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Thf junior exhibition will be given the 2&1 of March. The Btc-Wspers meet to-morrow, at the court-house. Dr. Cocker still continúes to impiovein hi'akh and strength. i --. Joe T. Jacobs tbr a tew weeks has opened a branch store in Saline. Geo. J. Nissly, formerly of the Saline Observer, was In town the other day. Fine sleighing, and lots of fast horses racing ou State streel every afternoon. Miss Xettie Aiies has resigned her position as teacher in the First Ward School. Durhi the term of court Mr. E. B, Clark is icting as deputy for County Clerk Robison. The cloth;njr stores have tallen into line and will now close at seven every evening except Satuidays. Reserved seats for Beecher will be on sale next Fiïday morningat Watts, and M ooie's on State St. Geo. Mitchell Geo. Burkhart and some ten other Sallneltes were in town Monday nttcnding a case in court. Regent Byron AI. Cutcheon wrote a second resignation Wednesd;iy and put it iu the hands of Gov. Bearole. -+- The Talmage engagement is declared "off" because a satisfa-ctory date could not be decided upon for lus lecture. . There are 90 inmates of the poor house and imong them at present there is an unusual amount of chronic sickness. Mr. Baxter took severa! school chlldren out for a tree tleigh-ride Uednesday. They will remember the jolly ride a long time. By request Rev. Mr. Sunderland will repeat his sermón deüvered a few weeks :igo on "The New and Higher Conception ot God"' on uext Sunday Evening. Among many other holiday gatherings one was held at the residence of Giles S. Waters it also being a reunión of their Chitaren, four generations were represented. Copelin the Chicago photographer was In town the other day and intends to send a man here in a few weeks to enter the field for the students' trade agaiust the town picture taken. Wallaee Bruce h;is a wide and enviable reputation as a brilliant orator. He lectures at University Hall this evening on Womanhood in Shakespeare sald to be his finest lecture. Henry Ward Beecher has notappeared in Ann Arbor slnce 1871. The general desire to see and hear this profound thinker and brilliant orator w 111 insure hini a large audience. ¦ m The Executive Committee of the Washtenaw County Agricultural and Horticultural Society will meet Wednesday, Jauuary 24, 1H83, at 10 a. m., at the Soclety's room in the court house. The late Paul Minnis' grandfather Vandavoont kept hotel at Bunkers Hill and Washington and Lafayette both boarded with him. Gen Lafayette was own cousin to his grand-mother. A sleigh ride party out to Whitmore L.ike Friday night got stuck in the snow anddidn't "go home till morning." About eight o'clock they carne through the streets a sleepy looking crowd behind four horses. Ever since the old Firemen'i Hall was torn down the fire bell had been left unIiung, and there has been no chance for a íi'e lo make any excitement. But last Monday t was run up n tlietowerof the new City II;lU a,lci s Hgain rea(]y t0 attend to business. Monday forenoon, when all the court offlcers were down at the jail playing with tlle tr!mp8 it svas Bomewhat too noisy in the court-room, so the Judge threatened to come down off his peren, arrest the offendm, bring them up before himself and flne them. By the subsequent quieting, however, he was spared the performance of that doublé duty The election of the Keek Furniture nmpany Was held Tuesday night and resulted in the reelection of the followinir board: W. D. Harriman, M. Seabolt, L. ÜTI' EUi8' Hiscock. E'al' A' Hamilton. The financial report showed a good years business and a 1U l),er Wlit ciwidend will be paid to the stockholders on the flrst of February For a time Mom Jay nooa there was a lively littlesklrtnUhbetween some trampa and the deputy marshall. They arrested four and after quite a flght succecded in putting them behinl the bars. They afterwards escaped but wcre redtptared. There weresixteerj applicants admitted to the bar Wednesday forenoon. Their nanies are : E. W. Peterson, Wm. O. Wal lace, Edwrrd D. Hearne, M. L. Reedy, O 8. Grimes, Hannon A. Carinar, E. Nobnan, Wm. H, Savidge, Theron M. Nesbitt, Kobert Young, Chas. W. HUÍ, Chas. M. Sherman, Fred. A. Robinson, Willis A. McDowell, John J. Ryan, and Frank Joslyn. Governor Begole has apxintcd notary publica for the county as follows : Henry S. Gregory, E. J. Johnson, Edward Clark, Zina P. Kng, N. W. Cheever. Cass Shafer, John W. Blake&lee, Eugene M.Childs, A. Wirt Newkirk, John N. Bailey, Fred. H. Belser, Henry S. Dean, August Widenmann, Phillip Winegar, Eugene K. Freauff, Byron J. Corbin, W.itson Barr, Thomas Ninde, James Reed, Charles S. Gregory, Jay E, Robiaon, Edward D. Kinne, Leonhard Oruner, Clark Cornwell, Ezra R. Norria, Eugene B. Able, James M. Wilcoxen. At a meeting of the Board of Directora of Company A, on Monday even ing, the following civil offleers were elected : President, S. B. Revenaugh; vice-president, Sid H. Culver; secretary, W. W. Watts; financialsecretary, Joseph Farrell ; treasurer, Charles E. Hiacock. The non-commissioned oflicersare; Quartermaster-sergeant, Chas. M. Klng ; orderly aerpeant, M. J. O'Brian; 3 sergeant, S. B. Revenuiigh; 3d, AlbertSorg; 4th, Zach Roath ; 5th, Sul H. Culver. Corporals : lst, Joseph Farrell; 2d, C. Schlinker; 3d, Sid V. Millard, 4th, Fred. Hodgley. H comes to ua very readily to say that the presentation of Hazel Kirke, given Wedneaday evening, by the Madison Square Company, has not been excelled in point of uniform excellence throughont by any other play heretofore given upon the stage in our Opera House. That s sayingconsiderable.wben we remember hearing Barrett, McCullough, Modjeska, Rhea, Davenport, and other ereat a0, h..t -o ..loo remember that while they were great their support was weak. In thU company all were not only well adaptcd to their parts but thoroughly in sympathy with each other. The drama itself is a powerful one, anil as the costumes and scenery accorded well with the Idea of the plot the large audience received unalloyed satisfaction f rom the presentation of it.


Ann Arbor Courier
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