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deo. K. Canrike is arrangimr t oon vert the fiour inill at Union CItv hito n-mr " orks. " ' The chiss of 1881, of the agricultura college, has lust held its annual rennioD am panquet :it Charlotte with -J5 membere present J. (i. Bruoe'a store :ml the postoffice at Burnside wcre hurglarized and i?r5 in cur Uncy anr] $50 in SUmps taken. The burilan ehen stolp a team and made off. A. A. Southwick, the inspired spiritualist of Charlotte, who ivas ordored by tbc spirits to slay Lis wife and fricnds, was gent to the Fontiae insano asylum by Judge JcOnlngs. Pctitíons .aro boing extensivoly circulaicd and signed in Eaton couéty to have Reuben liall's sentence tor attempt at rape a li""ht one, or suspended altogether, allowini; him"to reform. A fire hroke out at Owobso in ilie Bteam heatlng dry kiln at Woodard Bros ' furniturc fattory. döiug about$l,50()daraai;c. Th.' building was insured for 5,(KK) in the Hanover and Oriënt companies. A team of horsès was found in the rear of the Presbyterian ehnrch at Lapeer nearly irozen. They'are supposed to have been brought Uiere by tivo bnrglars who burst a safe al Burnside and then stole a team. Three buildings in Charlotte caught lire the saine day, hut wereextinguished a?ter sniall loss. In ( ither ease bad the h're been diswered a few moments later nothing could lave saved the entire bioek on account of the U'rrible wind. Osgooil, the Battle Creek canvas boatuaker, bas just received an order from Natal Scyuth África. Th'ere are 40 patients in the Bav city hospital. Five men with brol;en limbs arrived vithin onc week. A Charlotte lady has a doublé calla ily-oue perfect floWer i'nside the otber, theonlv one ever seen tiiere. luciiu eiigines :ui lastenen togetlier behind a snow plow went up the big hill at lonia to elear out the snow that hail drifted into tlie ent. A United States forestrv bulletin just isMied credits Michigan with iiaving used'durini the past year 7,838.004 oords of wood ralued at $13,197,240. The Calumet & Hecla Mining Co., have declared their regular quarterly dividend oí $5 per sharc or $5U0,0O0; tuis makes the total of dividendB to date $22,850,000 The house of Henry Alberts, at Eas Saginaw, burned receutly from an overheatec flue; loss, $2.000: insumí for $1.000. Mr. Al berts was eiekin bed at the time and was carriei out by the nelgüDors. The contract for building theEatoi t'o., court house at Charlotte, has been award ed to W. B. .Alile?, of Toledo, at $88,500, D. W (iibbs, the arehitect to tuperiutend the con structloB. Oiher bids ranged as high as $58, 000. Nathaniel Whitemore, for 2, years, a reeident of Bay City, died recently at Cochit'ïate. Mass. He went to Bay City in 1856, ii 1850 was eleeted sheriff of "Bay eountv, was triade county clerk in K62, and"subseiücnth held the paitions of city reeorder and mnt roller. A few days ago Gustavus Hiño, n buteher of Bay City, entrnsted $050 to Heury Hoffnian with whieh to buy beef cattle. He is now supposed to have sk'ipped the state, and Mr. Iliníí hasgonc to Chicago in eearch of the absentec. Hoffnian is S."i years oíd, and has a farnily tlure. Parson-r hall the large building occupied by the boys at Olivet college, in Eaton eounty, caught fire in a room above the library and burned tlirough iuto the room liefore discovered. A "few monients more would have made lt hard work to save the building; M. Carman of Eaton county, has just patented a new graiu reaper which is sald tobe a novelty. Shoridan'.s now .svstem of protectiou .jrainst fire is repdrted as not Iiaving proved atisfaetorv at tbc recent fire. Battle ('rock business men eornplain hat a great amount of counterfeit money, both peí and silver, is in eircuïatiou there. ' Bellevtu; in Eaton eountv, has been without a hotel for a year, sineè the former onc burned. The town has over 1,000 iuhabitants. Airs. O. (. Cbamberlaiij