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2st'w comes from Japan tluit tlic American srstrm of raihvav bnildin; has been ndoptcd. The Frenen presa apprewes of the arrest of Prince Napoleon. By the c-onstitntion (he Senate has power totake cognizance of outrages against the state. Sucli i onurt won ld cr-rtainlv condemn th Prince, The latest scheme for the welfare of Kgypf proposes to givo the Khedlve a councfl of J2 ministers, a legislativa conncil of 14 mem1-ers, half the nnmber to he nominated ly (he Khedive and half to bo clcctccl. An oif."-" aseemblv of4 k"-- e-rr-prerpof ecT to discuss ¦.,,,.,.;¦¦ ;-Mi.?rls. Inrrr;! power of ;i rir-i .( ,n reïfs with thecouncil of ministers, but ita docisions must ne submitted to 'he legtslativc councll before becoming a law. In the event of irreconeilable differences bet ween the tro hodies the decisión ¦nill he left to me Khertivc. At Galwar, Ireland, over 00 applications were niade In onc day fnr Mlstnco to emigrute to America. By a landslido in Switzerlaüd the village of Moráis has been entfrelv deKtroycd. Moet of the inhabitants cscaped. II. is reporter! that the Popo lias sent a letter to Irieh bit-hops urging them to advocate and adopt a eonciliatory conree toward the government. Michael Davitt, vho has been on trial for sentiments expresséd by liüu in a recent. speech, eontends that he has neyer expre6sed opinious that would incite lawlessness, and tliat he was ready to stand by anything he had evercaid. Hartington, secretary of state for war, in a ïwent London speech, spolte in very strong terms of the eondil.ion ol Ireland. He deprécate home rule and believes that dlatre88hoHld be relieved from local sources. The cable brings the particulars of a earful explosión a Muiden, near Amsterdam, Holland, on the 19th inst. Tliree terriflc ex)losions took place in a gnu powder factory, and ncarly all the houses in the village wcre uiioofed by the eoncuesion. The loss of life is mknown, but it is feared that 40 persons pershed. ïwelve bodics have already been fonnd n the ruins, and workmen are searching" for Uiers. The town was greatlv damaged, and nhabitants were obliged to leave their homes. 'here is no apprehension of furtherexplosions. The assertion is made upon good uthority that the Prince of Wales and snite vill visit Canada the first week in Mareh, and nbsemientlv visit all the leading cities iu the United States. The legitimist scare continúes in 'ranee, and it ís believed by those most conersant in French politics that Franee is on the ve of a great politieal outbreak. The miniserial bill dealing with pretenders has been inroduced in the Chamber of Depnties. It auhorizep the President of theRepublie by decree ,i)g,Ji fialKn, 'U SMJr1rroemb'ri of formfr ompromises the safety of the state; those reurning to be Hable to five years in prison. The irinces who now serve in the army are to be laeed on the retired Hst. This last claufe aused an uproar in th'e Chamber. The Bonajartièt members of the deputies held a meeting t, few days ago and ndnptcd resolntions ng friiiee .Jerome s aet.ion perieetiy ícgai, 1 1 esting against his arrest and maintnining that ; i an appenl to the people is the only meana of ! t eeuring the future of Franee. I Twentv-ono persons recently arrestad í were befóre tho Pólice Court in Dublin on ) hp lOth inst.. charged with oonspiraey to Ier oflleitÜR. The court-room was 'crowdcñ J iroat diserimination was exerciscd in he admissioa nf citizens. During tho ( trogress of the hearing of thc charges ngainst , lie prisonere, startlinp: reveütione were made. . An ir.forinrr svrorc tliat several of the prisonre, inilurting Carey, members of the muniipallty, were present at a Fenian meeting, where the informer was asked tojoin the inner irele formed for Ihe assassination of officia!. ' 'he name of the informer is Farrell, He 1 ( tnowledged liaviug talsen part. tn a plot. to , aesinate a juror. He swore that onc of the j