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[TILL'S OPERA HOUSE. Monday, Jan. 29. in uuequalled Sucoes. The Qreatest of all Comedies. By Elllott Barnes, ÍHE GIRL TIIAT 1 LOVB resented by a carefully Relectetl Dramatic Company, includiug MISS DAISY RAMSDEN as roii.i 11 ii i v ntroduelng her wondeful Champion JIg, in whlch Hhe cnallenges any Lady lu tile World to compete with her. í'ond Fathers, Beloved Brothers, Model Mothers, Sweet Sisters, Smiliug' Sweethearts, Jjively i,overs, SBK THE GIRL THAT I LOVE! Popular prices of admtssion. Reserved eais on sale at Bllss & Bon'a. A. $20.00 Biblical Reward. The publlsher of Rutledge's Monthly offers welve valuable rewards Ín thelrMonthly for ebruary, amoiiK whlch Is the foUowlng : We wlll glve táO.OO In gold to the person tellng us whlch isthe mkldle verse In the Oíd [VstKincnt Scrlptures by February 1U, 1883. ihould two or more correct answera be reeived, the reward wlll be dlvlded. The noney wlll be forwarded to the winner Febuary 15, 1883. Persons trylng for the reward nustsend 20 cents in sllver [no poHtage stamps Aken] wltb thelr auNwer, for whlch they wlll ecelve the March Monthly, Ín whlch the lame and address of the winner of the reward ind the correct aiiBwer wlll be published. rhls may be worth $20.00 to you ; cut lt out. VddresH Rutlkdoe Pubmbhinu Company, Eaton, Penna. 1127-1128 r , Artrt r'r 47 ¦' tinme. pnipl'i wnrih f rt fiw, !j)D 10 vPZÜAadre-i Stihiox & Ce.. Portlspd, Ualna. Dll UI" !f.AJ!IlLtt.Fio."iLH.Il.ïïi.SMi5 ¦g Bf Bü Bi Book. o all "l" ' "¦ - ï ¦¦ ¦¦P" fo' P" d 1 HUI! í&iw.'.'Í.WoiE 1121-1178 Send postal cartl, with name and address plainly written, to H. C. Davis, Ass't General Passenger Agent, St. Paul, MinneapHb & Manitoba R. R., St. Paul, Minn., for full particular andsectional map of Noith Dakota Country. See advertisement lieaded "320 Acres Free." Orinnell Bros. have now opened for business in rooms over the New Bank. corner of Main and Iluron str"i wliere they will keep a üw fcK ot White and Domestií mg siachine, Needies, Oils, mía Kepaiis, etc. Cali and see our stock before you buy. 1127-1128


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