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PEEL- Phebe A. Peel of tlie sixth ward, dled Jan. 20, of heart disease. Funeral Saturday. Taken to Urand Rapids. FULLER- Mrs. Bhoda Fnller of the fourth ward died Jan. 19, at the age of 93 years, 14 days, of Brlght'g disease. Funeral Monday. WINEQAR- Phillp Wlnegar of the third ward dled Jau. 34, at the age of 55 years, of blood potsoning. Funeral Saturday at 10:30. KENCHLER- Katherlne Renchler of Locll dled Jan. 17, of consumption, at the age ol 27 years. Funeral Saturday. In Memoriam. At a regular meeting of Hope Lodge, I. O. Q. T., held January 44, 1883, the followlng expresHlun of their feellngs was uullmn.od for publication In the city papers: Inasmuch as lt has pleasecl Almlghty Uod to remove froni our circle our beloved sister and co-worker Mrs. Lena Uurllngame, we the members of Hope Lodge deslre to glve expresslons to our deep sorrow at her loss. Mrs. Burlingamo was au aclive. au earnest and a zea'ous worker In our cause. At all times and in every possible manner she was both ready ahd willing to asslst in the advanoement aud prosperlty of the Lodge. She was puuctual In alteudance and willingly assumed the dutles that feil to her lot. The admirable qualitiesof her heart had eudeared har to all her associates In the Lodge. OecerouB, charitable and sympathetic she passed all the i-Ksi-ni i.-tl attrlbutes of tlie Ideal Oood Templar. Her loss bears sudness, puin and sorrow to all our hearta. We can aee the aged taken to their seatlng place, and yet, though our tear may Itow, our hearUwill percelve in the uct, the hand of a kind Providence which ovcrlookH and removes from thls world of care and sorrow, those who have attalned the K()al of life. But when the Keapcr, Death, removes from our mldst, on who is only yet in the fullness of her yrurs then tho ways ot providence seem to usa mystery whloh canuot be fathomed. Wlth sadness therefore, we bow to the inexorable decree of Providence and can on ly say in the word8 of the scrlplures. "Thy Will be done." Whekeas, ati over-ruing Providence has cal led us to mourn the loss of one of our members, Mrs. Burlingame. Resolved, that In her death we have lost a most falthful and efficiƫnt mimber. and one whose noble qualitiesof heart had endeared her to all her associates. Resolved, that we extend to the aflllcted frii-inls and relatives, our deepest and most haartfelt aympalhy In their grlef.whlch.after them, we feel most sincerely. Ritolrcd, that these resolutions be placed upon the Jourual of Hope Lodge. a copy be ent to the relatlvex of the deceased and alo publlKhed In the city papers. i R. K. BILLINGTON, SlgnedB S. BURNKTT, I ADA BIBBIN8, Commlttee.