irisonerti nameJ Hanlon infonned him thRt he ïad taken part in the at tempt to murder Field ; hit Brady stablcd Field, and Kelley also parieipated in thc affair. Farrell also testified hat threepenee was collected wcekly from iVnianf. to purchase arms; that the. city had i jcen markcd into districts and military ] 6pectionB were held occasioually at whieh most 1 of the acensed were present. At one of these ( meetings one John Devoy, who said he eame i rom America, presided." The organization he i s aid had existed for ooroc ycarf . ! O'Iïrien, editor of thellniteil Ireland, ïas been commitlcd trial, liarged wilh cditious libel. The largest gasometer in Glasgow exilodcd on tho20th inst., injuring eight persons. The explosión is eaid to lie the work of Fenans. PrilHM Freclerick, brother of the Empcror of Germany, died on the 21st inst. atBerlin, aged 82. Thc death of the prince has cast a gloom over the, city, where ho was much loved. In consequence of this uncxpcctcd event the festinties in honor of thc silvcr wedding of thecrown prinoe have been abandoned. A dispatch dated Harnburg, Jan. l'O. f.:iys : The Cimbria, eommander Tlauscn, was ¦unk Friday morning 13 miles southwot or Bnrkum by' the Britinh steamcr Sultan. Shc Blink 15 minutos altor the collision. Tbc Cimbria left Hamburg on the 18th with 3S0 passengersand a crew humberiug 110. She had not gone far before sho ran aground in tho Elbc, but was gotteu off with the aseistane.c of the fcteamer liansa, and putto sea. On themorning of the 19th, during a dense fog ühc carne in colusión with the steumer Sultan of Borkum, and sank in 15 minutes. The fog was so denso that the Snltan's green light was not observed until she was within 150 feet of tho ill-fatcd steamer. Without a moment's loss of time life preserverrj were distributed among the passengers, and the order given to loiver the boats. This, however, in coneequence of the vessel's kceling over on her side, was found to be very difficult on onc side and absolutely impossible on the other. The second ofiicer waa still cngaged in cutting epars loóse so that there should bc as much drtftwood as possible for people to ding to when the inevitable foundering should ocenr, when the vessel went down under his feet. The loss of life was great. Of the 477 souls known to be on board, 56 alone were saved, showing 421 lost. Among the saved are seven of thc cabin passengers and 21 of the crew. Among the lost are lied Jacket, Crow Foot, Chippewav. Little Chcyenne, Blackbird and Sunshine, Chippewa Ind'ians from Michigan who had been on exhlbltion in Berlin. They would have left by an earlier Bteamer but for the illuess of one of their parly, whieh layed their embaikattou. The faet is known tlíat tliero w'ae not enough boats on the Cimbria, there being only eigbt, R numbcr inadcHiiateto actommodato those on board even if thcy had had time to embsrk. Whcre the blame rests for this fearful disaster, is, as yet, onlmown. After the Sultan, whlcta suffered heavv daihage iu the eol'.ision, nrrived in the Elbe, ¦ reporter boarded her iu search of inforraation, hut both the captain and crew abso Intel; reiqsed to teil anytbing. The captain saidlio had made a statement to the BrlUin consul, hut this is inaccessible. Why hc did not stop it is impossible to teil, as he must have known that hundreds oL lives were ia peril. From all later dispatches it is evident that he behaved in a most unfeeling manner. Ilis assertion that he waited at (h scène of disaster 12 hours i9 eontradicted. The latcst uews says the Sultan bas been seized by the pólice oí Hamburg, and will be held vmtil a most soarohirjj; investigation bas been comjileted. The famous Freuc-h arti--t . (lust aro Dore, (lied In Paris, on the 889. By breaking into an oíd uiiue, near Melbourne, Anstraüa. 