oí Roed City, aud Mr?. E. C. Wright of Ionia, are on their way to England to prove thoir heirship to an eto worth $300,000,000. lía E. Seudder of üviil. rocovered a judgment of $320.55 ngaiust Johu I. Sharer of the game place for selliog him a pair of glandered lioracs and warrauting them to be sound. Fourteen miles north of Charlotte is fituated the only hardwood lumber eamp in that seetion of Michigan. Teams aro hanling from it at tlie rate of 50,000 feet per day to i single mili. David Hint seeureil a jiidgmom of $194.!0 against the Detroit, (rand Haven & Milwaukee railroad company. A defectire gate of the company's near Ovid allowed two colts of ihe plaintifï's to get on the track and thcy ware killed by a passing train At the oonvention of county superintendents of the poor at Lansing, Bishop Gillespie advocated the building of an iustitute for teeble-minded eliildren. The superintondeuts cordially endorsed the idea, aad wlU memorialIze the legislature to take act ion npon it nt the present eesston. ('bange in the plans of tho Eaton eouuty eourt house at Charlotte, have brought the contract priee from #:S,50O up to Í45.241.'. A smal! child of Joseph Wells, a farmer, living elgbt miles from Sasiuaiv, feil on a hot Btöye, and died from the eftects. The CKavlottc ])stoftiee has been raised to a second class oflice, with salary at $2,000 and elerlj'hire furnished ly tlic government. J. Watt, aHillsdale student, whilereturniug from a ball tipped over, when the horsc ran awny, jumped Int" a ditch and killed himself. ïhe Michigan Central company has leased the north park at Dowagiac to the city, and a town hall costing $7,000 will bc creeted thereon in the spring. A mail pouch arrived at Pefoskcy irom 8t. Ignace a few days ago frozen in a solid maRS, liaving evidently crossed the straits by the sub-aqueous liue. A meeting wil] be held at the court house, 'Pontiac, February 7 and S, to organize the Oakland eounty hortioltural society; Chas. Wi Garfield, secretar; of the state horticultural society, wlll be present. Thos. Carie of Wexford county, the last of the three prisoners who assaulted the turukey and cscaped from the Big Kapids jail, was eaptured near Crotón, Ncwaygo county a lew days ago, and returned to jai!. The library building to be huilt by I !. V. Sage and preseuted to West Bay City, jas a front and rear portion, the one 233J56 feet and the otuer 3x5Tfeet, each thrpe stories high, and will cot $130,000 and the books toiill it H'.1,0O. Justice C, Hogers, an old resident of Wyoming towuship, Kent Cot, committcd suicide by cutting bis throat with a razor. He liad icen in poor health for some time and had beeome despondent. Jlehadason wbo is an attorney in Grand Iiapids. l'atrickMc-Grath shotMoseMet'latchey both of llarrisvillc, most of the shot taking effect n the back of the heaü and neck, though it is thouglit that somc entered the lungs. ïne wounda are, however, not supposed to bc dangerou. The shooting was purclv accidental. Charlea Hobart of Hudson, canspoak and write eight difierent languages and play on tlie violin besides. A Hudson horsedroppeddeadthroiio-h fright occasioneel bv a large dog jumping uu- expectcdiy in fronfof him. r A uniou depot oi' l he Michigan Centra], Grand Tronk and tlie new Toledo & Mieh1 igan railroad is talked of at Battle Creek. Preparaüons are being made at Char" totte tor a reunión oí the sofiiers and sailors of Ealon eounty, to bc held there February 15. Otras Peabody, fonnerly of Ponttec and Detroit. lias göne west and' beecme associate editor of the West Plains, Missouri. Jonr TIk Midland City water works will so„n be at work, liaving tlirec miles of pipes and .il) hydrants, operatcd bv two powcrful ¦ pumping engines. ' v Mrs. Mary A. Livermore, who has I been pronouneed the most eloquent and ivomanly ivoman on the American lecture platform Is to lecture in Detroit on AVednesdav