
The Baptist church boilers were frozen up last week. A good many of our merchants are taking invoices. Another of Co. A's inspections comes next Monday nisjht. In Sheehan's hall Friday cventng there will be a private hop. Le it comes down on the world of fashion and gayety next week. The boards tor Daneuhower's lecture will be opoed Wednesday morning at 7:30. ' _________ George I-bell ia happy over a recent arrival in the shape of seven pounds of the female sex. A number of colored men from here are chopping wood near Dundee and Moorevillc. Monday a law student na'iied Jacob H. Belgnër was admitted to the bar after exainination. Deputy Sheriff Yn lince for a few days past hm been confined in the jail. He has been sick. Don't fait to attenil Rooms For Rent at the Opera House to-night. Nearly time bours of solid fun. -- The Ladies Aid Society will meet at the Homeopathie Hospital, Thursday, February öih, at 3 o'clock p. m. A pocket book witu some money and olher article8 was recently found and can be obtained at the news depot. Sleigh loads came here to hear Bcecher Tuesday niht, from Ypsilanti, Saline, Dexter, and other adjacent towns. We have been very fortúnate this winter in the long continued course of excellent sleighing, coasting and skating. The excellent sleighing was nearly destroyed by Tuesday's sun but another little blizzard came along just in time to save it. The Eintracht society will indulge in a sleigh ride, out in the country, to Albert Lohr's, where they will haye a neck-tie social. Amonsr those of our citizens at present confined to beds of siekness, are E. J. Knowlton, George Cropsey, and David Godfrey. We are infonned that the Daily News is not dead butonly taking a vacation and rest from its labors. Mr. Halford is in the Register office. In the High School a class of about thlrtv ha been formed who are ftudylng stenogiaphy. Prof. B E. Nichols is teaching them the system. Col. George Woodford gave an excellent temiier.ince lecture in the Baptist church Wednesday evening. It was attended by a fair sized audience The car shops of the Toledo road which are loo.;ited here employ eight or ten men. They are soon to be moved to Manhattan Junction tiear Toledo. The Boston Ideal Juvenile Opera Corapany will appear in Olivette, Friday, February 9th. and in Patience, Saturday, Fehruary lOth. They will draw big houses here. 1 - ?? Considerable carelessness on the part of cousters is daily soen on the hills which cross the railroad tracks and public roads. As yet, however, no serious accidents have occurred. Goodyear, the druggist, has a little black boy standing out in front of his store to hold the horses of his customers. During this cold snap we notice he keeps one hand in his pocket. The skating park on the riyer is not being patronized as it deserves to be. It has a good large space, well cleaned and smoothed and with all the accommodations to make it pleasunt. Rich, poor, young, oíd, lean and fat, all were out the flrst part of the week riding down hill on South División street, thinking a little good air and exercise were better than pills for health. The principal of the schools In Saline, C. H. Colé, a gradmite of the Univertity, in the last Observcr gives an interesting v "Ri-trospect" of his flistyear's work there. It shows a prosperous and well regulated Bchool. One of our qldest merchanta, Theodore Taylor, has decided to cloee out his business here, and about the firat of Majch go to Chicago toeiiïage in the Wholesale trade. His fatnily will remain with us until sutamer. The ley eondltlon of thestreett Saturday jot "the drop" on many an unwary pedes:rlan. It was very fuuny to see a dignitled old party suddenly come down with ivhat the western papers wonld cali a iickeulng thud. At the Presbyterian churoh Frlday evening a social was given by the society f the church to the two Christinn Aasociitioiits in the Universitv and High School. Hiere was a good atteudance and au interïsting program. A little Germán boy, named Peter fliitchins, was run over by a hack Wednesday afternoon while coasting on Fifth street. lt broke the tibia of his leg md raslied him a little, but lie will not suffer permanent injury trom it. A concert by the Beethoven Geaangversin will be given next Tuesday in their uew hall on the northeast corner of Libirty and Main streeta Cornet and zither solos, singing and afterwards a dance will nake the program of the evening. The school board recently appropriated Ê50.00 tor eloctric bells for the Union School building. The bells have come tod Prof. Chute is putting them in posi:ion, one on each floor, to be connected by i wire with the m&ln clock in the supernteudent's room. Lieut. Danenhower was born in 1849. He Is of Oerman descent, and ha had more actual sea-service than anjr other oftieer of his age in the navy. Since his graduation at the naval acadeiny, in 1870, lie lias made cruises in the Ply.nouth, Juniata, Portsmouth, Alert, and