22 miners were oTerwhclmed b.T water and died before help could reach them. Ex-empress Eugcuie w uow iu Taris. Shr lias puWicallv animuneerl her dlsdain of the rejiuWie, and deelarod lirr syinpathy wilh ¦ PriBce Jrromc, inbisincarceratkm. Bonapartists claim that hor presente has a deep politica] signifiennco. Her prosence in the city nt tin Urne ereates as much surprise ns did the ftrreit ! of the Prince a few days ago. CRJMl:. ¦ j There is intense excitemelil !n Cathoi lic circlcs in Buffalo, X. Y., over the arrest, and - indietment oí Thoma Waldrnn. famillarly 1 knoivn as '"Brothcr Frank,"' on a charge of rape in violating the pereon oí a girl, aged 7', f named Ilattie Carr. Bröther Frank has been íor years director of the Brothers' college, and weli known throughout, tbe state?. Itisclaim, cd the act, wna nceompliphcfl lv ihe Liii being , tfciTrt into his room froni the streef for the I sake of getting somc eandy. whieh he lied her , pockets wilh after aceomjilishiiig his design. The, story was obtained from the girl by her I 1 motJier. who noticed her Buffartagn, anü ulie;i ¦ a detective was called, she led the way tothe scrinerl n coat and hat hanglng on the vrall as tbat of a man ivho had corumittcd the outrage, and i hen Ihe director whb eallcd, tfltedhcnas the man who committcd the deed. Itisclaimed by Brothcr Frank's friends that for sonie DIODtfaa past his mind has been affect ed. tTATZOlTAZ CJJPITAL. Cain, tho Utah delégate wlio wás teccrjtly Bworn in tbe Honse, Is a Monnon. lmt. not a"polygamist. Henee he enUsfies both (he law aud the Mormons. It will take a montli to enter all tho cases before the court of commissioners of Alabama claims. The eoiirt announeed that for the sake of all concerned the cases wlll be 1 grouped as far as poseible. The national Republican committee beid a long and interesting meeting at Washington on the KWh, at. whlch, after much dis cussion, the following was decidcd upon as a i basis of representation at the convention in '84: j Fonr delegates at large from eaeh state and I two delegates from each cougressional disti iet. ; The committee wil! decide upon the time and place for the next convention. December 12, at Washington. Representativa Shackelford of North j Carolina died at Washington on the 17th. The secretary of the (reasury recominends the appropriation of $101,000 for a fireproof building to protcet the records of the j exeeutive department. Rev. Dr. Hicks-, Guitcau"s spiritual adviser has executed a 1 gal document transferring all his right and title to Guiteau"s body to Snrgeon-Get eral Cranc. Secretavy Teller bolda thatwhen land bas been settled within the limito of railroad grants after withdrawal of the land, and before the line of tbe road has been iixed, settlors are proteeted by statnle up to the time the line ol the road Is hxed. The President bas nominated the Hon. John P. Hoyt of Michigan to a second term as associate justiee of thcSupremc court of Washin?;?,1?iL'rDíQn:- _! ! been suggested as eommissioner of the District of Colnmbia, but the president will not make ü.c appointment yet. COXOHESSIOXAf.. SeSATE, Jan. 17. - Bills were iutrodui.ed providing ior the appointment of a commission to investígate the subject of railroad transportation. The l'optoflicp appropriation hill was considcred at length Tbc debat? was Hvelytmd many interesting pointe on the subject were brought out, bnt no aetion was takeu and the bill went over. Mr. Congrr of Michigan presenteda petition from the Detroit board of trade for the improvement oí tlie Detroit rlver. The tariff bil] was taken up, and disrrntrfl by seetions. During the diseussion Mr. Flumb eald he was unwilling to make the interest? of rnanufaeturers n basis for lcgislation on this subject, and thought the only safe way was to pa'y less attention to the demands of manufacturera and more to the views of the people who pay thetaxes. House- Chas. T. Tinxey of Indiana presentcd credentialF, andwassworn in as representativo from the !Hh. district of Indiana, tosnececd the late llr. Orth, J. T. Gaine was sworn in as reprcsêntative from Utah, and the remainder of the ses6ion was devoted to ennsidcration of he Venezuela treatv. Senate.