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DEAN, GODFREY & CO., PAINTERS - ASD DECORkTORS 17 4 19 BritmM St., Uetrolt. Fins Paper Hanfrings. Klcünt DecoratioiiS. Pine Frieae In all Widths. House Shades and Roller. A Large varlety of room moulding and hooks. -Qn DAINTINC. We malte a pecialty of Store Sha-lee and wk' wlll tnrnifli ait'MW and sample? of colore on applicailon. Sbade fltted to rol I from top or ! tom ol tbe window on Stationery or Travelint; roller. Will lurnixh Opnqu nhadin to the tradü cut to ineasnre. 1125-li76 GET YOUR PROPERTY INSURED BY C. H. MILLE2T, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldeat agency In the cltj. Eitablished a qaarter ol a ceutnry ago. Keprenentlug the lollowlng flrst-clas companleg: Home Insurance Co., of N. Y $ 7,000,000 Continental Intnranre Co., or N. Y 4 27 206 Niágara Insurance Co., of N. Y 1,735 563 Uirard Insurance Co., of Phila 1,132,186 Oriënt Innnrancc Co., of Bartlord 1,419,522 Commercial Union, of London 12,00ü,(XX tar Kates Low. Ixtsxes liberallr adjiisted and promptly pald. 1IHMB C H. Millón. TJOUSE TO RENT. The Enoch James Homestead, il Liberty Stroet, sforRent.partly furnished. Posaesslon glve at once. H26 A. DcFOREST. l-r THI8 PAPER m- 5 BRAINSF ¦ lts Ad. WH81STBffl I Tcrtisuirf contract t S L ' I GOOO II furlt aiidaJl othor H GOOD f yv UbLtoM corta can be md MHnTSTirVTn ' f" ','"====fc on mort f=:= " " " 'i ' - - W ablo teruu at the ¦¦ f INTERNATIONAL NBW8PAPBR AQENOY i 1;f'H"blMlrl'pP..ÏwH.T,ct.,U.8.A. ' f tt .wye.r „4 Bt piM.rj .f tk, WorU. --. V ¦ ái_.B__B_ LI_J. To al] who re sufferine from the error ard indiscretium of youth, nerroua unknui, early decy, ; los of manhood, Ac, I will end a receipe that will cnreyou.PRKE OP CHAROK. Thls greatremedy j waa dlicovered by a miaalonary in South America. Send a self-addreased envelope to the Kev. Jowph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. lft-Jy IMTÏfl f1PeP're alwaya'on the lookuutfoJ III II llch"nceii to iucrease thoir earuines il I ¦ H n(1 ln tlme De"ne wealthy ; those I il lwbo do mt '"'prove their opportaI lllinitien remain ln povarty. We offer 9 MJ mJa great chance to make money. We want many men, women, boy and girls to work for uk right ln their own lucalitlei. Any one can do the work ptopeily from the flrst Hart. The business will pay more than ten times ordinarj wages. Expenslve outfit flirnlshed free. No one who engaces falla to make money rapidly. Yon can devote your whole time to the work,or only yourspare mumenU Full Information and all that is needed sent free Address Stinbi.n & Co., Portland, Ma nc. TErORT OF TUE CONDITION - O TUI- ANN ÁRB0R SAYINGS BANK, AT ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, A tb close of bimlnem, monda) , January 1n, a. U. 188, Made ln accordance wlth Sections 18, 19, and 67 ot the Geueral Banking Law as amended in 1871. RE90URCKS. Loans and Discount 3M,60fl 94 Boudi and Mortsagea 164,988 82 L s rei'.eiered 4 pur cent. Bond 11,00 00 1 Orerdrafta 228 n Kurniture nd Fixture '" 3 )3i) ís '¦ Revenue Stamps íi VS BillaiiiTiauslt.. _.. J2ÏÏ Due from Natloual and State Banks'.;;"" 47 (169 6 Stlver, Nlckels and Fenntet. Q8 r Legal Teuderí, Bank Notes and üold culn 42,':ftO 00 ' ' Tlt111 .?587,(K)il9 ""'ITI Capital Stock SMI 000 00 ju,rplu" Rafa ZZZZZZ 'SSo m January Dividend _ 2 42U 00 l ndivided Proflt "" f , % Duo Depositora IZZZZT 50i,6 sj Total rjñ87.001 69 trñe''?oTh'eI!ln'5' TCar that t!ie above ¦¦".-m.-m i trae, to the ben of my knowlrdge and belief CHAS. K.H ISCOl K. Cashler of "S1 "WÜr" ' be're me' lhl8 5fl' dy 1124 1185 L. GHITWBB. Noury Public. tí pPyCTWYWS '(' continue to Kr Cjflli3éiyitíiy f-ctassolicitorsfor "am1 patenta, caveata, - E? B trade-mark, copyright, etc for t Z ¦ tho United 8ta tos, and to obtain ijatI Mij eta in Canada, England, France - Oermanv, and 11 other oonntrisH T ¦il TUirty-six yeurs' praotiee. No I charge for examination of wodela or drawS?V AdTlco mil free. fo ui v!ii?i;'.ed thro"Fn a aro notieed in h the SCIEWTIKIC ASiKftlCAN, which has mo largeot circulation. nnd íb tho most influIn enuai newnpaper oi it kind pnblished in the m worm lhedvantageofBiieliauoticeeverv m patentoe undcrs'ands J toSence mCdhtOlOtll WSÜSl S to!?. ïï'i fi 7' inventions, cnpuecnng or, r ?V1P,r íePartnont3 of industrial P progrees, pubhslied in auv eountrv Sinele ' ' dealen y miÍ1 10 'S0ld a11 nwto Addrees Mnnn A Co., pnblishera of Scien{, tafic American ,261 Broadway, New York t Handbook about patente riiiiled free


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News