Vandalia. The Star Lecture coursc brought Beecher here, but In order to get a large place for him to lecture In, arrangements were made with the Students' Lecture Associution by which he had the use of University Hall. notwithstanding the necessarily heavy expense, the managers made a pecuniary success of it. At tbc City Band election Monday night offtcers were clected. lloss Granger was made president; John Lindenschmidt, business manager; George Grossman, treasurer; Fred Berry, secretary. "With the $95.00 collected from friends of the band there have been bought an E flat cornet anda tuba. Mumps has for soine time been the bete iwir of the High School lassies. A projected sleigh ndeof the appointees of junior exhibition bas been deferred for several weeks, to enable all to jret over this disease, but notwithstanding tne illness of one unfortunate member, they got desperate and had their ride Thursday night of last week. A lecture is soon to be given by Prof. Alfred Hennequin on "Leon Gambetta and the Sifge of Paris." This is kindly given by him for the benefit of the Athletic association and when we consider tbathis "Siege of Paris" has been entirely revised and also the great character of the French statesman lt will undoubtedly be a good lecture. Rev. Mr. Sunderland will speak next Sunday evening upon ihe late Rev. Dr. Bellow8, the eminent and eloquent New York clergyman, who organized the famous Sanitary Commiaslon for the benefit of the soldiers during the war, and for forty years was one of the most conspicuous leaders of reform, philatithropy, and progressive religious thought in this country. _ Not a little interest bas been excited over the arrangements for the amateur presentation of "Woodcock's Little Game" which is to be followed by the farce " lei on Parle Francais." Of course noth;ng in Ihe line ot amateur theatricals could be a success without Prof. DePont's active and efficiënt assistance, so he has consented to " coach " the players. These have been carefully selected, and the play will probably be a succesa. It is to be given for the Ladies' Library Association. Last Saturday was the flrst flre which has occurred for a long time. It was a large dwelling house owned by ÏIrs. E. W. Morgan and situated on South Main street. It was occupied by two Polish families and the iire originated probably from B detective flue about the cliiinney. The alarm was not given early neither could the engino get a stream upon the house when it did arrive, so with a large crowd standing around it was totally consunied. It was insured for $2,000- about the worth of it. It has had quite a reputation as a "haunted house." Last Saturday night the seniora in the High School, - tliat is the best looking of tliem - with a few outsiders to make the company complete, took a sleigh ride out of the city, about five miles, to the home of Miss Lillie Hicks, one of the class. After getting warmed and well fed they started back, little thinking how fast time had been flying while they were enjoying themselves. As thej' carne down State street, waking up the good people with tlieir music and noisc, it wasactunlly Sunday moriiing. It shocks our sense of propriety to hear of such actions on the part of members of the Christian Association. ? ? ' The reason why Mr. Chamberlain, of the Keek Furniture Company, goes about with a ga8h on his head is tlils : The other evening he was reading in the paper an account of a man's falling down through an elevator. He talked about t, and then went home to dream on it. He dreamt that he was falling through the elevator way and to save himself he made a desperate lunge, jumping clear out of bed and straight over the footboard,land ing on the floor. In his flying leap his head came into contact with a chair, more to the damjige of the former than the latter. It woke him up and gave him quite a surprise. There are eight news papers and news magazines published in Ann Arbor and it is a curious thing about the journalists of these papéis that they are all young men. In fact we will warrant that but few towns of the same number of papers can show such precocity behind the editorial pencil. Where magazines are published by Boards as with the Chroiiicle, Argonautand Index, we take the average age. To begin witli the baby ol this literary fnmily, we have the High School Index at the age of blushing 18. Then come the Clitonicle and Register at 21, the Courier at 22, the Artronaut and Washtenaw Post at 23, the Democrat at 38, and the Argus at 43. The cight editors taken together are 209 years old which would make an average of 2G years. It is also interesting to note that the youngest paper is edited by the youngest editor and the oldest paper in the city by the oldest editor. In thus making public the ages of our brother qulll-drlvers we have done it without asking their consent i so if you hear any of tliem rnaking a fuss i about it "For goodness sake don't say I