Feb 7 Subject, "Superfluoua Womcn.'1 J. Bcach of rarmelee, Barry connty, has been arxested on a piiargo of withholdinr nbotit 94.000 pension monev from fliram and Hortense Forbes. Held in the sum of $1,000 toappoar in the district court at (irand Hapids, Mareli (i. AVilliani S. Kelton, a farmer of Williams township, Bay county, was founddead in his cellar, having been overeóme by gas arising from live ashes placed in the cellar to prevent vegetables from lreezing. He was 50 years of age. He was the flrst éettW in what is known as North Williams. A Bay Cily electric light wire lodged agaiust the iron eolumu of a store, charging the whole iron front. A result was that everyone who entered the store received a shock that made his hair stand on end, etc, to the amusement of thosc who were beland the scènes. The matter was remedied by insulatlner the wire with a pieee of eardboard. "Bill %, pi_ V' 'Í ' ¦ I ' i I ' ' ] I ' ¦ . j A largè meeting of lumbermeii was held at Kast Saginaw, and a committee of 25 appointcd to go to Washington to oppose the putting of lumbiT on the free trade list. Tele CTmi wcre sent to Chicago, Minneapolie Mii.-kegon, Manistee and Lake Iluron shore poiuts urging similar deleeations of lumbermen to meet the Saglaaw ileiegvUen in Washington in order to effect unity of action. "A Reader." of Sheridan, Mout ca lm eoünty: wishes to contradict the statement that the uew system of protection did not 'prove satisfaetory-' in the recent flre. He eays: "Steam was up proinptly and the hose iaid as quickly as possible, but when over 50 men got hold of the hose in one place to pull it along it pulled apart, and before the coupling eould be made again the water began to f reeze (the mereury being 10 degrees below zero), and when the pump was aeain started it forced the ice and snow to the end of the hose and plugged evcrything up. The boys did well, and with halt a chance and ordiuarv we.ather i-nuld I have put the fire out at once." " Tlic Liesislatuk-e. SiiNATE, Jarj.2-i-Ttiebillaniendmgtiie charter of Detrcit, introduced by Mr. Grüescl, was favorably reportedupon and ordtred printed. The following bilis were introdueed: by Mr. Taylor, amending section 353-1 C. JL relating to the compensation of Aembere of the state board of arieulture ; by Mr. Austiu, amending section 5375 C. L. relating to courts held by justices of the peac.e ; olso amending sect ion 0Í3U C. L. relating to garnishments in juptk-es' courts; by Mr. Romeyn, amending act incorpurating Grosse Point; 'by Mr. Buttar?, making anap)ropriation for the board of iish commissioners ; also joint resolution for relief of Kobert Jlood of Cliarlevoix county. The resolution was pa6sed asking congressmen f rom Michigan to voteagainst the repeal ot the tax on whiskey and tobáceo, as also the bill amending the act relating to the pólice court of Detroit. House.- Bills were introduced to incorpórate the village of Essexvillc, in Bay county; to incorpórate the village or Roy, in Ösceola county ; to punish frauds upon inñ and eating ïousekecpers ; to estabtish board oí park comuissioners in Detroit ; to establish board of building inspectors in Detroit ; to regúlate the use and reutal of telcphoncs. A numbcr of bilis is ere reported from eommittees, aniong them being oue to amend section three of the act to incorpórate the trustees of Elmwoodcemcterv. Remonstranees were presented against 'urtber appropriations for tlie of white fish. Shnatk, Jan. 2.3. -The bil] for the appointmcut of receívéri in ehaneery eases was jassed. Mr. (Jruesel introdueed a bilí to provide íor a board of poor eommissloners in Waync eounty, and imngtheir powers andpay, and onc by Mr. Friable, relatlng to the dog ax and paymcut of damages done by dog. Ar. MaiiK'arir.K wants the act amended relatug to hlghways, private roads and bridges, and utrodueed a bilí to that effect. The Standard ire Insurance