- Aitet the transaction of someunitnportant business, the postofSce appropriation bilí carne up, the pending question being on the amendment to appropi iate $185,000 for special facilities on trurik lines. Tho question was discussed, bnt uo decided actlon taken, when the amendment appropriating $185,000 for tast mail seiTicc eamc up, and va6 agreed to. The tariff bill was called up and alter a long debate and fruitless efforts to change the duty on various nrtides from rates agreed upon by the committce the Senate adjournedout of respect to the late Rcprcsentative Shackelford. House.- Mr. Anderson of Kantas, reportert back from the postoflice commission a resolQtion ealling on the pecretary of war for informatlon as to whnt telegraph lines had been built under hls direction by the army, what disposition had been made of the same and npon what terme. Mr. Butterworth of Ohio, made an cffort to getconsideration of the bonded whisky bill, but the prcvloua mot ion made by Mr. Robeson of New Jeney, that the Uonse go into committec of the whole ou the naral appropriation bilí, iras carrled. After a short eession the House adjourncd in respect to the memory of the late Mr. Sliackelfovd. Sex.vte, Jan. li).- Mr. Sewell of New Jersey, reported adversely the bill authorzing the cbtablishmcnt of a home for indigent soldJcrs and eailors in Kansas. A bill was reported nutiiorizing tbc county of Vankton, Dakota, to issue bonds, belicviug the people of that county were anxiousfor such lcgislation as would cnable them to reftind thcir debt. T!ie postoffloe appropriation bill was theu taken up, and the di6cussion that followcd was mainly upou the clause proposing a reduction of letter postage to two cents. The bill was laid aside, and the tariff bill called for. The usual debate followcd a few ehanges made in the echedule as fixed by the eommission, but without further aetion, Senate adjourned. jjOUSE_But very liUlcbUbiuesswastransacted in the Houfc to-day. Mr. Moore of Tenu., introduced a resolution for a constltutional amendment granting congress poiverto enfovce contracts entered into by any state in the unión. A war claim bill gave rise to some discussion, pending which the House adiourned. awviBraa Tnn OA 1 O TÍTO tllllllllOl' OENATE. - jan. Zl. - iv Jillífi: uuiuusi of pctltions were presented ior na'tional aid to coramon schools. Mr. Rollius of New Hamnshire introduced a bilí tor the relief of the wife of DeLong of the Jeannette expedition. One or two matters of minor importance were before the Senate, but the principal business of the dav was the discussion and final passage of the postofflee appropriation bill. The peuaing nuestion was on the amendment, changing the date of the proposod reductiou f rom three to two cents on letter postage f rom January 1, 1884, to Julyl888. The debate was a lively one. Tlie bill was strongly opposcd by Senators Shermau and Edmuncis, the lntter of whoiu took the ground that elcctricity was as legitímate i ï'neans of eommunlcation as sti-im and that it were botter polic] l,.r the government to malie use 01 this subtle fluid rather than to eheapen post a"e. He opposed the purchase of existing Unes by the government, but thought the, govern ment should buy its own material and put a new line in operation. Alter a lenpthy and animated debate the bill was theu voted upon and passed, iis amended. flxlng.the date of lts adoption as ,luly. 1SS3. The tarifT bill was then taken up and was under disi-nssiim when the Senati adjourned. House.- After the passage of one or two private bilis, the House in eommittec of the whole, resumed eonpideration of the navy appropriation bill, whieh occupied the entlri sossion. Senate, Jau. ¦.