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Real Estáte Tor Sale. QTATE OF MICHIGAN. County ni Wash'en w Ib the nutter of the eetate of Will'im Hulhirt, deceaeed. Notice ie bereby gtven. ilut in rn suiance of an order granted to ihe nn e etLHeil adminiftratorot the est te ol eaid decas d, by ihe Hon. Judge uf Probate for the Cutinty f Waehlenaw, on the twenty-third dv .f e. eoiber, A. D. 1882, there will be eold at v. ndue. to tbe hleheit bidder, ai the eaet Lrim door ¦ 1 trie i uurt Uonie in the city of Ann Arhr, in counij tr Wahlenaw,ln aid 8t,te,on Tutedny ttiethi t enth day of February, A. ten uu ii. the forenoon of that day ("Object to all ce by mortBajre or otherwiie eii-tine at ihe time o the death of eaid decewed, the lollow n.' describid reii estáte, to-wit : Commencii g on ih ¦ wwil f eectlon thirtyihree(33),townebip twn(2)-outh ranee iz (8) eait, at a point Sfty rod e.uth .'f N ¦ . cor. of taid ection,th nee east parallel to he i e c tlon line and Sfiy rod therefrom, on' nu drt-d and twenty cnerodt-and three-ifthe (1213 5) ol a rod, thence louth parallel to tbe weet line oi am etlou twenty-flrx rod, tbecce weet p ral el to the north line of aald eection to the weet linu c.f eaid ection. thence nr.rth on the weet line of said eectloB te the place of beginuin. confliiuing did ti-en acre of land more nr lesi, exerpt 5 arre and fö-WO oíd to Fortune C. White and recoided in I ber:W of Deed page 43S, aleo exrept 6 ac ei ld r W tlllam I'reai and reiorded in Líber 43 ¦! D edu piee 623, tntending to coi.vey 8 acice aid 5-lUOu.cndInir irefti all on eecti.iñ china- ita ¦¦¦ if t tw donth.ranc lx ca-i.Waibti naw l.'nniitv Hirblian. Alsothe eau half of the nonttiweei qnar er and the soa:h-eaet qnar er of the no ttiWfvt s iar' r ui eectlon namber thlrty-llve in 'own thr. e ¦ nth ranpe three eam In Mícdíl'D, cnt .lnii.i: 12 j acres of land be the same more or lee. Dated, December 3, 1'82 1123 1129 Adml,.i-ir.,ic.r. Etateof Rhoda Fnll.r. QTATEOF MICHIGAN. Connlj ot Waanten-i .fAt a eeeeion ol the Probate Conrt 'or the ConxtT of Washtenaw, holden at the ¦ fB e in the city of Ann Arbor, on Kndav the t-nt ili day ol Janoary in the yesr thouannd cluiit mndred and el(fhty-ih ee. Present, w illiai ' l. Ilarrim.-tn, -I udüe ol Prubate. In tbe matter of tbe exte of Hhod 1 i.l!. . dereaied. ün rradui; and flli t: h. p lltl-u ¦ uly verlfled, of Dexire Ormehy. prayim.' h,t (-ertnin natniment now on lle in thi court nrp 1 1 n til he tbe last will aod te-iameut "f -airi !¦ n d.n. y e admltted to probate, nd thit si, e and Jnhn T. Fuiler may be appointed -ncatora hrwl. Therenpon it ie ordered, ttiat :onli ,i e tw ntj - elxthday of Febrnary next, at ten o'd.-ik n tl ¦ orenoon, be aeained for ihe haritiK n x ild pi-iiion.and that the d vise.e, Irüate.e und h-tri ai l of eaid deceaned,undall tli-i pi rfjti8 ini' i mh I' aid eetate, are requirel to appear al :i ierioli of aid conrt, then to De holden ut the l'r' hU ' (Mee, n the city of A nu Arbor, and show canse, if n here be, why the prayer of the peilllonei luld not be granted. Aud it fc furtherordend, thai Müdpetltll nerifive intice to the per-ion lutereeted in said evlali o' tbe ¦endency of said p titlon. nnd the hearing thereof, y cauíinjt a copy of thie order to b pnblti-bed m ne Ann Arbor 1,'ourifr, a newpaper print d and irculatin in eaid cuunrv, thiee ourrexMvi ueib? previonetoealddav ol hearine, (A cony.) W1LLIAM U. HAHKIMAN. Jodteof l-'p. M. Q. DOTY. Probate Reitleter. 1128 1131 %J)J IU 3.J Un-M Si,, i Go PouUrJ Ualna U1 be milMnu to alT apnlioantaTiSdloiií tomor of lartyear vrltbout oraërinK it. Itoouuilus about 176 j-Ast, on m.i.tmtinua. i'riooi. acSFati dwwrlpüonj and ralnable direetionB for tilwitinm L} of VwreUble and Flowc' Wed' Planta, Frnlt Tr, etc Iursluable to all lu,Ulij to Market QardenerB. forit! O. M. FERRY & ca Detroit Míen. 1127-113


Ann Arbor Courier
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