bill was ordered back to the committee on iusurance with instructions to oport an aniendment excepting mutual com)anierf from the provisions of the bill. Hol'se. - A large numbcr of bilis ere inrodueed, tlie following bcing most important : iir. Wright, repealing act 102 of 1877, for preenting horso stealing; Mr. Warren, reineorlorating Decatur; Mr. Harkness, amending eetion 4547, relating to sale of lands for tlie payments of debts by guardians ; Mr. Dodge, amending act 178 of 1881, in reference to suits agaiust insuranee companies; Mr. Howell, amending act 147, laws of 1881, relative to the management of insano asylums; Mr. Palmer, amending section 5-181, relative to procesa from ustices courta; Mr. Woodruft", to provide a tecalty for obtaining mouey, railroad tickets or ransportation by lalse pretenses ; Mr. Dodge, or the constructivo of lire escapes in buildings ; ir. Bishop, amendiug act of 1869, for the proïotion of compauies to improve the navisation of rlrers. Bills w e r e assed to proteet and preserve state itehes ; appropriating money for th care of besoldiers' andsailors' monutuent; regulating )!acing of nets npd flshing apparatus in the ¦iaginaw rivcr Tho resolutionj reciniring all naeasures involving expenditure of money to be adopted by a majority of the members elect, tbc vote to bc bv yeas and navs, was los. The speaker appoiutèd Messrs. ïrench, Martin and '1 hompsou and a select committee to investígate the charges against the fish commlseloner Mr. Warren offered a concurrent resolution for ad journment from Friday cvening until Tuesday ..111 . -BV VI Km I ! tti 11 Ai -u. jvuvpnu. Senate, Jan. 2G - Bills were inlrodnecd conecrning co-operative and benevolent societies and corporations. Mr. Mouroe introduccd a bill appropriatingmoney for the publieation of the procecdings of the couuty superintendente of the poor íor 18S8-4. The concurrent rcsolution for adjournment uutil Tuesday at 11 a. m. was agreed to. lIoi-sE- l'etitions werc presented for amendments to game laws; agaiustfurtherappropriations for tish culture in the great akes ; for the submission of a prohibitory amendment: for a 10 hours' lalor law , making 10 liours a legal day's wórk. A 'avorable report was mafle on the bilí crcating a board of building Inspectora in Detroit The resolution providing for a eommittee to investígate and report concerning the educational facilities for idiotie persons, tras mbled. A resolution was passed asking tlie state treasurcr for a Ptatement of the funds in the treasury and the amount available for current expenses of state government. The bilis presented to-day weve as follows : makinu an appropriatiou for overdrafts at Iqnia house of correetion ; for the relief of the Wasbtenaw agrieultural society; to amend eeetion 3, act 11, 8. h. 1SÏ7, relating to obstrueting operations of railroads and other corporations; appropriatiug Y2,(KX) for tlie salary of the auditor general; lo amend section 8 of the act of areh 14, 18S3, providing for two additiumü circuit judgesfor the third judicial circuit; to amend the elections and registration act, sec. : sai' rCT Jl&?n t0 reviee and amcná chapter ' and servante'. ' ' g t0 m&Stm "PP""' i Sehate, Jan. 3O.-The judiciwy committee reported in favor of a Wil to pro, vide pensions f or judgcs of state courts wlio ' retire or resign. .The chairman. Mr. Koos, dissented. Petitions wcre presented for amenamente to tlie charter nf tlie city of Jaeksou. (ien. Me Reynolds, president of" the Michigan association and vice president of the national assoeiation. for the passage of a resolution in of te snryiviug Mcxican veterans and veterans ' 1C, I"! dl!,ln ". BUls were lötroduced io amend the law relatin to marriages and the solemmzation thercof ty adding reqniremcnts lor the returmngaud tiliug of UHdavits of contracting persons; torepejl the act to puuish libel and slander; to prevent tlie sale and useof tov pistols. The following bilis passed: A Mllto chango the name oí Mlehiító reform si-hooi for girls to state Industrial home for girls; to repeal the act relating to register of aeeda m ShlawasBee eounty. A resolution was auopted direetfng the committee on priutiue to investígate the matter of cbndensiflê simpfifvincandpublishingthelaws an.l decisioñs relating to registration and eleetion, and to rrport upon the same. HorsE.