who said abe liad been aeaa al leasi two liours. From the fact that Monck had disappearcd, suspiciou of foul ptay were amused. The room was eareiully exaimiud but no trace of poison could bc iouml, nor dut the bodv lear niarks oí violenee. ihe only thlng that eould give any eleve toward solving the inystery wasapieeeof paper iound under a plata oíd ring worn on the lelt liaucl ot the dead woman. The paper borc these words : "Sweet Helen, I will keep the promise I made OThï?,Aeoupled with other faets, veriAed the Busnitiou oí suicide, aud au investigation was made, but othiug definite eould ' be learne. untfl the following eveninc when a case of suieide was reported :ü the Brunswick Hotel. The proprietor of the Kranklin House was'summoncd, who at once identified the rematas as those of Mr. Monek. It was found that Monck carne there on Saturday night. about an hour af ter lie was last seeu at the 1-rankhn house, and registered as Frank Howard, of loronto. There was nothing in hls appearance to excite BUSüiciOtt. He paid for a nighi s lqdgtag, and teUfag the elerk thathe did not want any brcakfaat was assigned to his room. He did net 1,'ave tbc roomall day. About 4 o'eloek aguest in the adjoining room told the elerk t hal lu hcard loud breathing and ffPOttU tlR' room oceupied by Monek. !&e. torced open, and a glauco showed that tl.e man was dyiug, and beyond all help. A small bottle ofmorphine was found in his pocket, whicb told all too plaiuly the cause of his deatli. Monck was about U3 ycars oíd and a son oí íüeliani Monck of Chatham, ex-mayor and at nresent assessor and collector and one ol the ol.lest residents of tliat place. He oceupied a Inntcdposition intbecustom housaat Olutham until about 6ix wceka ago. His wUe was a e'sonof superior education, but tlieir mar¦¦ "e was clandestino, andrcsultedunfortunatelv owine to the alienation oí family ties on the seoreot different religiouá views-his family ¦g uemhersof the tholic church and her ramily being protestants. The relations ol the eoupleto eaeh other were, however, Baidto be aoTppable aud harnionious. ThTonly theory advanced is that Monck ha,Vin, ,.,' mi disheartened at his eireumstauces' being out of cmployment and without money, threatened to do a ay with ln.nscli, nd Wiie, from her stroug aHeetion for uim, " nted lo self-áestructiou also. 1b e d ubk. funeral occurred on Tuesday the 9tb n .. a ' Se rematas were laid in the .-ame -raye at Bffl'„V.uetery. The child s., Buddetíy aod : sadly orphaned, has been adopted bj the fatöei ¦ at Mr. Monek. Men are subject to mnny iHs and fli ' Least of whiot W not a ten-incli c:irlun ele. A little experience with thenw - ,.;,„K,m,is wiiftameftnmnwondertuMj


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