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uung me montu of December eiirht ÏÏeT S"" b'V thC yi"age mkrth" The Germán church at this place will ij. vea new organ in about two weeks buiider ¦mem Sel' f ADn Afbor ta lhe Not, many bank in the state take the pa,nstokc,-p their p.,tron iaformed of dantHd Mr. Geo. P. Oller i, cK for during the past week we prlnted i Urge niun . er of statements torthem to be sent to their p.-itrons wliich contain the worn statement of the budueM of he bank on Jan 3d 1883. That people have faith in thw bank muy be knownby the U f ' t"etKdeposit9 have incrLsed Í t : ' ¦ ul the past three "tiifc it maj be oi interest to many to know that per nlnety per cent. of the stock of thU bank I owned by its offlcers and directora agèment''016 1keIy t0 ÏÏL DKXTFU. From the Sub. Make a note of the two new businessea hnt eeUblitbed here-iHn Imperial J nuw „geiicy and ewing machine aen cy and repainng. Not an empty busine", place In town, wlilcl, Bpeak. weil for Deitel- as a business centre. D.iring the past year the P.O. druif store has dealt out to lts customers oveV 9 000 l.hick pllb." A pretty good showintf for a drug store in siich a " little place " llie Wholesale druists in Detroit sar that tlns is the onl7 village in thig part of the State where these pills are sold ) From the Leader, i E. Jedele has bought about thirty thou. sand pounds of pork tfaia week, and si II the squealers are pointuig their noses nt him from from all parta of the county. MANCHESTER. Frorn tho Knterpne. i L nt evcning the council met, and with It a Mr. 8haw of Chicago, representing - Rumaey & Co., of Séneca Falls, New York. He made il uuren on a band tire entine, hose cart, hose, etc., to the tune of $1,300 to $1,400. The council resolved to buy a handengine,butof whom it 3 not yet decided. The folio wing naiucd persons ure on County Clerk Kobiaon's bond, as inaster In cliajicery, whicli is for $(1,000 : VV. B. Osborn, Albert H. Perry, and Latnbert Giskie. As county clerk. in the sum of $2,000, wijh the foüowing sureties : A. S. Kobison, Wllllam Kirchjfessner, and Horatio IJtirch. SALINE. F' rom the Observer. Oiiiius the absence of the family of Wm. Jiefrolf, of York. Friday eveiiing last, somp aiidacions scoumlrels ransncked tne former's residenco and carried away wearing appsrel, a watch, etc, to the amount of aboutf75. The bonded indebtedness of the Saline Union School building is cntircly erased, the treasurer, Dr. D. Hall. havinfr paid $1,060 00, the amount of hond and interest, several davs since. The schoortaxes hereaftcr wil] be reduced just one-third. Mosalize.- The Board of Supervisors held a four days sesslon last week and drew pay for live days. Some of tliem try to excuse it by saying that it takes the ( next day to get home, but, if any of thein should hire a man to work in haivest, or : a carpenter who had brought i kitt of J tooU ten miles upon bis b;iek, and either ¦! of tbera shonld finish bis virk on Friday, would they think of paying the man for Saturday because it would take that day ' for hiin to ifet home? By no nicaiis. TPSILANTI. zroiuA il. From the Ypsilant'an. The First National Bank das declded to re-organize and taken steps to procure a ncw charter. At the bezinning of the next term an opportunity vJll be open to ali who are interested ïu ;u'()iiiringease of deli - mand of all the vurioua powers of the yoic, in faotnll thnt pertaina to ihe mastery of Elociition. W. A. Phillips, a gradúate of Hamill'-i College of Elcciition, is deiirousof íorming a class. Theanalysis of the mineral water found at the Oornwell well has not been fully cent. of solid mineral ingredients iu Fl?ê water, largely chloride of sodiiim, orcommon salt, mngnesian siilphate, or epsom aalts, carbonate of lime and alumina. There are about twenty cubic iuches of hydrogen sulphlde to each gallon of the water. From the Sentinel. A Norma! student being asked to translate the Latin sentence, "de profundls cla mavi," af ter some hesltatiou replied : "I'm a clam in deep water." The translation was accepted. There was an alarm of fire, Tuesday night, on account of a blaze seen out in the country. The flre-bell ran# louü and long, though the " Department," had not the least idea of starting for t themselves. In such cases t would be quite as well to let pople sleep undisturhed. From the Commercial. Prof. Bellows 'is busy with the proofreadingof his uew Algebra beingpublished In Detroit. Mr. (ieo. W. Hough from Detroit has opeueda book store in the Worden block, No. 7, where he will be glad to see his friends. Mr. Hough is a gradúate of the Normal School. Some two years since Slr. Jas. H. Davis of this city withdrew a corn cob stopple from a jug of linseed oil. He threw the cob down on the stove hearth and It blazDtl up, burning some linie time. It suggested to him that pieces of' cobs, soaked in rosin, etc, wuuhl m,tke a capital tirekindler. He at once went to work and preparcd a quantity. It worked well, and lie sold to every grocery in town but one Soon after, he interested Cspt. Allen who became a partner. Enquiring One day of Alderman Deubel at the lower mili about securing a lot of coba which were thrown away.Mr. Deubel enquired what he wanted them for. Mr. Davis gave hun an account of his invention and what he was doing, and staU-d that, to push it, tliey neded an additional partner, Mr. Deubel replied " I un your man," A patent was at once secnred. Soon after Capt. Allen disposed of his interest. Tlie business growing a stock company has been formed. Capital, $12,000, in shares off25.00. Tltle "Enterprise Manufacturing Company:" President, A. J. Leetch; vice-president and treasurer, Wm. Deubel; secretary and and general manager, Geo. W. Voorhees; director, James H. Davis, Wm. Deubel. and A. J, Leetch.


Ann Arbor Courier
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