- Iron workers through Mr. Caraeron of Penn., present a pc tltion for a rednetion of diities ou any loreiiiT manufaitnredgoods below rates recommendei by the twM The bill authorizuiE telegráph coinpauics to receive dispatebesfrom acompeting Hne and transmit the eamr without favor er prejudice, wa6reportcd favorably. A bilí was introdueed by Mr. l'latt oí Connectieut, authorizing extensión of the frer delivery syatero. The queEllon of evening sess-lons for ivork upon the tarift" bil], came up for diecussion, bilt was not, actcd upon, although tho debate rontlnncd nntil the expiration ol the morning hour. The tarlff bill was then taken up, and the discussion was principally upon the propof-ition made a few days previouV to put all artielfs raadn of wood upon the freo list. This motion had been modihed so as to lcavc the dutj 30 per cent, on cabinct furniturc rough, and :!.) per cent. on the same finished. Mr. (Jonger oT Michigan objected to this and said that the lumber supply of the United States, was soffleient to ast for JOycars. The engar qttestlon carne up, and upon theso two artieles the remaindor of the t-ession wasspent. IIocse. - A hill mui intredoced by Mr. Iloecrans of California empowering journalistic ivriters to procure oopTrighta and receive proJlr. UUhlsof Michlean int- '---J-, m" r-.. Ihc suppresfIou .r liigamy and poligamv. Thr House then went into committeee of the who on the naval appropriafinn bill, and werc di, cussinc tlie snirir whrfi :id,iournmont vu nrdercd. Skxati:, Ja. 23. PetitioBS of iron werkere were presfnted against a rednetion of dutiei?. Mr. Via AVrck of Nebraeka from thpensions conunittee, 'submitted a report in benalf of the rainority of the eommittec in faTr of paegage of the bil!, giying inereased pensions to one-armeíi and oue-ligged soldiers, bnt as the majority report had r.ot been made it eould uot be received. The minority report will be üoinpletcd in a few days, when the matter ean bc actcd upon. Mr. Merrill of Vermoat moved to falce up the tariff hill, sayins that hethought the Senate preferred to talce np the bill nt thf earliest day ratlier tnnn liold evening sessions. The motion was agreed to, and the Senate began consideration of the metal schedule. The bill fornied the i-hief topic of discussion in thf apper houte, and after a short executiTC tession the senate adjovinicc'. IIovse. - Mr. Buttcrwerlh of Uliio iiivoduc ed a bill providing for theappointmentof seveu eommissioners at $10 per day eaeh to inTestigate all questions rdating to the establishment and maintenance of a reasouable Rnd just Inter-ntate traasportation tariff for passengere and freighta by ratlroads and other modes of transportatiou. The matter was re'ferred. Mr. Yonng of üliio introduced the following which werc referred : To retire Rufus Ingalls ivith the rank of niajor-gmcíal. Authorixing the President to extend the patent granted for inethod? of inereasingthe capacitT of oil welk. A resolution was introdueed autherizinff the iippointnient of a special eommittee of three members tö proeeed to the 48th Alabama district, and collcct evidence in Üie pending eontest of Jones vs. Shclly. The rcc-olution went DTer. 'Jlie House theu went into eommittee of the whole on the naval appropriatien hul. Aftev í lengthy debate, during whieh 14 of thf 2i; pag'es of the bill were eonsidered, the eommittee roso, and the House soon aftfr artjonrn?d. Scheller, who has been arresten öli suspicion ol setting Ure to the Xewhall honse. hns bron taken from MÜwaulwe to prevent posible lynching. In the case oí Enginecr Melrille for the eustody of hiscbUdren, the two yotmgpr rhüdren have been giren !nto tho. euetody oJ' their mother, and tho cldest chikl into the enstodv of lier father.1 Dr. S. A. Mudd, who dressed th broken log of Wiüre Bootli after tho assassinntion of President Lincoln, died at Bryantown, 8. C. reeentlv. He was senteneed to bard labor for life "for harboring the aseaasln, and was font to the Dry Tortugas. For liis services during a yelloiv fever epidemie there bo was pardoned liv President Johnson. A jear ugo he presentcd a claim to congress