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A Cure Cmiraiiteed in A1I Cases. Fcr Oíd and Vouns. Malo and Femalo pf MoKaotio Medicine: A fís Jn Brutu and No.rve Food; c'5? :iJ i'osuivelr Onxes Nlfrtit Anisas, A. Spermat jThooa, Impotcocy, Lf? ': v m Ueí.llits', l.eucorrhaín liar-ifitSÁJ (HltroJM5;rennosn; ftnri forall Y HUtnenio (APrBR of ttio OenemUve Orsans ín elther sex It Is un UnínUing nd Positiv , Cnre. Tunes up the (leblllittled oysloui, urreMs r.ll Involun'nry Uselare. removes mental rloom and despondeney, and rctt-Tcs wcmderful power to the weakei cd orííiriti. ïywith eir.h irder for twki.vk packaien accfimpanled wl h Ore íollnrs. tcb will sena our tíu B N'TKE to roíund Ihe monfty :f tho trjntment de QOt Owt a cure. It is ttio t)hnxst and Bnst Medicino in the mnrltrt. PoU partlcuars in Paniphlot. whlch we mail free lo nny addrens S!d byall Druiínists, one patace 50 ctí; Rlx for 12.50, or sent by mail on recolpt of price, by nd úieaüliis the MAGSP.TH) MKI.1C1XE CO., De' rolt, Mlch. lïSold in Ann Arbor by 11. J. Brown & Co , nnd bv all druflstn everywliere. Randall's New Photograph'c Establishment Ik now reafly fur use. Cor. Williams St. anl JYIariison Ave. - Opposlfe East Ornad Circus lirk Mako appointincnts atdltKbrtfae nw or oíd plac-o 220 WOODW Allí) AVE.. DEUtOJT. ÜKT TUK 1 5 1. 3' Fi r e Insurance t&-$-t ' ,000,000, jgj ¦ i i'i iiftlit for [!n' i 'otefti'ü of ib. biiLlcrJ. CHRISTIAN MACK VHiresenti (hn foilowiri? Crst-class compa, , of wbich od(, ilie iE';', lias alone p.iiü -.o'OOn.OOO fir lofsoa in bixry jeare: .Goin. of Hrtf r.1 { 7, 00 Mi V KranllHn. Ptilladtüphla 3.3T.0O0 0U (je.rtoan Amtilcno N. V 2,8000 0 00 i.onri-in An-unnoe CerporattoB ls'sio O'w'oo ttlonI, Uartrom l,2OO,0üucO Vurlh G ". m..n, lliunburír 2,ü'l01000 (Ö i't.oeinx, Bruoiíljh 2.8)0,000 00 L'mlerwrltrra AiiCücy N. Y 4, tCO.OOJ 0Ü Lofs--' IUwi I j . dj'inted ana prnmptly pau'. p.)lic-i isHu, ti ai ibolowhHí ratea of premium. WM 25 CIIUISTIAX HACK. IXSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY AND FLOUR & FEED STORE. We keep constanilf on bnd. ÍÍREAO, CKACKERS, CAKES, ETC., FOKWHOLBSALB AND UKTAll.TIiAl E We íh&M nlpo keep i supply rf 8W1PT IBUHEL'S UHST WH1 TE WllKA'I rLOUK, DELQI FLOÜR, RYE FLCLU ' HUÍ KWHEAT Fi.OtJít, COKN MEAL, FEEÍi, te. 4c. At wh-.lesalc aud ren I A enera! stock of ( GltOCEKlES A.ÜPItOVI!OM I constantly nn hand. wMcb will beeold on ns re son abie teims as i nry i-tbcr house In the city. Cash pMd for Butler, Kta ai I Cuun'.ry Prado1 uenera )y. j fyG'iods deliTored to any part of the c t? wiih i out eura chante. Tr. RlViltY A mcAHlíl.T 1 Ferdon Lumber Yard jam ff a tolueiít, prop.. Msnuf-icturcr and Dealer In SAGDTAW Gifltë-SAWÉIÏ ttMIt, Lath and Shinglcs. jiiyte uil tt cive ¦ f n cill. idi rxnn-lm -.r itock hefor' pim-li ain: etxéhrii Al. 0 VU M fciK jickson s.wei mi ., And sel Is iiiv lr '.. JAMES IMUIKH '. PU f i ItICBCII r.-t. :; - X.XN.S XJ , A TiíO I E a n cl Real Eslaie Agen cy or J.Q. A.SESSIOIS Dwelllag Sold or lioattcl. Mi. ÉMlOBÍ has dono nu extensivo Insurance business in this city for fviurteon yoars, and issues policios in the followinj; oM nnd roliable f re InBnrance companies. Phoenlx Ins, Co. Hartforo Comí., .asets W.ilO.OOO alifornia Insuranco Co., asst-u l.noc.c.O' Manufactur r's Insurance o , Uoslun aasets i,n,) , gd Rates low as any othfr ïnsiimucc Co. t3f LoasOk liberally adjustetl aiul prompll pald. Office on Uuron streat, oppos te tlio ourtMouse, Ann virber, M ch, i ij ¦- (jj A F.HANGSTERFERCo., 30 and 32 Main St. Ice Cream Parlors and ' terOcean Restaurant. Their '¦ Celobrated Premium Ice Oream, Water Ices, etc.made J ;o ordsr on short notice. ;ies supplied with Wedding üakes, Fancy Pyramids Charotte de Itusse, etc. Wa have " n our employ the finest Fancy Cake Bakers and Ornamentéis in the state. Malaga Srapes, Oranges, Figs. Dates, aisins, Nuts of all kinds kept constantly on hand. We also manufacture our own Candios. AlgoPropriotor of the " langsterfer Ice Compauy. Teleo'iD ne Connection JLL KINDS OF BLANKS l'IUNTEI) ON SHORT XOTICE AT THE COUIUKR JOB ROOMS. D BnQk-liiMlinK quickiy d),1M nnd B(lprojr)'anil, invUaiia. iml (!ar(K Cisioliilly ' ininn.1. sptot ija.' a is i h TAVUUT UY J. M. RO&IN8Q1T, Wlth W. W. VThadou, 1,0


Ann Arbor Courier
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