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tS" Millions of packares of the Diamond Dyes have been sld without a single coniplaint. Everywbere they are the f a vort te Dyes. The man who scissors olr coupons is the genuine reveuue eutter. " Wise men (ay DOtlling ia dangerou8 times.1' Wise men use nothini; in dangerous diseases but the best and most approved remedies. Tlius Kidnoy-Wort is employee! universally in cases of diseased liver, kidney and bowels. It will ooit you but a trifle to try it, and the result will be most delighti'ul." Doctor- "Wel!, Pat, have you taken the box of pills I sent you ?" Pat - " Yes, sir, be jabera, I have! but I dontfeel any.betteryet; mny be the lid hasu't come off yt !"- London Judy. "Biickupaiba." Quick, complete cures all annoying Kiiluey, Bladder and Urinary Discases. SI. Druggist. A Western editor tells what he would do ifhe wcre a jackass. A rival journalist fays what people desire is to know is, what he would do f he wasu't one. Millions Glven Away. Milliono of Bottles of Dr. King's New Di8covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have been givon away as Trial bottles of the lare size. This enormous outlay would be disastrous to the proprietor.s, were it not for the rare merits possessed by the wonderful medicine. Cali at Browu & Co."s drug store and Ret a Trial bottle 'ree, and try for yourselt'. It nevcr fails to cure. Colored people ought to niake the best memberg of secret societies. lts po easy for them to keep in the dark. Skiimv Men. "Wells' Heiilth Renewer'' restores bealth and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, 1rapotence, Sexual Dcoility. $1, Said a teacher to onc of her puplls, "Saruh, can you rite the detinition of a skipper? " " No, answered Sarah, " but perhaps a cheese mite." Ncver Glve Up. If you are suft'ering with low and lepressed spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak constitution, headache, or any diseaseof B bilious nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid improrement that will follow; you will be Inipbed with new life; strength and aottrity will return ; pain and misery will cease, and henoefortli you will rejoice n the praise of Klectric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle bv II. J Brown & Co. " The paragraphers teil of a countryman who on seelng the yacht Psyche exclaimed: P-s-y-c-h-e! Gosh ! Whatawayto spell fish ! "Rou&li on Rats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. To all letters solicitlng his subsoriptions to any thing, Erskine had a regular form of reply, namely : " Sir, I feel much honored by your application to me, and I beg to subscribe "- here the reader had to turn over the leaf- " inyself your very obedientservant," etc. Physiclans and Druggists have been in the babit of charging pjitients and customers more than many of them are able to pay. We are glad to iuform our readers that Magnetic Medicine is sold at the low price of one dollar a box, a quantity sufficient to last over two weeks. Read the advertisement in another column. Kind words, like b-iUl heads, can never dye. Hoods and cloaks can be purchnscd cheaply at the mllllnery store of Mis. Tuttlc. For good woolen hosiery go to Mrs. Tuttle's on Main street. In the show window of Koch & Haller's is on exhibition a very fine bedroom set, manufactured by the Furniture Company of this place. It is of original design, made of black walnnt with some excellent cardingon It anda large freiu-h plate mirror in the dresser. If any wished to buy fine bed-room furniture this is a rare opportunity as the set is ofl'ered verj' close i to manufacturiiiif prices. Mrs. Tnttlc has souie woolen goods to scll at a low price. . Grinnell Bros. have now oponed for business in rooms over the New Bank, corner of Main and Iluron streets, where ! they will keep a good stock of Wlilte and ; Domestic Sewing Machine, Needlcs, OU?, and Repairs, etc. Cali and see our stock before vou buy. 1127-1128 "DEPORT OF THE COXDITION -01' THE- KECK FURNITURE COMP'Y OF ANN ARBOtt, MICHIGAN', ojsr j-jisr-a-jJEiir i, 1883. KKSOURCKS. Merchandise, Luinbcr, flnished and uuflnlshed wurt on liand as per Inventory _ $T1,1J4 56 Real Estáte 15,391 U7 Macblncry and Tools._ 4.03S (X) Book Accoant 13,190 4 Cash on hand 302 S8 $87. lt :j 15 LIABILITIKS. Capital tock $40,000 00 Surplus 12.0"! 3fi Klllspayable 10,1100 00 December pa.v roll aad indse 6.031 71) ' $67,113 16 The above is a correct statement of the condlMon of this company. Chas. E Hiscoi k, Trens. L. OnoxKR, E. E. Kkm. Dlrectors. Subscrlbed und sworu to beTore me this 29Lh day of Juuuary, 1RSS. Wm. O. Doty. Notary l'ubllc, Washtenaw Co., Mlcli. cFOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CON3TIPATION. ; - No other dlWMe is o prevalent in thU EB " try u Co níití pation, And no remody has ever - Oq.uaUod tho oolebratcd Wort as a c E euro. Whatever the oause, howevor obstinate (8 B the cabo, rom&dy will overeóme it. u Dll PK THI3 O 1 m llaEsOa plaint la Try pt to bo I ! f oompUo5tedwltb.oonatipatlan. Kidney-Wort v strenffthem tho waakend porta and qulotly m . [ (0 ourea uil kinds of Piles even whrn phytuu uuuj J i i 0 and medicinB have before ftüled. I tVIf yon hare elther of tbcs troubles p PRIcelT USE ; PruggigtBSell AGENTS WANTEO for OUR NEW 800K &7 aTTTnIMnk V RTOV. r 1 t g THE Dreal Detectne, wbn, undfr m m thn om de piunu r,f E. J. A K ¦ mm - ln, nu rlnf of lh ppcret m kW HrTir f thn UolUd Hllli k BF W Armyliiniif; thi Ktlllnn. A_m ¦ mrTlouj, ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ful work. Cnnliiinlnu miT M 1 noracta of the wr Der brfnre 01 th EetollICB. made public, full of vivid illuitratims. A rare chance for agaüta. Wnte for ciraalar and cpacial terina. C. C. W1CK & CO.,Publlsherii, Hcveland, O. ux-tiae


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