for hik services at the Dry Tortugas, but it was net allowed. ÏÜê luist v.i öl YVebsters Mitiniav wat celebrated al Boston on tho 18th tast. Tho remainsof DeLong and comrades of the Ul-fated Jeannette areto beforwaried by ivay of Irkutsk. A steamboat explosión iuWashiagtos Torritory killed (he captain. Bteward, and thre.f others oi' the crew, as well as tiro paíRengers; four n'ore serloilsly injurod and 10 escapad nu hint. Furtker evidence against Scheller, the suspected Miliraukec lncendiarr, has been discovered. He is cbnrsedwltli ha%ing attempted to blow up the building hv a ga onplosión, sometwo ivoek? iis". Anson Farrington, whi was iatalh injured at the explosión in ho opera housi I Milwaukee on tbe ISth inst., diod the next dar. Another eanuot Iivo. Tlio causo of tho accident was the explosión of a calcium light ejllnder, tho rctolt "f mixin; hrdrn ;en and oxy gen gas. In the c;iso against "Brotner Frank," the Catholic college director of Buftalo. who ik now under arrest on a charge of rape, tin Bishop saje tho matter must bc thoroughlr investigatod. If the brothcr is innocent il must bc clearly lmrii. bnt Ifguilty, lol thelaw taks it 6 courno. Iq view of the recent decisión of th Ioiva suprcoie conrt as to tho illcgality of the prohibitory anieudmonl so recently subniitted to a vote óf the people, tho leadiug tempcrancf peopio of the state have called a convenlion of thoir ivorkers to bc held at Des Moinea in FeV ruarj next to flectóe upoo a futuro coarwi The Quincy Houso of Quinoy, 111.. was burned on tho moruing of the l'.'th. Thf Iro was discovered bv oue of Iho gnests, rho mmcdiiikh gaya the alarm. The guesbs were arouscd. and bv iiromnt action on the part ot employés, all succccdcd in makinc; their cscapp. o uves WOT0 lost, and bnt one or two injured. and thosenot serioi'sly. Tho fire originated rom a defectivo flue. Scheller, the Milwaukee flre-bug, was nuietly taken back to jail on the moruiug of the 19'tb. lt is positivcly known that he ncver left tho city but was concealed in the houso of onc of the officials. Thereaaonfor this is hard to find, and Is but auothcr link in the mysterious affair. Tho evidente of hls guilt accumulates. It is now said thathe had removed nearlv all bis stock from the ill-fated building the day previous to the disaster. The search in the. ruma has thue far resnltod in the findingof 48 bodies. The Ycllowsloiu: natioiinl park iuiprovemi-nt eompany ha been orgauized vinder the laws of New.Jersey wlth o capítol of$8,009,000. ('has. E. Opton hts been indieted by the grand jury for cmfeezzlement and fraud. Upton wa-i president oC the, defUDCt City I?ank of lïochester. N. Y. The gearch of the ruine of tho Xcwhall house wus linishod on the 20th inst. One Inindri'd aud seventy-eovcn peopk' are noiT said to have beon In the house at the time oï lire, all of whom have been neeounted fov as follows: Identlflcd ÍS, nou-identitled 10, paved 102, mlaslng 1, making tho total loss f llfr rr. Nothlng new has been devrloped in the case of Scheller, the roipected Sre-bug. Conductor Beod and brakeman Vatten responsilile tor the disaster nt Tehlchipa. Cal. S;ui Francisco was terribly shaken on Smiday nfternoon. the Ist inst. 'by tho reverberations of a heavj explosión followed by tour others in rbpid Buccesáon, .".mi immodiatcly thereafter a dense volume oí sinoke was seen rteing north at Oakland. A later dispateli fronfBerkeley told the sorroviful story. Tlie ' inining honso and six packfng honses of the (li:int Powder worksat Point Clement, neav ' West Berkeioy had csploded. Fire followM the explosión," anii it was feared wonld reacli Om maffazlne, containlng over 'JOOtons oi pow1 ckr Het ween -10 and .VJ Chinamen, who werf - employcd nt the vork. and the foremnn, Mr. i Civik.'ii white man, werehlown to atnms. The 1 n hole properïy vhs dcsl royed by the stib'; qnent tire. Tiie loss is etiniatprt at =5100.000.


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