- Numerous petitions were rei-eivcd praying that instruction be given in the nr" mary seliools regarding tlie effect of alcohol on he human systcm; also against the appropriatonof money for the hatehing of white W also to prohibit batterv shooting. Bills intro'wCtiú fd(?iï? ncw scetion t0 chapter 10, act 164 of lbSl, in rcferenee to public instruc' , tion: amending seetions 14 andlöof the general taxiaiv; to promote public health; aincnding sPlmni0 ifn1 comPelling ehiklrcn to attend , rollb of St. Charles in Sagmaw eounty, and , "!a,i?in-V1 'e ,eala!'y,; ?i circuit iuuëes to 2.5oo sUng out' Un PaSSed' "Uh 1V f0Ur dto: i m I How a Scuator is Clioseu WednesOav, Jan. 34.- In joint eonTention today the iirst ballot resultad as follows: Whole number of votes, 128; Neeessarv to chotee 65Stout, 49: Ferry, 48;Duflie]d, If. M., 8; Hanchett 5; Wflllts, 4; Burrows. 4; Ilannab '¦ Cutcheon, 2; Lacey, 3; Beal, Biel, Stoekbridí and Blair, 1 each. A second ballot was orderetl whichresulted as follows: Ferrv, 48; Stout 48 : üullield il; Willits, 4; Btrrro'CutS'eSn 3; Hanchett, 2; Hannali, 2; Lacy. 2; and Blair Stoekbiïdgc. Rich and HonryM." Lord, 1 aniece. No choiee. Adjourned. TuuiiSDAY, Jan. 25.- The dead-lock in the Senatorial conteet remains unbroken. The voting seems to be more concentrated, only 5 candidatos being named on the flrst ballot whieh stood as iollows : Whole number of votee, 129; nccessary to elioioe, 86; Ferry, 49; Stout, 49; Hanuah, 16; Hanchett, 9; Willits 7. A vigbrous effort was made to effect au adJournment, but the motion did not curry; and after half an hour of tilibustering, a econd ballot was called for, with the following rasult : Whoie number. 127; necessary to ehoiee 64Ferry, 49: Stout, 46: Hannah, 15; Hanchett I b; AVillets, 7; Morcau L. Crosby, 1; G.V.N. Lothrop, 1. Without any further balloting' the convention adjourued. Fkidav, Jan. -.'C. -ünly one ballot was taken for United States Senator in joint eouvention, and there being uo choiee, the convention adjourncd until Tuesday, Jauuary 30. The result of the vote ivas : Whole number of votes, 120; necessary to ehoiee, 61 Ferry, 46: Stout, 44; Jíanñali. VA; V.'illü? 9Hanchett, 8. Tcesdav, Jan. 30. - Ttic first ballot for senator in joint convention to-day resulted asfollows: Whole number votes 126; necessary to choiee, 64 ; Ferry , 47 ; Stout, 47; Hannali. IJ: Hauchett, Í); Willitp, 7; Palmer, Thos. W., ü; Ludlow. Samuel, 1; Lacey, 1. Immediately after the announcement of the rcsult, a motion was made to adjourn, which, wheu put. to vote, was lost. Another ballot was ordcred and stood : Whole number ot votes, 126; necessary to ehoiee 64; Ferry, 47; Stout, 47;Palmer, IMVillits. 7; Hauchett, 7: Hannah, 7: Lacey, 1 ; Dickiuson, Don M., 1. In spite of the resistence which the mere suggestion of a third ballot ealled forth, the ballot was taken, nith the following ï-esult: Whole number ofrotes, 123; necessary to ehoiee, (ö; Ferrv, 46; Stout, 45: Palmer, S; Willits, 6; Hanchett, 6; [Iannah, "; Lacey, 8; Bnrrows, 2, Trevellick, 1; farsons, Burt, 1.' From present indicationa the arospeets of a break in the senatorial dead-lock ire not vcry flattering. Senator Ferry, who has jeen watehing his interests in Michigan, has roñe to Washington to attend to public duties there, but his friends are confldc-nt of his elecion, and say that bis absence hasj no politica] ignifieance whatever.


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