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Real Eslate for Sule. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County 01 Waehtenaw In the matter of the estáte of William Halben, deceased. Kotlce is hereby giïen. thut in purauance of an oider granted to ihe nn' administrntorol the est te of said deccas. d, by the Hon. Judje of Probate for the Conniy of Washtenw, on ihe twenty-lhird day of december, A. D. 1882, there will be eold at public vendue. to tlie hi. nest bidder, ai the enst front door "I tbe Conrt Houe in the city of Ann Arb.r, in the cnimry of said Stnte.on Tiiesdiiy thu ihirt-enth I dy of February, A. ten o1 ook Is the l'ore1 noon of tbat day (-nbject to all encumbra, ces by niorteage or otberwise exi-ting ar ihe timeoi tbe death of said deceased, the tollew'Bt described reil eetate, to-wit : CommeTiciig on th ¦ trtvi line cf" sectl'n tbirty-ihree(33;,townsbip iw.i(2)outh rnnee ir (6) east, at a point flfry rods s.uib ¦( N ¦ . ror. I qrsaid sectlon.tbenceeast paralle] ro l ortb sic tiou line and flriy roda tiierefrom, ot nu rtri-d and teuty cnerod-and il'-I ; 3) -I a rod theuce south parallel to tbe wesi lim .. -a -. c tiou twenty-nve rode, thence Uegi p ,a] l-1 to ihe nortii line of said sectloo to the wisr line it fid section, thence ncrth on the west liiie of M ectlon te the plitce olbeginning. containing u teeï acres of land more orkss, 5 arria ar,dhö-100 sold to Fortune C. White umi recorded 'n I iber 33 of Deeds page 483, also cïept 6 ie es .- ld tu William l'reai and recorded in Líber 43 i D erts page 622, lntending to convey 8 acres ai ii 6-1UU ii c mlïnu aireéis all on sectiou thirr.-th r" of t iwn eouth.rauaesixea-i.WasnUnaw ( nsr M h .n Also the easl half of the aoath-wroi qnar i , and the aouih-eastquar er of the no th-wesl 14 iar i section number thirty-üve in 'own thr. u - ir three eaat in Michii;n. ooatalutug 12u Lf laLd be the same, more or lecs l)tcd, December '23, 1 82 112:5 1129 Admiii-irilor. Commissioners' Kollen, STATE OF MICHIGAN. Ooiiiny ol Wahriia, ss. The undersigued navnij; lwi. appoaiitd by Ihe Probate Court for said coui.ty.C' mmiásionen? 10 receive, examine and adjust all claims i:d denim di ol all persons againsttbe esrate of Arci lh„id co:t late 01 aid cunty.d.-ceased.hcreby eive notice that eir months from date are allmved, b" ordor of mid Probate Court, for creditore to prosenl thelr claims airainst the estáte of mlddeceaaed, and tbat rh. v will met t at the Banking office of V. S re ir.v and Son, in the vil] i(;e of exter. In aid ctrant on Fnday the rwenry-third d iy "f M ireh. and nu Saturday, the iwemy third dav 01 Juue nezl at tenoclock a. m.ofeach of said da. s, to receto examine and adjast aid cbiims. Dated December 231 1882 UKNKY O GKEUOIIY. I „ LOLIS W. BRIGyS, f Commissioners. lus-naa ji W A week marie ut home by tbe induMriJ j I ¦"as. Best bu-iues now bkfore the pub I ¦ cP'tl "ot needed. We will sta' Jl f , "¦ Men, women. boje and tirl W fl wanted evcrywhereto workfnr u. No' [¦ B"8 the lime. Yon can ork in spare time, or cive your whole time to the btwlnesa, no orher business will pay you neaily as well. Noon cantailtomaKeenormous pay hTeniraitn at once. Costly outfit and tenns nree MoneT made fust, easüy, and honorably. Aildress Irle & i o.. Portland, Maine. C 1. flQri lHr dy t home. Samplen wnrth $5 rrM Í) J IU iJ.Jiirt.„ Stiuo & Cc. Ppnl.rd. M.ln. CANVASSEES 77A1TTED The Most Rapidly Seliing Book of the Day. Life and Ckaracterittia of HENRY WARD BEECHErï. lij l.ym:uiii Abbott, l. I. Assisted h rhos. .Armltate, D. !. i' "Hm D Foieph Parker, D. D. T. .1 i , i Soah l'orter, D. I). .), n (i h Aud others eqn illy we mi wn. Tbe story of hts historie Y'?i 1.1 :' i lurlr. he Civil War in Ainurlcn. told b) h in fuli or iLefirsl time. T,:e book will prove nvre fr.tere i grIon to both fHeuds and fou o M . c Addre-s HOltA E T.4( V. :: wsst rourth :t., - careunuMt, o. 1123-1133 jnLarCo I,.:.,!, ;,-„„. nfralur-.. Itolh V,.nloHH New ToMn il Af!V' "S 1AI I HTrn 108ÍI-114I.) CT. BERBY, Tlte Practical rAILOR ANDCUTTER f the late firm of WIN ANS BERRY. ha? locat ea hia place of business at IUMBER 7 HÜRON STREET, With a flne line of SUITIX1S AD TKOUSKRIXGS, nd wouldsay to hls oldflriends ard m-wn" h they want a Good Fit and a Nobhy Fit ni K 'son ile Pricts. cali on him aud ttu-y win -e il i 'tone. 1OTS-U24


Ann Arbor Courier
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