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A Cure Gnaranteed in All Cases. í"cr Oíd ond X"oung. Male and Fetrwlo ,- Mneuotio MpiUcine: A k JPL Bpaln and erro Food; iW . i'osltlveiy Core NlKht l.oattui, JW i ¦ SFCrmatorrh;a, Injpotency, Mj&L reui Detillty, l.ouoorrnrea K;n ttíáZÜ-1 B&KOUBuennoss; and for all Woaknasses (AFTIIB ir tho Uenorallve Orííans In elthor sex It U an ETnfailine "! Positiva Cure. Tones up ,he debilrtaled system, arrest all InTolun'ary dis¦Iiíuks. removes mental (tloom and despondeney, ind restores wonderful pcwer to Ihe weaker ed orínua. tSTWllh och order for rWÏLTJ packaïes, ccmnpanled wi h Uve dollrs, we will sena uur [ÍUíKjntkk to refund tno money If the trsUnieut w..M not eirect a cure, lt ts ttie Cheaueat and Bent Medicino Inthe msrkst. B'all mrtlca!ars In Ptmphlet. whlch we malí free to hiit addrsss. ia'.d by all DniKiíIst. ono pacfcoKe 50 OHI t lx for 12.50, or sent by ruiill on rccoipt of price, by nd :]i'.mii'í the MAdMCTK; MEliICINK CO., Detroit, Mloh. tVioXi In Ann Arbor by 11. J. Broun & Co , sml b7 all drugylst evcrywherc. Randall's New Photographic Establishment Ib now reutly for nsc. Cor. AVilliams St. aiul Má'tsM) -Opposlfc Kast GTrAiifl Circus Prtfk. Wake appolntments at either tlie ncw or oíd place 990 n'OODWAHD AVE., itKlltOlT. OET TJUK IÍKST Fire Insurance ¦ 'irity held for Ihe Ut)têOtlon of !h) p ¦ ' ¦ hoMerd. CHRISTIAN MACK ülresmits Iho füllowiup firot-class couipaii , of which one, tbe M'uk, bas alone pa'd íóoiOOO.OOO fire loases ia tixty jeare: etna, of llnrtfora .... 7, 00 000 00 KrankliD. l'hlladelphla.: 3.3'J",000 II Qtrman American N. Y 2,800.000 00 l.undon A5u ranee Corporation ÍS.SW.OOU 00 ttlOIl, ll.irtford 1.20O.O0U (0 Nurth Gniüín, Haaibure 2.000,000 (0 Hl icnix. Hr-joklyn 2.810,000 00 UnderwrlK-ri Ane-ncy N. Y 4,COO,0Oj ?0 w. lm i", afcl!? ilsUd ??.?. Pr2P#iï,ffi!S: ()75-l 25 CIirtISTIAX MACK. "ñ ÍNSEY & SEABOLrS BAKERY, aROOERY ASD FLOUR Sc FEED STORE. We keep constantly on bsDd, IJHEAI), CRACKERS, CAKE8, ETC., FOK WU0LB3ALE AND RBTA1LTRADB. We itiall alio keep a snpplj of 8WIFT 4 OEUBEVS BEST WHITE W11EAT KLOUU, DELHI FLOÜR, ETE Fl-CUK BUCKWHEAT Fl-OUll, COEN MEAL, FEED, ic., c. Al wholeáalo and retul. A tceceral stuek of Guoi núes aíd pitovisiox constantly on hand, whien will besold un as re fcon able terma as atany (ther house In the city. Casa pald for Bulter, líms, and Coantry Produce Srenera'ly. H7"G)ods dellvered to ouy pn of the c ty without extra chante. yr. RINálCY i gBABQI.T !liíÉ,S,llrsr OR. J. B. MARCHISBÍ utica. n.y., Discovcrer of DK. MAHCHISP3 UTERINE CAÏIIOLICON, k POSITIVE GURE FCÍ? FE!VIALECCMPLAINTS. This romedy will act iu lianuoiiy with tho femalcsystcm at nll timos, niul rIpo imracdifitely pon the abdominal íind utenne muselea. and rofctoro thcm to a healthy ttiid strong condltion. Dr. Marcliisi's Utenne Catholicon will curo f allin" of the tromb, LucorrUocn, Chronic Inflarainalion and ÜlceraÜon of iho yombl Incidental Ilemorrhflíre or Floodirii?, Pninful, Suppreescd and Irregular MenttruatiOT, Kitlnoy Complaint, and is cspecially nd;i])tcd to tho Ch finge oí Life. Send for pamphlet íuee, AU letteraof inquiry frcelv nnswercd. Adilrcsa na abo ve. 'OR SAÏ 13 ÏJY ALli I)1M;í;GTSTS. Trice !$1GU per büttla. lio euro find osk fot Dr. Marchisi's TJtcrine Catholicon. Tafee no other. Kor sale tr J. HROWN & CQ. 1_74-II!W W;H.H. BOYLAN&Cá PA8NTERS AND S1GNWRITERS! !C S. Main St., Second Floor. NO BOYS EMPLOYED ! AF.HANGSTERFER&Co., 30 and 32 Main St. Ice Cream Parlors and Oyster Ccean Restaurant. Their Gelebrated Premiuinlce Cream, Water Ices, etc., made to order on short notice: Parties supplied with Wedding Cakes, Fancy Pyramids Charlotte de Russe, etc. Wa have in our eniploy the flnest !Fancy Cake Bakers and Ornament ís inthe state. Malaga Grapes, Oranges, Figs. Dates, Raisins, Nuts of all kinds kept constantly on hand. We also manufacture our own Candies. Also Propriotor of the Hangsterfer Ice Compauy. Tale phone Connection. ALL KINDS "STBÜSkT"" Ï'UINTEI) ON SHOUT 'OTICE AT THE COURIER JOB 1100MS. Book-biixIiiiK qisickly lono and allprOKi.uiK, iiivicilions, and cnrda taaiefiilly li iutt'd. S Ö.OÜT-H A.l O TAUÜHT BY J. M. RO BIN SON, VVith W. W. Whedou.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News